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It's been about 2 months since the situation with Thomas.. ever since he's been avoiding me, making up excuses to not speak to me. After what happened in the maze, I decided that I didn't want to be a runner, so I became a medjack. Everyday i continuously patched up a few of the gladers, builders mostly but a couple of slicers every so often.

Today was different.. today Thomas stood, leaning on the door frame of the hut. "Sorry to bother you, but I need this stitched" he pointed at a deep gash on his arm, blood trickling slowly. I pat the bed in front of me, waiting for him to sit down so I could get started.

"Want to tell me what happened" I sigh, cleaning the blood with a wipe, patting it gently so I don't hurt him. "I was helping the builders move something, I tripped over and my arm got caught on a piece of metal" he winces a little as I finish cleaning him up.

"Well maybe you should be more careful" I smile at him but he doesn't return it, instead he avoids my gaze. I let out a heavy sigh, grabbing a needle and some thread, ready to stitch him up. "This is going to hurt" I warn him, propping myself up correctly.

"Just get it over with" he mutters, staring at the walls. I push the needle through, he groans and grabs hold of my thigh, gripping it tightly making me wince out in pain. He doesn't seem to notice his fingernails digging in to me, drawing a little blood as he dug deeper.

I continue to push the needle through, his grip continuously getting tighter, making the pain a little unbearable. "Almost done" I say through gritted teeth, threading the last piece through, grabbing the scissors and cutting the rest of the thread. "Done" I smile, he looks down at the stitches in his forearm.

His attention then turns to his hand gripping my thigh, "oh my.. I'm- im sorry, I.. I didn't realise I'm so sorry" he removes his hand and lifts it up high at a surrendering position. I wipe away the blood on my leg, patting it carefully and showing him I'm not in pain. "It's ok, no harm done" I smile.

He gets up without saying anything, leaving the hut and forgetting to shut the door. What is wrong with him, why won't he talk to me.. did I do something wrong? Or did I upset him. It would be so much easier if he would just tell me instead of straight up ignoring me.
The rest of the day flys by quite quickly, I only had to patch up another 2 builders and that's about it before it came round to dinner time.

I sit at the table with Chuck, newt and Minho, Thomas wasn't anywhere in sight. I watch as the boys scoff down their food in an unhygienic manner. I roll my eyes at them "have any of you ever heard of table manners?" I ask, all three looking up at me sheepishly. I laugh as they wipe their mouths, starting to eat more slowly. I look around searching for Thomas, not being able find him anywhere.

"Guys, has anyone seen Thomas?" I ask them.

"I'm pretty sure he's in his room, said he wasn't hungry, why?" Minho finishes his mouthful and pushes his plate away from him.

"No reason" I say, getting up from my seat.
"Where are you going?" Chuck asks me, grabbing hold of my arm. "I'm just going to see if Thomas is ok" I smile at him reassuringly, taking my arm out of his grip.

I make my way up the stairs, reaching the room on the far right. I knock gently "Thomas?" I say, but no answer. I grab hold of the door handle, pulling it down and pushing open the door slowly. Thomas sat on the bed, his head in his hands. Heavy breaths came from within the room as I stepped closer.

"Thomas you ok?" My voice came out as a quiet whisper. "Please leave me alone" he replies. I come closer, sitting myself on the end of the bed. It's weird to me how we stay in the same room at night but yet we don't talk to eachother. "Just tell me what's wrong, please" I go to place my hand in his but I hesitate, retracting my reach. "You can't be in here, I don't want you in here" he says, his words hit me deep, hurting my feelings.

"Why" I ask him.

"I just don't want you in here, I don't want to see you" he avoids contact with me.

I grab his hand, standing to my feet and bringing him with me, giving him no choice but to face me.

"Why" I repeat.



"BECAUSE IF IM NEAR YOU," he breathes. "I'll kiss you.. and I don't think I'd be able to stop myself". He looks at me "and I want you, I want you so much and I know that is wrong, I know I can't have you but still.. I can't help but feel this way" he pulls me closer to his chest, his arm snaking around my waist, while his other hand grabs my face. "So, I push you away.. because to me that's better than losing you completely if I do something I'll regret".

"But I know deep down, that all I want.. is to have you all to myself"

He leans closer to me, reducing the little space left between us. "Is that so wrong?".

I stand there in astonishment, lost for words. He was only ignoring me because he didn't want to lose me.. but that's where it doesn't make sense, why push me away if you don't want to lose me at all? It confuses me.

He doesn't let me speak, instead he crashes his lips onto mine, taking me completely by surprise. I kiss him back..his hands trailing up and down my body, where as my hands reach the back of his neck, softly tugging at his hair. He pushes me against the wall, lifting my legs up and into his hands, allowing me to wrap them around his waist.

He pulls apart, looking at me in my eyes "you don't know how long I've wanted to do that" he smiles at me and I return it. I can't explain how happy I felt in that moment, after months of him ignoring me, we were finally good.. better than good even.

And I was happy.

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