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We're in the building.. well just about anyways. Charlie had taken us through the main doors, gally had left just before, said he was off too find the other kids first and help them. Me, Thomas and newt were with Charlie, all about to be crammed into one elevator.

Just as the elevator doors close, a hand slides itself through, making the doors re open again. "Ahh Charlie, nice too see you" the voice belonged too janson. Charlie gulps, replying with "you too", his voice quiet and quivering.

"Have you heard?" Janson begins, catching the attention of not only Charlie, but the rest of us 3. "Heard about what?" Charlie asks, confused like us all. "Y/n, Thomas.. they're here.. now we don't know where exactly, but if you did know.. you would tell us right?" Janson finishes, looking dead into Charlie's eyes.

"Of course" Charlie replies quick and short, his gaze turning towards the elevator doors as they ding and open on the right floor for us. "Well have a nice day!" Janson calls after him, looking at us guards before the door dings and closes again.

We don't get far before a familiar ding happens again, "stop right there! I know it's you Thomas.. and your friends too" Jansons voice echoes down the corridor.

All I can think is what do I do.. anything come on y/n! And that's when it clicks.

I grab Charlie by the arm, twisting his arm back and pulling him close enough to press my knife against his neck. I learnt that trick from the man himself, the cold steel presses gently against his neck.

"You wouldn't do it y/n, you wouldn't hurt him" Janson assures me, I think.. I think he's trying to underestimate me.

"Oh Janson, you wouldn't be underestimating me now would you?" I ask him, pressing the steel a little further into Charlie's neck, drawing a little blood. A part of me felt awful, but another part wanted him too hurt.. wanted him to suffer for what he did to me and Minho.

I must've been distracted as Charlie elbows me backwards, ending in me stumbling into both Thomas and newt, sending us all into an emergency door as Charlie slams the button for them too shut.

A loud alarm is set off, ringing through my ears.. the noise continuous. We take this as our chance to find Minho, we run together.. our guns out and ready.

Newt finds it hard to keep up because of his limp, I switch places so I'm behind him and Thomas is in front, if anything was to happen me and him could try and stop it.

"Get down!" Thomas warns us, bullets start to fly towards us, our backs hiding against the wall. I take my chance and lean forward, firing my gun and managing to hit one of the guards.

"Go go go!" Thomas shouts at us, and we run over behind the next wall where I had just shot that man. I see he has a grenade.. or something of some sort and I grab it, pulling the tab and throwing it towards the gathering of masked men.

"Cover!" I warn, getting down and covering my ears. I watch as electric balls fly out, shooting every single soldier and knocking them clean out. We get onto our feet, running towards the exit to find Minho, only to be stopped by another soldier.

By this time I had run out of bullets, same as the other two boys. "Hands up!" The soldier demands us, we do just that.. trying not too get shot and just survive.

Thomas steps in front of me, trying to guard me with his Body. "Step away from the girl! Now!" The soldier points his gun at Thomas but he refuses to move. "Thomas please" I whisper, not wanting to know what could happen next if he doesn't move.

In that split second a scream erupts from down the hall, a running figure runs towards the man, knocking him straight into a wall and causing him too hit his head.

He falls on the ground, us and the figure meet eyes.. "is it really you guys?"

It was Minho? We didn't give any chance to answer as all of us get pulled into a hug. We hug Minho tightly before being distracted by janson shouting down towards us.

"Y/n... you don't want to do this.. if you come back I can help you find them" jansons words make me stop in my tracks.

"Don't listen to him come on y/n we've got to go" Thomas tugs at my arm trying to drag me away but I pull out of his grip.

Who's them? I thought.. what did he mean?, my thoughts urged me to stay and listen for more.

"Your sister.. I know you remember her since we gave you your memories back.. you may have seen her in a vision.. or a dream?" Jansons speaks again. I stop and think about it again.. he was right? A girl with long flowy black hair, and emerald green eyes, resembling to the colour of a forest.

"Emery?" I whisper silently, not even sure that I could hear the words come out of my mouth, let alone anyone else.

By this time janson was close, real close. "Emery? That name ring a bell.. we can take you too her if you just come here" he tells me.

"You're lying" I shout back towards the voice, my tone filled with anger but cracking slightly.

Thomas grabs my arm fully, taking me with him and the others into a room.. barricading the door as janson arrives behind it.

"You're smart y/n.. like your sister.. unfortunately she wasn't as smart as you" Jansons tone was hostile.. I could just tell he was smirking right now.

"Just block it out" newt tells me, looking frantically for something to help us escape.

"Shut up!" I scream, not wanting too hear anymore, everytime janson said something about Emery, a new image flashes in my head.. me and her as children.. my mum? Everything. It's things I didn't want too see.. Not now and not ever.

A loud thud hits against the door and I watch as it dents. "Anyone got any ideas?" I ask over the thuds, "maybe.. I don't know" Thomas says back to me.

I watch as Tommy walks over to a gas tank , him, newt and Minho all pick it up, charging towards the window and smashing it completely. We look over the ledge and see a pool at the bottom.. "that's your idea?" I laugh nervously.

"Got anything better?" Tommy looks at me, I catch his eye and shake my head no slightly. The door thuds again, neatly off of its hinges.

"Wanna say something motivational?" Minho suggests, "yeah try not to die" Tommy laughs, noticing none of us laugh back at his horrendous joke.

"Great.. we're all blood inspired" newt speaks up as the last thud hits the door, blowing it off completely. We turn back one more time before running forwards and out the window..

Hoping for the best.

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