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The ringing begins to stop, my vision clearing up. I groan out as my breathing is shallow due to the heavy object on top of me. I soon come to realise it's gally.. he saved me? He risked his life for mine.

Thomas runs over along with newt, gally jumps to his feet, holding out his hand for me too take. He pulls me to my feet and the first thing I do is thank him. Tommy pulls me into a hug, I could hear his heartbeat as my head laid upon his chest. "Thank you gally, thank you so much" Tommy sighs, letting go of me to shake his hand.

Gally shakes his hand before wiping the sweat from his brow. "Honestly mate, thank you" newt says, a smile on his face too show how thankful he was.

"It's alright, now let's get going" gally smiles back, beginning to walk toward the ladder again. We all follow, Thomas' hand in mine as we walk in sync, he goes up the ladder first , helping me up next.

We walk until we get to a balcony on a building, right behind wicked. Gally gestures us over to the telescope, looking towards it straight at someone before pointing it towards Thomas. Thomas looks through and it's not long before his face fills with anger, me being confused, I snatch the telescope , looking through.

I see Charlie.. he's in a lab, holding some test tubes.. he looks happy?. I couldn't look any longer, Charlie's betrayal hurt more than anything.. he was one of us.. and to see him betray us for them hurt my heart.

Newt looks through next, only for a split second before not wanting to look anymore.

"No way" I speak up, facing all the boys before moving my gaze to the ground. "I said I had a plan, not that you'd like it" gally tells me, sighing at my previous comment.

"It's your job to get him on board y/n, he'll listen to you" gally says, looking at me for approval. "She's not going on her own? Are you mad?" Tommy retorts, obviously thinking Gallys plan was stupid.

"It's the only way Thomas" gally replies.

"Maybe he's right.. Charlie will listen to her" newt backs up gally, looking straight at me and then Thomas. Thomas just sighs before engulfing me into a hug, he gives me his wrist watch, adjusting it too my wrist. "When it gets to 9:45, I'll give you some sort of signal through the other watch in my bag, if you don't reply I'll come looking for you.. be safe" he tells me, kissing my forehead before letting me go.

I gives newt a hug and then gally, I walk back down the ladder, making it to the other side of the tracks, exactly where I know Charlie will come out. I hide in the darkness, waiting for him to leave and go through the tunnel.

The clock hits 9:15pm, Charlie was due to come out around about now according to gally. The wind began to pick up more now, making me wish I wore something with more coverage to keep warm.

I get distracted by a figure coming towards the darkness.. Charlie.

I straighten myself up, brushing off my clothes before stepping out the darkness to face him. "Y/n?" He questions, furrowing his eyebrows to see if what he was seeing was real and not an hallucination.

"Hey Charlie" I smile sympathetically. I walk closer towards him as he had stopped in his tracks. "What are you doing here! If janson catches you? It's not safe" he assures me, stepping closer so we were inches apart. I check my watch 9:35pm, I look back up at Charlie "I need you help.. well.. we need your help" I say.

He looks at me in confusion to who I meant by 'we'. I didn't give him much choice, by the time we finished talking it was 9:43pm. "You have two minutes" I say sternly, waiting for his answer and expecting it quickly.

"Ok fine" he says, I signal for him too follow me when my watch starts beeping rapidly. I click the alert, sending one back too Thomas that I was ok and on my way back.

We get there by 10pm, I waltz through the doors with Charlie by my side, I walk straight past gally, leaving Charlie by himself. I stand next to Thomas, clinging too his arm for safety.

Charlie sits down on the chair and gally brings another one too sit right in front of him. "So, how do we get past the doors" gally asks, a curious look on his face. Charlie looks to me straight away, "don't look at her? Why you looking at her, look at me, she's not going too help you" he says, and Charlie's face turns to sadness while he looks back at gally.

"You cant" he tells us, fiddling with his fingers too calm his nerves. "We have everything planned out, we have the uniform, we just need you to get us through the doors" gally laughs angrily. "Plus, we need you too get the chips out of us" I speak up more confidently.

"Fine I'll help you, but if you get caught it's on you" Charlie agrees.

I'm the first person to get my chip out, Charlie places a hand on my shoulder, pushing me down to my knees. "This isn't going too feel nice" he says, a sharp pain shoots through my neck and I wince a little, he manages to get the chip out.

I hold a tissue to maintain the bleeding at the back of my neck. Gally was up next so he sat next to me after.

"Are you ok?" He asks, I could see he was looking at me but my gaze didn't move off of Charlie. "I'm fine" I say, not very convincing.

"If you say so, if you need too talk I'm here" he sighs, getting up and pulling out some uniforms from his bag. "I don't know if they'll fit you but it's worth a try" he smiles, handing me a mask along with everyone else I needed.

I walked into the far back off the room to get changed, Tommy comes over shortly, covering me with his body so no one could see me get changed.

This was it.. we were going to get minho.. and we are going to get out of here, all of us after everything are going to be safe.

But if that was true, why did I have a gut feeling that something was terribly wrong?

It couldn't be..

Could it?

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