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Darkness.. that's all I could see while Thomas placed the blindfold over my eyes. "Seriously, tell me what's going on" I plead him. "Well if I told you it would ruin the surprise" he teases me. I groan out in frustration as he takes my hand, leading me forwards somewhere.

A few minutes go by and I'm still blindfolded. "Thomas, just tell me" I ask again, hoping he'd give up and tell me. "Will you stop asking? Just be patient, you'll love it I promise" he replies with a tone of annoyance.

A couple more minutes go by and we stop. The nighttime air brushes against my face, making me feel more alive. "So, can I look now?" I ask sarcastically, feeling the blindfold being lifted from my eyes. My vision blurry, I rub my eyes, focusing on the figures in front of me. All the gladers were stood in a semi circle, the few at the front holding a spear like pole, fire burning at the top.

A confused expression falls upon my face, "what's going on?" I ask quietly, staring at the smiles on everyone's face. "In honour of our new greenie, we start this bonfire with intentions of a good night, is everyone ready!!" Albys voice booms throughout the glade. Cheers of excitement spread among the boys, I watch as alby and a few others then turn to face a mountain of sticks. "On my count" alby begins, counting down from three.

My eyes watch in awe as they throw the poles onto the pile, flames roaring ferociously. I jump back a bit as sparks come flying my way , knocking into Thomas in the process. He catches me, placing his hand on my lower back for more support. He bends down next to my ear "I told you you'd love it" his whispers making me shiver.

I smile at him "it's amazing" I shout over the excitement. He grabs my hand, leading me to a boy with funny eyebrows. The boy looks at me up and down a angry look on his face, "what do you want Thomas" his tone stern. "Only a drink gally, I want y/n to try some" he says loud enough for him to hear.

The boy gally passes Thomas a glass jar full with a yellowy liquid. He quickly thanks him for it, dragging me away to Minho and some other boy. We stop in front of them and Thomas passes me the jar "well go on, try some" he prods at me.

I look at the liquid, giving it a quick smell, my face scrunches up in disgust, earning a laugh from Minho. "Trust me, it tastes worse than it looks and smells" he laughs, taking a sip of his own drink.

I take a deep breath, bringing the brim of the jar close to my lips. My first mistake was taking a bigger sip than I had originally anticipated, my throat burning as the liquid trickles down. My second mistake was that I kept on going , trying to fight the urge to throw up. "Alright, alright that's enough" Minho snatches the bottle from my hand, passing it back to Thomas who chugs the half empty bottle.

I wipe away my mouth, shaking off the sick feeling from my body. "There's someone you should probably meet, he's been asking to meet you all day" Minho winks at me, next to him stood a young boy, he couldn't have been much more than 12. He had brown curly hair, growing just past his eyes, he was a little chubby and quite short.

"That's not true!" He retorts, a slight red colour rising to his cheeks. I let out a little laugh, ducking down a little so I was eye level with him. "So you know I'm y/n, what's your name?" I ask him, extending out my hand to meet his. "I'm Chuck" a big grin forms on his face , ear to ear.

"Have you wrote your name on the wall yet?" A flicker of joy sprawled across his face. I look up at both Thomas and Minho, both say nothing but smile. Chuck grabs my hand, leading me away from the others and towards a stone wall.

My eyes skim across the words in scruffy handwriting, the names of the gladers.
My gaze stops at the writing with scribbled out lines dragged across them. My fingers brush over them, reading them out in my head. 'George..nick..' and that's when it hit me, the names of the fallen.

I quickly removed my hand, letting out an awkward cough before taking the knife out of chucks hand. I find a clear space on the wall, wiping my hand over it before beginning to carve my name.

"Anddddd done" I smile back at chuck, handing him the knife and admiring my work.
"Y/n is such a pretty name" Chuck tells me, a smile on his face. My heart melts at how sweet his words are, for such a young boy he radiates a lot of positive energy.

"You coming to watch the fight?" He asks me.

"You go, I'll be right there I promise" I assure him, watching as he runs back to the glade, making sure to get there in time to watch the fight.

I find myself slipping away from the others. I wander around until i find a tree in the far back of the glade. I slouch myself against it, my head in my hands as I reach the floor. My thoughts begin to catch up with me, making it impossible for then to be shut out.

Why am I here? I don't belong here, this isn't my home and why can I remember anything apart from my name.. all these boys have been here for months..years even, and they still haven't found a way to get out, what if we never do?

A single tear rolls down my cheek, I quickly wipe it away due to the loud snapping of twigs behind me. I twist my head back to see a figure emerging from the dark, propping themselves next to me and draping an arm over my shoulder.

"It's ok to be scared, we all were at some point" I could recognise that British accent anywhere, it was newt. He was trying to reassure me that everything would be ok, and I appreciated that he was looking out for me.

The ear piercing grumbles from the distance distract me, I shoot up to my feet etching closer in curiosity to what was going on.
"What's happening?" I ask newt who was now standing behind me. "The maze, it's changing its pattern, making it difficult for us to find a way out, it happens every night." He sighs, placing a hand on my shoulder, gripping it tightly. "It also means curfew, so you should probably head to bed" he turns to leave, grabbing my arm and taking me with him.

"You must be exhausted after the day you've had" he chuckles to himself, trying to lighten the mood a little. We reach the homestead door and he pushes it open, we pass the kitchen, making it up the stairs.

He stops at a room on the far right, "and this is you" he smiles gesturing for me to step inside. I get in and instantly look at the sleeping bag rolled out symmetrically on the floor. A rush of guilt flows through me, knowing I had stole Thomas' bed wasn't a good feeling. "You need anything?" Newts words bring me back out of my subconscious thoughts. "I think I'm good, thank you" I flash a smile and watch as he leaves.

The bed was made neatly, with folded clothes laying on the end. I stroll my way over and pick them up in my hands, unfolding them carefully.
A short sleeved black t shirt along with a pair of grey joggers that looked miles too big. Without hesitation I slip them on, just wanting to get out of my sweaty clothes.

As soon as I finish changing the door swings open, revealing a semi drunk Thomas. "Wondered where you got up too" he smirks at me, stumbling through the door. I twiddle with my thumbs nervously, watching as he puts on a pair of joggers, and no shirt. "Sorry they're a bit big" he chuckles at my oversized clothes.
"Oh it's fine, it means I'll be even warmer" I say, a slight smile tugging at my lips.

He climbs into the sleeping bag, turning off the light beforehand. I step over him carefully and hop into bed, coddling close to keep the warmth inside. "Are you comfy enough?, do you need any extra blankets or something" Thomas whispers. I roll over to see his head propped up on his arm. "No it's ok I'm good, although tomorrow, I'll be sleeping on the floor, we can take turns in the bed" I add, seeing him roll his eyes even in the dark.

"I'm too tired to argue with you" he sighs and let's out a drunken burp , making me giggle. He lays back down, and mutters a small goodnight.

I roll back over onto the bed, staring blankly at the dark ceiling, once again getting lost in thought.

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