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Tommy's POV.
The night had been rough.. I was so used to sleeping with y/n by my side, her soft snores and gentle breathing, god.. she was so beautiful when she slept.

Not wanting to get up, I do anyway.. I had dedicated a garden to y/n, her favourite flowers were jasmines, she used admire them back in the glade, she'd always plant them with newt when I was running with Minho all day.

I walk over to the newt, he seemed to be carving names into the rock.. names of the fallen. He had just finished y/n name, her name was bold and it outshone the others in my eyes.

It broke my heart everytime I thought about her, "I just don't understand" I stutter, catching newts attention. "Why? Why would she leave me?" I ask, he must've known why..

"She didn't want too.. you know she'd never leave you Tommy, she just.. she didn't want too hurt you" he replies, sympathy lacing his tone of voice.

"Didn't want too hurt me? She killed herself, she let herself die, and I just... I just feel like I can't breathe?" I explain, not wanting to go any further.

"She did it to save you.. too save us? To save everyone, but she wanted me to give this too you" newt says, handing over a small pendant.. It's the one I made her when I admitted to her I loved her.

A smile tugs at my lips as I take it from him, "thanks" I smile, walking away and towards the flower bed.

Of course the flowers hadn't grown yet, but i made her a tombstone above them to honour her like she was actually buried there. I sat down quietly, opening the pendant and pulling out a small piece of paper.

I carefully unfold it, and start to read:

Dear Tommy,
"Yes this letter is dedicated too you, but if you're reading this.. it means I didn't make it to the safe haven with you guys, but it does mean that you all made it there safe. Knowing that makes me very happy, if I could smile in a letter I would"
I smile at her words, I just know she had a smile on her face while writing that.
I know you must be hurting.. and I know you're in pain, but I don't want you too be, I want you too smile and live in the moment?, if I'm not here just not I had a good reason not too be, I'd never leave you and you know that. Look after everyone for me!, jus know I'll be looking over you all and wishing the best.

I love you so much Tommy, goodbye
- y/n x.

The letter was short and simple, she hated writing letters even I knew that. I pulled out the other piece of paper, it was addressed to everyone else so I rolled it back up and placed it in my pocket.

The letter that was for me, was rolled and out back in the pendant which I placed around my neck so I wouldn't lose it.

I look down at the flower bed as a tear rolls down my face.

"I love you too y/n, I'll love you always"

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