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The gladers went wild.. running around like headless chickens, panicking and trying to find somewhere to hide. It was really difficult to try and keep everyone safe as well as together.

"Tommy, what do we do?" I ask him, seeing as he scans across the whole glade, watching everyone run and hide. "Try our best to survive" he gulps, grabbing my hand tighter and running towards the long grass.

Chuck, newt, Minho and a few others were hiding there. They put a finger up to their lips when we arrived, signalling us to shush. The familiar sound of metal whirring clicks come closer into the glade, flashes of red lights blinking.

All of a sudden a metal claw came and grabbed zart, dragging him away while he screamed for help. "Ok go! Go!! Quick!" Thomas ushers us out of the grass, guiding us towards the homestead. The painful screams from gladers rung through my ears, making my eyes tear up at the thought of them dying.

Thomas shuts the door behind us all, telling us all too shush and get back away from any doors and windows. There were quite a few of us in here now, including alby.

A loud thud shook the building, I grip onto Thomas' arm for safety and he grabs me close to him. "Tommy.." I whisper, but all he does is grip me tighter, telling me to shush. "You'll be ok.. I promise" he says to me, everyone was hiding behind him, they all trusted him.

One of the building windows collapse as a large, slimy claw shoves itself inside, instantly going for Chuck and dragging him towards the window. "No!" Thomas shouts, running over and grabbing chucks hand, pulling him back to safety. I get up from the floor, helping him as well as everyone else.

Chuck begins to slip out of our grasp.. "AHHHHHH" alby runs towards us, beating the grievers stinger off, and watching as it drops Chuck to the ground.

"You ok?" I ask him, pulling him close to my chest and ruffling up his hair. "ALBY LOOK OUT!!!" Newt calls out, seeing the claw coming back for justice, grabbing alby. Thomas grabs his arm "you can do it thomas.. get them out of here" he whispers, seconds before being dragged away..

We were in the homestead for what seemed like hours before the screams finally died down. Everyone was shaken up, huddling in one big corner. Thomas slowly got up, his eyes bloodshot from crying. He grabbed my hand and gestures for the rest of us to get up, quickly but quietly.

The homestead door was completely ripped off, Tommy peers around the corner, checking if it's safe for us to go out. He turns back to us, giving a slight nod.

We stood there silently for about a minute, looking at our home completely destroyed. "THOMAS" gally shouts from across the glade, marching over here with a angry look on his face.. although it's hard to tell with him when he always looks angry. Gally walks right up to Thomas, punching him square in the face. "Gally what the fuck" I yell, pushing him away and helping Thomas to his feet. Minho, newt, and the new greenie, who's name I still didn't know, held onto Gally while he pointed his accusations at Tommy.

"They sent you here, both of you!! To fuck everything up, and you've done it, look at our home!" He shouts, struggling to get out of the boys grasp. I turn to Thomas.. his gaze focused on the griever stinger in chucks hand.
"Thomas don't!" I advise him, but it's too late, he falls to the ground gasping for air.

"Tommy, you're ok don't worry, we will figure something out" I say, panicking as I didn't know what to do, and that's when I remembered. When I came up in the box, I came up with 2 blue cure serums.. I hid them in case anyone tried to steal them, I never told anyone until now. "Chuck, do me a favour.. mine and Thomas' room, strapped underneath the bed is a blue vial, grab it for me and quick!" I yell i between panicked breaths.

"What's wrong with him?".

The question was a stupid fucking question, but obviously it came from a very stupid person anyone. "He's been stung greenie, give him some room" I say, ushering him to go away. "By the way it's Charlie, not greenie" he tells me, almost like it's the most important thing right now. "Ok Charlie well, fuck off for a minute please?" I give him a sarcastic smile before turning my attention back to Thomas.

"Where is he!!" I shout, seconds later Chuck comes running back towards me, a blue vial in his hand. I grab it out of his grasp, taking off the cap and stabbing it into Thomas chest.

I watch as he takes one last big breath before it slows down back to normal pace..

"He's ok right?, he's going to be ok?" Chuck asks me.

I look back up to him "I-I don't know.."

I just don't know.

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