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"Hey.. wake up" Thomas' voice echoed through my mind as he shook me awake. I open my eyes, waiting for the blur to clear up. I prop myself up against the bed "hey.. what time is it?" I yawn. "6:23 in the morning" he tells me.

"Why are you up so early?" I ask him, seeing that he was fully dressed. "I'm going into the maze remember, it's my job" he speaks with sarcasm. "I just wanted to let you know that I was leaving so you wouldn't be scared when you woke up" he whispers, kissing me on the lips before going to leave them room.

"You'll be back for the greenies bonfire though right?" I ask him, watching as he stops and stands still. "Of course I will, now go back to sleep" he smiles and leaves the room.

I lay back down, closing my eyes and trying to get back to sleep.

I laid here for about an hour before deciding to get up completely, I couldn't get back to sleep without Thomas by my side. I get dressed in some shorts and a long sleeved T-shirt, tying my shoe laces, I make my way out of the homestead.

It was still a little early for everyone to be awake so I sat by the deadheads. I admire the morning sun as it beams down on me, the feeling of fresh air blowing against my skin.

"What do you call this place then?" I look up to see the new greenie making his way over to me. "The deadheads" I sigh, watching as he sits next to me. "The what?" He asks me, making sure he'd heard me right the first time. "In other words, it's a place to bury our fallen" I smile, closing my eyes and embracing the wind.

Completely changing the subject, he begins to make conversation with me. "So where's your friends? Newt and.. hmm what's his name Tom is it?" I could sense the hostility in his tone. "Thomas" I correct him, a forced smile on my face. "Oh sorry, I've been trying to adjust to this place, I can't remember everyone's names too well, it's y/n isn't it?" He says to me.

"Yes that's my name" I look at him, seeing as he watches into the distance before turning back to me. "So, why're you up this early then".
Not wanting to actually talk to him, I just answered his question with another question, "well, could ask you the same thing" I mumble.

"My bunkmate, Minho gets up early, something about his job? And a maze" he tells me, so he's up for the exact same reason I am technically.

"So, what about you then" he shuffles closer to me, making me feel a little uncomfortable. "Thomas has the same job, I couldn't get back to sleep" I tell him, getting up and beginning to walk away. "Where are you going" he calls after me. "For breakfast" I shout back, continuing to walk away.

After breakfast I go to the medjack hut, Welcomed in by Clint and Jeff. "How has your morning been" Jeff smiles at me, handing me my equipment for the day. "Stressful" I laugh,taking what I need and setting up. "Already? Hasn't even been long since breakfast" he chuckles to himself, rummaging through cupboards. "Yeah well, that new greenie is a handful.." i mutter, pretty certain he didn't hear me..

Maybe Thomas was right, maybe he is trouble.

I get on with my day, not being hungry and skipping lunch. I only had to see the new greenie once due to him being on the tour with alby, he tried to talk to me but I completely ignored him, playing it off like I couldn't hear him. Not many people needed to be patched today, there was only 2 boys that needed medical attention, one a slicer and the other a builder.
It was around mid afternoon when Minho and Thomas came crashing into the glade, all out of breath and collapsing onto their knees. I drop what I'm doing and run over to them, immediately checking for injuries. "No injuries.." i mutter to myself confused. "Alby..get alby" Minho says in between breaths, I do as I'm told and begin running for alby.

"WATER!!" Thomas yells after me. I run into the homestead, knowing that if alby were to be anywhere, it would be in here. "ALBY!! Are you in here!?" My voice bounces off of the walls and around the homestead, heavy footsteps run towards me.

"Y/n? What is it?" Alby emerges in front of me, a panicked look on his face. "Thomas and Minho, they're back early, they need you over by the doors!" I practically shout at him, watching as he says nothing but runs over towards the boys.

I turn to frypan, "2 cups of water please" I smile. Out of breath I take the cups, thanking him and running back over to the boys, being careful to not spill anything. I pass them both a cup, watching as they chug them in one go, not speaking until they've finished. "So what is it" alby prods. "We.. we think we found a way out" Thomas says , trying to control his breathing. I look at them in shock, a way out? We can finally get out of here?.

"Where" Alby asks them, waiting for them to respond.

"We found a new section of the maze, we went to explore and we followed where the grievers go during the day, we think that's our way out" Minho tells us, a smirk on his face. "Grievers? Isn't that dangerous" i gulp, remembering what happened last time I came across them.

Thomas gets onto his feet, coming towards me, he grabs my face and looks in my eyes

"It's our only way.. our only chance to escape here.."

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