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My hearing is blocked out as I land into the water, the last thing being heard was all 3 of us shouting Thomas' name. I slowly rise to the top, gasping for breath and wiping my hair from my eyes.

I look over at the other 3, "everyone ok?" I ask, I watch as they nod their heads slowly, swimming towards the ledge like me, myself was doing.

I lift my head up too see janson staring down at us, I laugh to myself, sticking both my middle fingers up at him with a sarcastic smile on my face before swimming over to the ledge.

Tommy and Minho help me up, I mutter a small thanks and smile at them both. "Stop right there!" A voice bellows towards us.. more of those masked men, for fuck sake.

"Seriously?" Thomas mutters, lifting his hands above his head like the rest of us. As the men come closer, Tommy reaches for his gun. "No don't even try" a man warns him, urging for him to put his hands back above his head.

They were now inches away, and I was starting to panic..

I notice somethings off as the far guard reaches us and slowly nods his head, he quickly turns to the other three guards, shooting them rapidly and letting them fall to the ground.

We all stood there in shock.. what just happened?.

The man steps forward, taking off his mask.. phew it's only gally.

I sigh a breath of relief, "jheez, you scared me!" I laugh, my hand over my chest feeling my heartbeat slow a bit.

I look over to an open mouthed Minho, "gally?" He whispers in shock, and then it clicks, he didn't actually know gally was alive.. last time they saw eachother was when..

Oh yes.. Minho threw a spear through his chest. "We will explain later" Tommy laughs, patting minhos shoulder as we all walk off.
It's all kicked off.. fire and explosions everywhere.. car alarms ringing, and us running to find cover continuously.

As we take cover yet again, we're all out of breath. Sweat rolls down my face as I look over at a deteriorated newt, "everything ok?" I say in between breaths. "Yeah just my limp, my leg is killing me" he chuckles to himself as I hand him a bottle of water.

"How long?" Tommy whispers over to gally, "I don't know maybe about 10/12 blocks?" He replies, unsure of how many it really was.

"Come on boys we can do this" I say, a little bit of enthusiasm lacing my tone, I was too tired to speak.

Gally and Minho set off to find Brenda and the other kids, me , newt and Tommy start to find a way out.

As we walk we don't get far.. I feel faint.. my body aches and I'm burning up. I collapse onto the ground, my eyesight going funny.

Newt and Tommy sit by my side, "what's going on? Are you ok?" They ask me, more concerned than anything.

I sit up properly and they hand me some water, "I'm doing ok.. we just need to reach Jorge and Brenda and then we're out of here" I smile weakly.

They hoist me up onto my feet, both arms over each of their shoulders as they carry me as far as they can.

Tommy sets me down, "there is still one more thing I need to do" he assures us, pulling his gun out of his holster, "look after her for me.. please" he whispers over to newt, unsure if I could hear him or not.

Newt just nods his head in return, slouching next to me with a smile on his face.

We sit quietly for 15 minutes waiting for Tommy before my leg starts to burn excruciatingly. I try and lift up my trousers in a hurry, concerned to why I was in so much pain.

Before I could get them up completely, a sharp pain throbs through my body and I let out a rather loud scream, writhing in pain I manage to get it up.

Newts loud gasp said it all.. I had been bitten? Scratched..? I didn't really know what too call it except horrifying. My leg was mangled and unsalvageable, "don't.." I begin, trying to contain my screams due to the pain.

"Don't what?" Newt asks, now panicking and unsure on what to do. "Don't tell him.. please don't tell him.. you'll break his heart" i croak, my throat now dry and my lips cracked.

He doesn't say anything but just nods his head, trying to get me up onto my feet but I resist. I pull off my necklace, giving it too newt and closing his hand around it.

"Don't lose it.. it's something I wrote incase I never made it" I smile weakly as he takes it and puts it into his pocket.

"Tommy will kill me if I don't make you push yourself.. use your last bit of adrenaline.. do it for us? For tommy" he pleads me, hoisting me onto my feet yet again.

I push myself.. I push myself further than I thought I would, wincing in pain at every step. We reach towards the edge and see Tommy, he's waiting for us. He smiles as he sees us, Jorge and Brendas ship lowering slowly for us all too climb on as the buildings behind us collapse.

As I get closer I notice Tommy's hurt.. he's pale and looks faint. I push myself a little more and grab into his arm along with newt, holding him upright and helping him onto the ship.

"Come on newt, you first then we've got to help y/n up" Tommy laughs gently as newt clambers his way onto the ship.

A single tear falls down my cheek.. I couldn't risk it.. I couldn't kill the people I call family even if I didn't mean too. I step back a bit and Tommy's face drops, he looks to newt who's face was filled with sadness as tears spill uncontrollably from his eyes.

"Haha funny prank guys, come on y/n we don't have time im serious" Tommy let's put an uncomfortable laugh and reaches his hand out towards me but I just shake my head no.

The building behind me begins to collapse, and Tommy being too weak to come down and get me was now panicking like crazy.

"I love you" I tell him, my voice cracking and more tears falling down my face. "Please stop, stop you're scaring me.. what are you doing? Please" he begs me continuously and that only breaks my heart more.

My heart feels like it's being torn apart slowly, seeing him so confused and in so much pain to why I wasn't coming with him.. I wanted too, so badly, but there's no way I'd hurt any of my family, I couldn't do it. I'd rather die.

"Tommy we've got to go" Jorge warns him, the ship beginning to move. "Don't you dare! Dont please stop! Everyone stop!" Tommy begs.

The others faces begin to drop as newt briefly explains in between tears. I smile weakly, feeling the ground beneath me shake violently.

"Just remember.. I love you" I smile one last time as a single tear drops from my face.

I feel myself falling.. leaving me to hear Tommy's cries and screams before everything becomes fuzzy.. I close my eyes and prepare for the worst.. I'm dying.

Tommy's POV.
My heart feels like it's been ripped from my chest while it's still beating. My whole world has just crumbled in front of me.. the one person I loved more than anyone.. more than anything is dead... and I don't understand why.

I feel newts arms hold me back, everyone shushing me like I was some toddler. I wiped my tears, sat up straight and stared straight at the blank wall, my memories of me and y/n flashing in my head everytime I closed my eyes.

The pain.. the pain was the worst thing about it.. I just couldn't shut it off

No matter how hard I tried.

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