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We had to stop for a while.. winston couldn't walk any longer and was now in agony.. turns out he had been scratched by one of the cranks last night. The infection was spreading fast..too fast. He and Thomas had fought over a gun but in the end winston won. He was scared.. and when you feel fear, you'll do whatever you can to escape that feeling.

By nightfall the weather had begun to get a lot worse. Thunder and lightning began to strike, seconds away from hitting us. We were severely dehydrated, not taking any notice of the lightning hitting a few inches away from us all. We lay upon the ground, staring blankly at the sky with no stars.. "guys look.. there's light"  Charlie stands up, his voice raspy and his hand pointing towards flickering lights in the distance.

In that moment, lightning struck again, only this time a lot closer. "Ok go run!" Thomas shouts at us, running through the sand, trying not to get struck. The closer we got to the flickering lights, the closer the lightning struck, almost hitting us on the way in. I let out a breath of relief as I enter inside the building, noticing the only people not inside were Thomas and Minho. "Where are they?" I ask, looking around confused.

The lightning struck again, shrieks could be heard from the outside and my heart dropped. In a second I run outside, seeing Minho and Thomas both on the floor. "Shit" i mutter to myself, "guys help me get them in" I shout back to the others in hurry. Thomas stumbles to his feet, struggling to maintain his balance.

"Get Minho in" his words slurry, it was clear he couldn't hear me very well as when I asked if he was ok he pointed to his ears. The others came out to help me bring an unconscious Minho into the building, carrying his arms and legs with Thomas following behind.

We lay him down gently, waiting patiently for minutes to see if he'd wake up. "Thomas he's not waking" newt panics, hovering over him like the rest of us. "Give it a minute" Thomas" tone was stern, but even I could see he was just as worried as the rest of us.

In a split second, Minho shoots upright, gasping for breath. "What happened" he asks, looking at all of our worried faces. I playfully punch his shoulder, "don't do that to us you dick, I thought you died" I sigh, giving him a hug. As soon as we all begin to settle down, a low growling is heard from among us, almost like the sound of cranks..

I stand to my feet, nervously picking up my flashlight and shining it into the distance, everyone watches as I shine onto the cranks. We all scream in sync, holding onto eachother for support before realising they were chained up. "What fucking psycho keeps those things chained up!" Newt exclaims, breathing out heavily.

"Well that psycho would be me" a female voice scares us slightly as she's hidden in the dark. I immediately shine my flashlight towards her, revealing a small woman with short hair. She squints furiously as my light blinds her, "can you turn that thing off" she groans.

"Oh yeah sorry" I mumble nervously, switching the light off and leaving us all in the dark again. "I'm Brenda.. now if you'd come with me" she smiles, I look over to Tommy for answers to what we do, it seems everyone else does the same. "What could go wrong?" He laughs, beginning to follow her and us following him. She leads us into a room full of men.. and only men. I gulp, clinging onto Tommy's arm as he hand rests on my hips.

"Jorge, look what I found" Brenda smirks and points to us all, I feel eyes burning into the back of my head, I decide to ignore it. "Oh we have guests" Jorge smiles,coming towards us.
"Would you people like to tell us where you've come from?" Jorge asks us, the smile still embedded on his face. No one says anything until I decide too speak up.

"I don't think that's any of your business" my cockiness getting the best of me. "Well then, boys" he signals for his men to come over, they buckle my knees and restrain my hands, smashing my head down onto a table in front of me while Brenda held out some scanning device. "Oh, looks like some runaways from wicked" she laughs, showing Jorge my chip scan on her screen.

I struggle a little to get out of the mans grasp but he doesn't loosen up. "If you don't get your fucking hands off her, you won't have them" Thomas growls, making the man laugh as he looks back up to Jorge.

Jorge nods his head, his own way of saying to let me go. I scramble to my feet, immediately latching onto Thomas yet again. "Well what possesses you to come all the way out here" Jorge asks, waiting for one of us to respond.

"We're looking for the right arm"Tommy speaks for us. "Oh really, a myth? You're looking for a myth" one of the men behind me laugh, everyone else laughs along with him except from us.

"Boys, you know where to take them" Jorge gestures his hand out of the room and a few men grab each of us, leading us somewhere unknown.

They had tied us upside down, and called wicked to come back and get us. "What could go wrong" Charlie mocks Thomas, a sarcastic look on his face. "Charlie leave it, he did what he thought was right" I say, looking around for any idea of how to get us out of here.

I look straight forward at a lever across from me.. and that's when it clicks. "I've got an idea" i exclaim, a smile spreading across my face. "Go on" Fry tells me. "That lever.. if you guys can push me far enough, I can grab it.. hoisting myself up and untying us all" I say, proud of the fact I managed to think of a way to get us out of here.

"That's great y/n!! Let's do it!" Newt beams, his face lighting up over the redness. As soon as they go to push me, Jorge comes barging in, looking for answers. "Tell me what you know about the right arm" he says, examining our confused faces. "I thought you said it was just a myth?" Thomas asks, confused like the rest of us. "Well if you don't want too tell me" Jorge grabs the lever, pushing it forwards and causing us all to fall a bit.

"Ok ok we don't know much" Thomas states, holding his hands up to signal Jorge to wait. "Well go on then?" He prods at Tommy. "We know they're hidden in the mountains.. that they save wicked kids and help them escape" Tommy tells him, watching as Jorge removes his hand from the lever.

Another man comes in "what are you doing with our guests? I've called wicked" he announces happily, almost like they wanted us to die in that place. "Just talking to our new friends, and thank you, wait for them to arrive" Jorge pats his shoulder and they both walk out together.

I sigh, looking around at who's behind me.. Minho. "You ready sass boy" i smirk, looking at him as he rolls his eyes. "Ready princess" he winks, knowing it would annoy me. He grabs my waist, pushing me forward towards the lever.. I almost grab it..almost.. and I fail.

"Try again, and this time push harder" I tell him. He does as I say, pushing me harder, and I grab the lever, hoisting myself up gently and untying myself. "Ok now untie the rest of us" newt smiles, i untie everyone like asked.. only to get distracted by wicked entering the building.

We needed to be fast.. really fast.

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