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Tw* abuse and sexual assault x

I see Minho sitting quietly at a table in the far distance, picking around at the food on his plate. I made my way over, sitting opposite him. He doesn't lift his head up, or even acknowledge me. "Minho.. everything ok?" I ask him, he doesn't answer just places down his fork.

"Minho" I say again, my tone soft. He lifts his head up "huh? Sorry I've been really tired lately" he forces a smile onto his face before looking back down at his plate. The bags under his eyes were very obvious, it was clear he hadn't slept at all. I look around at all the wicked kids, hardly anyone was eating, they all looked just as tired.. just as fed up.

In that moment, janson walks in the room, a letter in his hand. He clears his throat before beginning to speak, "hello everybody, hope you're all doing ok.. we're moving you all tomorrow.. to somewhere better and more safe, we will leave at about dawn so try to get some sleep before then, thank you all" he smiles and walks out with guards behind him.

Minho looks up at my bruised face "holy shit.." he starts, his eyes examining every bruise and bloody scab. "I'm ok don't worry, doesn't even hurt" I smile, giving a cheeky wink to lighten up the mood.

I decide it's probably best if I eat, I hadn't eaten in a little while due to being chained to my own bed for precautions.
It was now nightfall and time for bed, in a few hours we were going to be moved.. I was scared and this time I didn't have Minho to comfort me, instead I had to figure it all out by myself.

I lay back carefully, staring blankly at the dark walls. It was very cold in the room.. but I was placed in the basement to lessen the chances of me escaping, they gave me extra blankets but it didn't really help.

My eyes begin to drift.. slowly but surely..

I fell asleep.

Thomas POV.
Tomorrow was the day we helped the wicked kids escaped.. we had some inside information that they were going to be moved at dawn on a train. We had already figured out an entire plan although it's taken us almost 6 months to do so. I couldn't wait to see y/n.. and minho.. I've missed them both so much.. although a part of me worries and dreads if they're actually ok.

I lay down in my bed gently, newt on the bunk below me and frypan on the bed on top. "You guys nervous?" I hear newts voice call out to us, grogginess lacing his tone. "A little" frypan admits, shifting in his bed a bit. "What about you thomas? You nervous" fry asks me, both boys waiting for my answer.

I lay thinking about it for a little, of course I was nervous but if I told them that they would probably think the plan won't work.. they'll think that because I'm scared then they need to be and I can't have that, I need everyone on board. "No I'm not, I'm confident we will get them out of there, everyone will be ok" I try my best to sound as confident as possible, I think they believed me.

"Now get some sleep, we need to be up bright and early" I tell them, rolling over to face the wall and closing my eyes.

Unwanted thoughts consume my mind..

They soon disappear as I drift off too sleep.

"Wake up princess" the voice was familiar, it was Minho.. I open my eyes, waiting for the fog to clear up before adjusting onto a hovering Minho above me. I smile lightly, letting him help me to my feet.

"You wouldn't wake up, so they let me in here to try" he smirks, squeezing my hand tightly before leading me out the room and walking with the guards.

We were both handcuffed when we were put onto the train, I was strapped to the seat as I attacked the guard who put me on here. He had to search me for weapons, and he wouldn't stop feeling me up in places I didn't want to be, I asked him to stop.. but he didn't.. so I spat at him and attacked him. I was tasered and pinned to the floor as they threw me onto the train.

I had never been somewhere so violent.. everytime I breathed i felt pain, all I could feel was pain.. it didn't matter if I slept, or I just laid still, for some reason all of me hurt..

The guards come in mid journey, taking Minho by the arms and dragging him out the compartment doors. "Wait where are you taking him?" I ask but they ignore me. I begin to struggle in my seat, "please wait! Where is he going" I yell at them, getting upset they weren't answering me.

"It'll be ok I promise!" Minho shouts after me, the doors shut completely, leaving me with about 100 different kids that I didn't know apart from aris and a few others.

A single tear rolls down my cheek.. followed by a few others as I start to give up hope of getting out of here any time soon.

Loud bangs distract me from thought.. I snap my head back to see footsteps across the top of the train, some recognisable as guards and others not. It's not long after that the train stops completely, making me jolt forward and smash my face on the metal in front of me.

"Fuck" I groan, feeling the hot liquid trickle down my face, I go to wipe it.. forgetting I was handcuffed. Gunshots were happening above me.. I see the other kids just as confused as me to what was going on.

A few minutes of silence goes by and the compartment doors open.. the light blinds me and I squint furiously, seeing figures coming closer. I close my eyes tightly, not wanting to be beaten again.. But when I decide to open them I blink a few times to see if what I was seeing was actually there or I was just hallucinating from the lack of sleep.

It couldn't be? There's no way..


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