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I sit on the floor for hours, shivers constantly flushing through my body. I coddle my body close to my chest, in an attempt to keep myself warm. I hadn't eaten in a few days, my stomach kept grumbling every now and then.

"Hey.. Howre you holding up" newt and Minho crouched by the bars , peering in at me. "I-I'm cold, but I'm doing ok" I tremble. "Not long left, try get some sleep, it'll be over quicker and you can get into bed" newt reaches his hand inside and I grab hold of it, giving him a quick smile before sitting back down.

"Thomas is worried about you" Minho tells me, catching my attention. "Is he ok?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. "He's not eating, not sleeping, he's concerned about you, alby won't let him come see you because he wants you to be punished" Minho sighs heavily. "We're not even supposed to be here" he laughs, trying to lighten the mood.

"Better go before you get caught then" I say, looking up at both boys, catching one last glimpse of their smiles before they depart from the slammer.

I take off my jumper, rolling it into a ball and placing it on the ground so I could lay my head down. Wrapping my arms around my body, I get lost in thought. The word 'tulips' run circles in my mind, it can't possibly just be a coincidence that Thomas had the same dream.. I mean I knew I felt something familiar around him, but it couldn't be possible that we actually knew eachother before the maze.

I close my eyes slowly, my body shivering, trying to keep itself warm.

I drift off to sleep.
"Can you stop it, I'm trying to sleep!" I recognise the voice as my own.. talking to somebody in front of me. "I'm sorry baby, I'm just worried.. what if I don't remember you? What if we forget eachother" the voice becomes more familiar to me, and the figure comes closer. Still hiding as a shadow in the dark he speaks again "if we don't remember...just try and remember this" he begun "I love you y/n, I love you so much"
He starts to disappear, getting further and further away before I try and figure who it is.

"No..no.. come back.. please come back" I plead but no answer. "Come back!" I shout more louder.

"no!!" I shoot up in a sweat, my breathing heavy. "You're ok, you're ok, I'm here" Thomas had his arm wrapped around me, engulfing me into a hug. "What.. what are you doing here" I ask him, trying to contain my breaths.

"I heard you crying.. you were begging someone to come back" he says, stroking my hair. I feel my face with my hands, wiping away the fallen tears. "Your punishments over, you're allowed out now" Thomas smiles as I lift up my head. He picks me up from the ground, helping me out of the slammer. I must've looked awful, my hair was messy, I hadn't gotten chance to shower or brush my teeth.

Thomas slips his hand in mine, taking small steps towards the homestead for breakfast.

As I walk through the entrance, I feel all eyes burning into the back of my head, as if they were trying to find my soul. "You shanks got nothing better to do?" Thomas growls, everyone listening to him and carrying on with their own chatters.

Chuck comes running up to us, grabbing my arm and leading me towards the table with newt and Minho while Thomas brought me food. "God.. you look awful" Minho points out, earning a elbow to the rib from newt. "What.. I can't lie to her now can I" he says innocently.

I laugh at him, "don't worry about it , I feel terrible too" I say. "See, she understands me" Minho smirks, looking back over and giving me a cheeky wink. "You definitely need some eye drops for those 'twitches' you keep getting" I smile at him.

"And for breakfast we have, eggs, bacon, and frypans special fried toast" Thomas places a large plate in front of me. "Figured you could've used some extra food considering you haven't eaten in days" he smiles, sitting himself next to me, and placing his hand on my thigh.

I eat my food rather quickly, I had worked up quite an appetite from the last few days. Yearning for some water, Chuck goes to get me some before I even ask. I chug it all in one go, careful not to spill any. "Feel better" he asks, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Much better" I reply.

"Can we talk? Somewhere more private" Thomas moves his hand down to my knee while he spoke. I nod my head at him, getting up from my seat and following up the stairs and into our room.

"Tulips" he begins. "Our favourite flower".

"What do you mean.. OUR favourite flower" I ask him, confused to what he meant.

"I don't even know myself but I know there's something about you.. something I've felt before and I don't know where I've felt it or when but I know I have" he lifts his hand up to my face, stroking my cheek. "I always have this feeling.. this urge to protect you no matter what, to make sure you're safe and that you're happy" he carries on. I say nothing.. instead I just stare into his eyes, those welcoming brown eyes, ones I had seen before.

"Say something.. please" he begs me. "Tulips" I smile "I feel the same.. whenever I'm with you I know I'll be safe, that nothing will happen to me because you won't let it" I finish my sentence.

"I'll always protect you, even when you think you don't need to be protected" he was now inches away from my face, I could feel his breath hitching down my neck. I stare at his eyes and then his lips, making my move and etching closer, as I go into kiss him he pulls away, a guilty look on his face.

"I'm sorry.. I- I can't, I just- I've got to go"

And with that, he leaves the room, leaving me alone once again.

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