The right arm

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"Please, just wait, she doesn't need to die" panic fills Thomas' face as he continuously hovered over Brenda, protecting her from vince. Vince sighs, "Mary, take her to the hut, fix her up there and see what you can do". The woman Mary comes closer to Brenda, picking her up in her arms and looking both me and Thomas in the eyes. "Thomas, y/n, so nice to see you both again" she smiles.

As she walks away me and Tommy exchange confused looks with eachother before getting up and settling down.

Brenda was now doing much better, Tommy had gone in to see her a little while ago, they spoke briefly for a bit before he came back out to me.

Me, frypan, Thomas, newt and Minho all sat upon the rocks for dinner. I can't lie, dinner was much more better here than back home, but I wouldn't let frypan know.

The time flew by quickly and before I knew , it was time to go to sleep. They sorted me and Thomas out into the far corner of this place, everyone else had already claimed a spot so we worked with what we were given.

"I'm so sleepy" I groan, laying down on the cold floor, my arms wrapped around my body, huddled in closer to keep the warmth inside.
"Well come here then" he smirks, pulling me closer into his chest so I can snuggle into the crook of his neck. His hands start to slide up my legs, reaching the inbetween my thighs.

"Thomas, stop it" i laugh, tickling his neck with my breath as I do so. "I told you you'll get it" he says, his breathing heavier as he spoke. I place my hand down his joggers, rubbing over his boxers and feeling as he grows harder at my touch. I watch as he bites his lip, moving closer to mine, placing them gently, and our tongues fighting for dominance. I roll over so I'm on top of him, straddling as I grind against him.

He lets out a soft moan, digging his nails into my hips. "Such a tease" he groans, slowly pulling off my T-shirt and letting the cold air brush against my skin. I lean down closer to his ear, "wouldn't be any fun if I didn't tease you" I laugh a little, biting the lobe of his ear.

He rolls over so he's on top, unclamping my bra as he did so. He starts to trail kisses from my jaw...neck..all the way down to my breasts. He caresses one of my nipples in one hand while the other was teased by his tongue, swirling in circles and listening to my moans escape my mouth.

He trails further down my body.. reaching towards my trousers and tugging them down slowly. He looks up into my eyes, "tonight's all about you" he grins, making me even more turned on. He pulls down my joggers, and my underwear to the side, his mouth connecting to my clit.. my back arches as his tongue swirls around, sucking and teasing me. I run my fingers through his hair, grabbing at it each time I felt a rush of pleasure flow through my body.

I pull him back up so he faces me, I place my lips back on his, lifting his T-shirt over his head and signalling for him to take off his joggers. He does just that, throwing the swim where next to us before gently spreading open my legs, looking up to me for consent.

Once I give it he lines himself up and pushes in fast, not giving me any warning and letting a loud moan escape my mouth. He puts his hand over to muffle my continuous moans as he continues to thrust faster and faster, making the pleasure unbearable. He wraps his hand up in my hair, tugging it gently and letting out a few deep moans, struggling to keep going as I feel his legs begin to give way.

He moves his hands down to my hips, flipping me over completely and thrusting harder and deeper. It was difficult to keep going through the pain as it could be felt through my stomach but it soon turnt to pleasure. I grab onto his hand as he leans over me, caressing my neck with his mouth, whispering things into my ear.

"I'm.. im about to-" he cuts me off with one last moan and a couple of thrusts, finishing heavily and pulling out to lay himself next to me. My legs begin to shake consistently, not being able to keep them still, Thomas lays a hand on them. "Sorry darling" he laughs, slipping his clothes back on and handing me mine.

"Been a while since we've done that" I sigh, trying to catch my breath as I get dressed. "I love you" he tells me, turning my head to face him and kissing my forehead. I blush a little, pulling my jumper over my head. "I love you too" I smile, snuggling back into his chest while he hands run through my hair.

By this time it was late, everyone was asleep, and those who weren't were definitely asleep now.. I couldn't believe we were safe, wicked hasn't found us and we have loads of people to protect us, I don't think I've felt any happier..

In my life

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