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"I TOLD YOU I DONT KNOW" the bruised and beaten man screams at the top of his lungs. I didn't really know what was going on, but it was clear he knew something that Jorge wanted to know. I'm distracted by light stirs from beneath me, Thomas was starting to wake up and come around.

"Y/n" he groans, looking around to find me, I grab his face and turn him towards me "I'm here.. don't worry I'm here" I reassure him, watching as he tries to slowly form a smile on his face. His smile drops at another shout "fine! They're in the mountains..just south of here" the man says to Jorge. Jorges face lights up and he pats the mans shoulder "see that wasn't so hard was it" he smiles.

"You'll never be able to get there" the man was bloody and beaten to a pulp, I don't really think he has a say in how we get there. "Oh yes we will, we're taking Bertha" Jorge grins evilly as the mans face drops. " not Bertha" he whines. I look round to the others who looked just as confused as me.. who's Bertha?.

Jorge leaves the room, walking outside towards a parked vehicle out front.. I hadn't seen it before but it was obviously in view now.
I look at Thomas, shooting an apologetic look at his confused face before racing out the door along W minho. I get to the passenger seat just for newt to sit there first, me and Minho whine "that's not fair, you weren't even in the race" Minho groans. "Sorry ladies" newt laughs, and closes the side door.

I hadn't even noticed Minho disappearing from the side of me, getting another seat next to Thomas in the back, "hard luck princess" he winks and straps himself in. What a dickhead.

"There's a seat right here" Thomas smiles at me, patting his lap gently. I blush a little, climbing over Brenda to sit on Tommy's lap. The journey goes on for a little while, after some time I feel something beginning to dig into my underneath.. everytime we hit a bump in the road I feel it dig in even more. I lean back a little, closer to Thomas' ear.. "are you hard?" I ask, seeing as his face grows a bright red. I chuckle to myself before wiggling back to adjust myself properly, his hands dig into my waist and I bite my lip to maintain my moans.

"What's wrong with you two?" Charlie's voice distracts us both, I let out a loud cough to let thomas' know that Charlie's catching on.

I had gotten a lot closer to Charlie since everything, and I'm beginning to see him as a brother, my younger brother of course, he's now apart of our family.

"Oh shit".. Jorge groans, the car begins to sputter, slowing down until it stops completely. It seems that the car has broken down. "Right time to walk" Jorge sighs, swinging open his car door and stepping out onto the dusty road.

Everyone does the same, I get off of Thomas' lap, seeing that he's no longer hard I start to rub over him but he grabs my hand "you'll get it you" he winks, smiling and gesturing for me to get out the car. I do as he says, landing on my feet and looking around.. I'm stopped as a gunshot shoots at my feet. "What the fuck" I shout, catching everyone's attention.

"Quick, everyone hide!" Thomas calls out, all of us starting to hide behind a row of cars. "Thought they helped wicked kids, not shot at us" I shout over the eruptions of gunfire. "Well so did I" Minho rolls his eyes, holding his hands over his ears to block out the noise. Just as we were about to fire back, a loud voice comes from behind us "drop it" she demands, a rifle pointed at our heads. I do as she asks, dropping my gun to the ground and surrendering my hands into the air.

"Sonya?, Harriet?" Aris calls out, stepping forward from behind us. "Aris is that you?" Sonya calls out, lowering her mask and engulfing him in a hug along with Harriet. "Where have you been! We thought you had died" Harriet sighs, letting go of him.

"Anyone else as confused as me?" I ask quietly, just loud enough for the others too hear. "Tell me about it" newt whispers back.

"I was with these girls in the maze, don't worry you're safe now" he tells us, looking at them and waiting for them to signal the others to back down. "It's ok!" They shout up to the others, and they all lower their guns. "Follow us" Sonya smiles, leading us towards the gated walls.

When we get in we're greeted by a man called vince, he introduces himself before asking if anyone had been bitten or scratched. Sadness fills my face as I remember winston a couple of days ago. "No one" Thomas says, a guilty look on his face as Brenda drops to the floor. Jorge rushes over, lifting up her trouser leg to reveal a bite, black bile sprawling down from it.

Vince raises his gun to her head and Thomas runs over, "just wait! Wait please!" He holds his hand up in front of the gun, blocking it from brendas face. "She's been bitten.. we've been through this before, we let them stay, they turn and kill us all" vince clicks the gun, getting more aggressive as he does so.

"She needs to die"

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