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Laughters burst from within the room, "a runner.. you want to be a runner" alby glares at me, trying to tell if I was joking or not. "Y..yes" I stutter my words. "Tough luck greenie, you need to be chosen to become a runner, you need to be one of the fastest and strongest" another boy speaks up, I'm pretty sure his name was winston.

"But I'm faster than Thomas, I might not be as strong but I know I can do this" I plead for them to let me become one.

"Sorry y/n, I can't let you, it's too dangerous" albys eyes full of apology. I sigh before walking out, slamming the door behind me.

I rush past the people in the homestead, exiting the door and walking towards the deadheads. It may be the home of the fallen but it was also very peaceful. I sit myself down on the bladed grass, twiddling a strand between my fingers. I knew I could be a runner, I knew I could do it, so I don't understand why they didn't let me, it was ridiculous.

After sitting here for what seems like hours, I get back onto my feet, trampling over the fresh daisys sprouting from the ground. My eyes lock onto the crowd forming at the doors of the maze, watching as everyone seemed to panic. I run over, stopping only when I realised what was happening. Chuck stood next to me, his face filled with fear, nervously watching into the distance. "Look.. over there!" Newt points to the two figures coming around the corner, something was wrong.. very wrong.

"No..no something isn't right" alby says, almost like he read my mind. Thomas was dragging Minho through the corridors of the maze, struggling to keep on going. The doors begin to groan, striding across and almost closing. They weren't going to make it in time, they were going to be stuck.. without a moment of hesitation I make a split second decision, hauling myself through the shallow walls. I shut out everyone's shouts and pleads for me to come back and keep going, crashing onto the floor as the doors close.

Thomas was slouched against the wall, Minho sprawled out next to him. "Well done, you've officially just killed yourself" Thomas' panting making his words difficult to understand. What did he mean I've just 'killed myself' im only in the maze.. and I've only got to stay here until morning, everything will be fine.

"What happened to him?" I say, pointing to an unconscious Minho. "We've been running all day, no break and no stopping for water or anything, Minho collapsed about an hour ago, I've been trying to get him to wake up ever since." Thomas sighs, getting up from the floor and starting to drag Minho. "What are you doing" I ask. "What does it look like?" He replies with a level of sarcasm, making me roll my eyes.

"Well are you going to help me?".

I drag myself off of the floor, picking up Minhos legs and carrying him with Thomas. We tie some of the vines from the wall around his body, hoisting him upwards until he was completely safe and stable. "So what now?" I ask him, watching his expression change at the sound of an ear piercing screech. All colour drains from my face.. "what..the..fuck..was that?" My voice trembles, rapidly looking around to find the source of the screeches. "Andddd now we run" Thomas grabs my hand, running past corner after corner. The screams getting louder and closer no matter how far we ran.

We don't stop running, Thomas' grip on my hand getting tighter, not letting me go. "What's going on, what's happening" I cry out. "They're grievers, I've been through something like this before, just keep running and don't look back" he shouts over the screams. My breathing becomes heavier, sweat rolls down my forehead and my legs begin to get tired.

We run for hours, before stopping at a dead end. "Shit..shit" Thomas panics, looking back round to check for grievers. I do the same, something catching my eye.. mechanical whirrings and clicks become closer. Red flickers of light emerge from round the corner, almost like they were man made. Thomas shields me with his body, stepping in front and waiting for something to turn up.

Metal, clawed legs appear in front of us, slowly edging closer. Razor sharp teeth could be seen from its attempt to scream. This thing they called a 'griever' was terrifying and I now understood why they told me it was dangerous for me to be a runner.

Adrenaline rushes through my body, my throat dry from the lack of water. I grip Thomas' hand tightly, wanting to feel the sense of protection.. I got just that. "Wha..what do we do now" i gulp, shivering at the cold air.

"I-I don't know.. just.. stay behind me ok, I won't let it hurt you" he says, not moving his eyes off the horrific creature. I step back a little, my foot slipping off an edge.. I snap my head round to see a little cliff, I look up and in front of me was another part of the maze. An idea pops into my head, not a very secure or sensible one but at least it was an idea.

"Thomas" I whisper, shaking his shoulder gently. "I know.. just stay back" he says, ignoring me completely. "No.. Thomas look, I have an idea" I reply. He turns around to look at me and I nod at the cliff, he instantly understands me. "It's dangerous, there must be another way". By now the griever was only a few feet away from us, an evil look on its face. "It's our only way" I tremble, taking his hand and pulling him with me. He gives me a reassuring look before pulling my hand with him to jump.

I scream midair and land on the other side, hitting my head on the way down. I groan out in pain "t-..Thomas" i mutter, feeling him pull me up from the ground. "The suns coming up, just a little further, you've got this" he shouts, grabbing my hand and once again running with me.
I feel like I'm going to die. My whole body aches in agony, my head throbs and blood trickles down my face. The maze doors open, and we pass the last corner, everyone was leaving the entrance losing all hope, only one little figure stood there. Chuck.

"Wait!! Look theyre here!" He shouts over at the others and they immediately run back, watching as me and Thomas drag eachother to the entrance.

We collapse into the glade, cuts and bruises on both our bodies. "You guys ok? Where's Minho?" Albys voice only makes my head throb more. With my remaining strength I lift my arm to point at Minho, clearly visible at the top of the walls.

The medjacks rush over, checking Thomas for anything needing to be stitched first. "No, leave me I'm fine, help her.." he whispers, his voice scratchy from all the yelling. They continue to check him, ignoring his requests.

"Please" he says, a little louder than before. They give up, making their way towards me and checking for marks. "She's got a cut on her head, it'll need stitching" Clint says, showing alby the gash on my forehead. "Take Thomas with you, they'll both need rest, we will get Minho down and take him too you afterwards" alby gestures for a few boys to help Minho down while the others carry me and Thomas to the hut.

My eyes start to close, feeling heavy due to no sleep. I try and keep them open for a little longer but I can't.. I just can't.

Sorry for the shit chapters, they'll get better I'm working on it I promise, just remember this is my second story so it's not too great:) xx

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