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The next day the right arm decided to put us all to work, giving us all different jobs. I was put on medical duty, it seemed the best option for me considering I was a med-jack back in the glade. Today was seeming to go by quite slow, it's warm out.. the sun reflects off the walls and onto everything else, making it almost unbearable to work in this heat.

"Hey newt! Have you seen Tommy anywhere?" I shout out to him as he slowly jogs past, his limp showing a little more visibly. "Yeah about 30 minutes ago? He's over with aris and frypan at the moment" he smiles back at me, continuing to jog away. I drop my equipment on the table next to me, being careful not to break anything and standing too my feet.

I make my way over to aris and frypan, but see that Tommy isn't there. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.. "guys, have you seen Tommy?" I ask both boys. "He was here about 15 minutes ago, he left with Charlie" frypan tells me, returning back to his conversation. I felt like I was playing a game of wild goose hunt and Tommy was the goose, having to run around and find him certainly wasn't fun.

This time, I couldn't find Charlie.. nor Tommy. I frantically searched around, looking for both boys but I couldn't find them anywhere no matter how many times I looked. I did find Minho though, so I decided to go and talk to him. "What's up princess" he grins, winking at me as I sit down beside him. "You know I hate that name" I sigh, rolling my eyes and playfully pushing his shoulder.

"Ok so someone's in a mood, wanna tell me what's up?" His face drops to a more serious expression, his head turned towards me, interested to see what was wrong. "I haven't seen Tommy all day, it's like he doesn't want to speak to me or something.. he hasn't even checked in to see if I'm ok" I say, my tone dropping into a more upset voice.

"He's probably been busy all day, we all have.. you know he wouldn't do it on purpose" Minho places a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it to reassure me that everything's ok. It was weird for me to not be with Tommy all day, normally I'm used to being stuck at his side so it's difficult for me when I'm not.

When dinner time came round, I still hadn't seen Tommy, I had begun to wonder where he had got too and wether he was ok.

I sat upon the rocks again, with frypan,Minho and newt. Charlie and Tommy weren't around and I couldn't see them. "You guys I can't find Thomas at all? It's like he's avoiding me or something?" I sigh loudly, slouching down completely next to them.

"No I saw him about a couple of minutes ago with Charlie, they headed up that way" newt points up to a hill of rocks, his mouth full of food. I roll my eyes "so everyone's seen him but me" I say sarcastically, biting into my sandwich.

Minho starts to laugh, "aww is pillow princess sad" he pouts his lip out, earning a punch to the arm from me. He winces , grabbing his arm and rubbing it vigorously. The others laugh at his pain while I start to notice the panic on the ground below us.

I shake frypan a shoulder frantically, pointing to the panicked people on the floor. "What's going on?" Newt rises to his feet, staring at the same thing we all were. And that's when we heard it..

"ITS WICKED, EVERYONE HIDE" vince shouts out, grabbing his gun from his pocket, taking cover and getting ready to shoot. I shot up onto my feet, rushing down the rocks and landing onto solid ground. Minho hands me the rifle from his back while he pulls out another gun from his holster, "stay safe" he smiles, running over to help.

I hadn't had much experience with a gun but Tommy taught me a few things when we arrived here. I decide to run over and help the others, raising my gun forwards and getting ready to shoot.

Everyone was being taken, we were surrounded.. nothing we could do but watch as they loaded some kids onto their ships.. I look over to see Minho..newt..Tommy.. all my friends lined up on their knees in front of who I knew as Ava Paige and janson.

Within a split second I was grabbed, dragged over to the others and forced onto my knees with my hands above my head. I was placed over next to Thomas, he also had his hands above his head, our guns being taken.

My face falls in horror as I watch Charlie emerge from behind Ava. My eyes begin to water.. how could he do this to us? How could he sell us out like this knowing what we had all been through.

He makes eye contact with me, holding it for a few seconds before turning away as tears stroll down my cheeks. Ava Paige steps forward, her hands on her hips as she gets ready to speak to us all. "We're not here to hurt you.. in fact we're trying to save you" she speaks, her tone soft.

"And killing us helps how? Tying us up.. scaring us? Making us fear for our lives? What good does that do?" I hiss at her, beginning to rise to my feet, but almost knocked down but a gun to my head. "Leave it" ava mutters to the man and he lowers his gun so I could stand completely.

"He was 12" i stutter, looking her right in the eyes. Tears were now uncontrollably falling down my face thinking of our fallen. "Those we lost? Chuck? Winston.. alby.. Jeff, Clint, Zart? Even gally.. our fallen.. you took them why? Because it was what you had too do to save us?" I say, trying to figure out why they were doing this to us. "One day y/n you'll understand why.. you'll understand it's for your own good" she says, no remorse in her voice instead hostility.

She begins to turn away. "I'm not done" I groan, stepping forward yet again. "And you? How could you betray us like this? We're your family, the people you could count on.. it's a shame we thought we could count on you too" my voice more quiet now than before. Charlie steps back behind Ava, hiding his face from us all.

"I think that's quite enough" Ava smiles, signalling to one of the guards who then point a gun back at my head, clicking it back. "Stop! Don't!" Thomas yells, jumping to his feet with a small device in his hand.

"I'll do it" he threatens, a man made bomb by Jorge was tightly gripped into his hands. "Thomas you don't want to do that trust me" janson assures him but Thomas just ignores him. "We will do it.." newt rises to his feet.. Minho following and many others. Huddling together as Thomas got ready to blow everyone up in hope to get us out of this nightmare.

"I'll kill us all"

Hey! Sorry for such a long wait on new chapters, school is really draining me and I'm struggling a lot right now but I'm trying:) xx

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