Im scared

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I didn't get much sleep before Tommy woke me up in the middle of the night.. I think it was more early dawn. I rub my eyes continuously and sit up looking blankly at Tommy.

"Where are we going?" I ask, my voice quiet and groggy from not long waking up. "To find Minho, you wanting to come? I don't blame you if you don't" he sighs, kneeling down to eye level with me, staring into my eyes and waiting for my answer.

I couldn't bare the thought of being without Tommy for any longer, even if I was in danger.. as long as I was with him I would be ok. "Of course I'm coming with you, Minho is one of us.. we need to save him" I say with confidence, staggering onto my feet and grabbing a backpack from his hand, beginning to pack my things. "That's my girl" he smirks, finishing putting some bottles of water into his bag before zipping it up.

"Is it just us? Is that why were sneaking out so early?" I whisper, tip toeing along next to Tommy, his hand locked with mine. "No one else agreed remember? They don't want to risk anymore of their people" he tells me, dragging me to where the car was parked.. only to be surprised by newt.

"And where is it youse two are going?" He asks , his eyebrow furrowing and his head cocking to one side to get a better look at what was in our hands. "Listen newt, I don't want you too follow us, we will bring Minho back safe" Tommy assures him, stepping forward a bit more.

"No ifs or buts, we're coming with you" newt says, losing us both at the 'we're'. "Who's we're? What do you mean?" Tommy asks, searching around for anyone else.

Within a second, newt opens the car door to reveal a smiling frypan, "we started this together, might aswell end it that way too" his words run around my mind.. he was right. This is the original family, and going without them feels a little wrong.

Tommy doesn't argue with them, this means that he realises newt is right. We get into the car without any argument, watching as frypan drives off.

Newt sits in passenger whereas me and Tommy sit in the back, his hand resting on my thigh, drawing small circles with his finger. He leans closer to my ear so I could hear him properly, "you still feeling ok?" He asks, not removing his head until I answer. "Yeah just nervous" I admit, placing my hand on top of his for comfort.

An hour goes past as we reach a dark tunnel with no way around it but the only entrance is to go through. We all hop out the car, standing in front of the tunnel with our hands on our hips. "We're going there.. like in there?" Newt asks cautiously , looking at us all for an answer.

"There's no other way" I shrug my shoulders, making my way back to the car. "Alright I call shotgun again" newt calls after me, limping back to the front seat, the others following.

Fry starts up the car again, driving slowly into the dark tunnel, all of us strapped in.

A loud thud on the window scares the life out of me, making me grab Thomas' arm tightly and lean into him. "Sorry I scared you.. let me in.. please let me in" this old fragile woman stood by the window, she looked almost like a crank.. some part of human left inside her.

She began to bang on the window again, only this time a lot harder. "I said let me IN" she screams at us, repeatedly banging her fists on the table. "Fry do something! Drive!" I shout to him, watching as he puts his foot on the pedal and zooms into the tunnel.

We manage to lose the woman, only for her to be replaced by more people, begging to get into our car. One of them jumps onto the bumper, punching the glass continuously, trying to get in.

A small crack appears in the middle, getting bigger with each punch. "Drive faster fry, look over there!! Shake him off" I scream, the car swerving repeatedly.

Frypan manages to get the guy off, but in order of that happening, our car swerves a little before starting to flip over and over, crashing into a wall. I take a minute to come round and process what just happened before asking if everyone else was ok.

I look to my left to see Thomas passed out, I gently shake his shoulder, "tommy.. are you ok? Please say you're alive" I ask nervously.

He shoots up , blood trickling down his forehead. "Everyone ok" he asks, a few groans from the others in front let us know that they're  ok.

I kick open my car door and the others do the same, I crawl out carefully so I don't cut myself on any glass. Newt helps me to my feet, "you're ok, don't worry" he smiles at me, I return the smile back before brushing off my clothes.

The noises of low growls distract us all. I pull my gun out from my holster on my belt, the others get out theirs too. We were completely surrounded by those things? People? I didn't really know what to call them. All I knew is that we were in danger..

"Tommy what do we do?" I ask, backing up slightly and almost tripping over the whole damn car.

"Just stay close.. stay together" he says.

"Tommy.. are we going to die?"

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