Last city

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Tommy's POV
My heart was going like crazy.. I finally had opened the compartment doors, waiting a minute for the sun to clear before looking around for them both.

I locked eyes with someone.. someone I recognised but at the same time was difficult to see who they were over the bruises and marks. And that's when my heart drops to my stomach, I recognise the bracelet on her wrist..

"Tommy?" She calls out to me, her voice cracked and hoarse, almost like she hasn't spoken for months. I feel so broken, seeing her like this kills me, it hurts me but I know I have to make sure she's ok.

She must be in so much pain I thought to myself, still standing in my exact spot and ignoring her previous comment. "Tommy? Is that you?" She asks again, I snap out of thought and rush over to her, cupping her face in my hands.

"It's me, you're ok, I'm here now" I reassure her, I uncuff her from the seat and she throws her arms around me. How ive missed her so much, I'm just happy she's alive. She pulls apart and I take a look at her face more clearly, my fingers running over the bruises on her face lightly and gently.

"It's ok, it's been a couple of days since they've actually hurt me, it's alright" she smiles, but I know she's lying, I always know when she lies. "Minho? He's not here" newt comes up to us, shaking his head gently and looking at y/n for answers

"Do you know where he is?"

"Do you know where he is?" Tommy asks me, in fact I didn't know where he was, only that he was taken.. I didn't want to give them any false hope.

"They took him out of here a couple of hours back, wouldn't tell me where he was going, he promised it would be ok though" I smile weakly through the pain, the thought of losing my best friend.. the one person who knows how painful this experience has been apart from me and a few others who got it worse than most.

"Well let's get you lot of this train, there's others waiting to help outside" newt tells us all, gesturing for us to make our way towards the compartment doors. I try to walk, but my legs feel so weak I almost collapse onto the ground. Luckily Thomas manages to catch me, his arms gripping around my waist gently, careful not to hurt me.

I could tell it hurt him to see me like this, but there's nothing I can do other than feel awful about it. 6 months I haven't seen him.. 6 months, and all I want to do is just lay with him peacefully.

As soon as I step outside, everyone's eyes are on me.. and I know they're looking at all my bruises, the sympathy overwhelming them. I look down awkwardly, clinging to Tommy's arm, he pulls me closer "alright everyone, stop staring ok?" He asks with a gentle tone.

They do as he says, going back to what they were doing before I came out. Newt comes over to me, along with frypan, they run in for a hug but stop once they see me. "God I'm not dying, just fucking hug me" I laugh nervously, wanting to feel the physical touch of another human being.. at least the touch that was gentle.

They both hug me carefully, I feel a little pain but I keep quiet as I didn't wanna ruin the moment.
By nightfall we were in another place, sat around a big table discussing about wicked and Minho. We didn't know where they had taken him, only that he couldn't be far.

"I say we leave him" a boy suggests, anger fills me.. forgetting about how much pain I was in, I stood up to my feet. "Don't you fucking dare.. we're not leaving him, he was there for me through this whole thing.. everytime I was in pain or sad , he was here for me.. I'm not leaving him" my voice trembles at the end, even if I had to do this whole thing on my own I would if it meant I could save Minho.

The silence was louder than I expected.. "she's right" Jorge comes into the room, a pen in his hand. He walks over to the table with the map and circles a place on it. "The last city, that's where they've taken him, and that's where we will go" his words were stern and clear, he walks out without any answer.
The rest of that meeting went through pretty quickly, a few arguments erupted between newt and Tommy but soon stopped after my pleads. I was given a special bed in a quiet room to give me some peace, I was scared so I asked Tommy to stay with me. He does as I ask him, his arm placing gently around my waist, pulling me closer.

I roll over to face him, "be careful!" He hisses, scared to hurt me. "I've missed you so much" I whisper, a small smile on my face. "I never stopped looking..I never gave up hope" his tone of voice filled with sadness, I cup his cheek in my hand. "It's ok now, I'm here , I'm not leaving you" I reassure him, placing my lips on his gently.

He kisses me back with passion, his hands running through my hair whereas mine trail up his body and round to the back of his neck. I roll over so I'm on top of him, not breaking the kiss until he does. "I don't want to hurt you, please" he tells me, a worried expression on his face. "You won't hurt me, I'm not in pain" I tell him, trailing kisses down his neck, he tilts his head back in pleasure, letting out heavy breaths as I get lower.

I pull down his trousers along with his boxers, I feel as he gets harder in my mouth, I swirl my tongue around the tip, going down rapidly as his hands grip onto my hair. I feel him twitch in my mouth so I stop as I know he's about to finish.

I take off my joggers, crawling back over him and kissing him again, his nails dig into my back , leaving marks for sure. I wince out in pain as I hover over him, "I don't want to see you in pain" he whispers, his voice soft.

The pain was beginning to be too much, I didn't know if I could carry on even though I wanted too more than anything. I slip my joggers back on and lay next to him, feeling slightly embarrassed. "It's ok, maybe when you're better" he laughs, kissing my neck softly.

"I love you so much" I say, snuggling closer to him. "I love you more, I'm happy I found you" his voice groggy and tired.

I close my eyes fully, feeling completely safe, the safest I had felt in months and months. I knew nothing bad would happen to me when Tommy and the others were here.

Tomorrow was a new day, the day we save Minho , all of us back together again..

Nothing to hurt us anymore

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