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The helicopter ride seemed to be taking forever, originally I was leaning on Thomas' shoulder.. but now he was asleep on mine. I didn't dare move, I knew he hadn't slept well in days, and with what just happened? He could really use the rest.

We land in a desert of some sort.. sand flying around everyone as we're ushered off. Masked men with guns come running out the door, holding their guns raised to something in the distance. "Quick get those kids inside" one of the men shout, guns beginning to fire from behind us.

I clutch the wooden carving close, making sure not too lose it while running. "Cranks! Close those doors!" Another man shouts, we run inside the doors, watching as they close and deadbolts come down.

"Everyone ok?" I look at all of my friends, double checking that they're doing alright. Although we all look a mess, it seems that we're doing ok.

A couple of minutes go by, we're all just standing together in a little bubble when a door opens.. a man with grey hair and stubble steps towards us. After what we've been through it's safe to say we were all a little jumpy. "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you.. I'm janson" he says, extending his hand out to greet one of us.. any of us.

"Why are we here.." Thomas speaks up, shielding me with his arm. "Well let's say I'm the man who has kept you alive, and I intend to keep it that way" he smiles before turning around and gesturing for us to follow him.

He shows around the building, saying how we're safe here, and wicked can no longer find us. He's in charge here apparently, he helps kids get out of the maze, saving us and protecting us.

He walks a little further before stopping in front of a room. "I'm sure you could all do with getting rid of that awful smell, some clean clothes too" he waves his hand inside to reveal shower cubicles. My eyes light up at the thought of Finally having a hot shower, not having to worry about using it all on my turn.

I let out a sigh as the scorching water hits my skin.. tilting my head different ways to feel it trickle down each side of my body.

"How're you holding up?" I jump at the sound of Thomas' voice. "Hey it's ok, it's just me" he says, wrapping his arms around my waist and giving me a hug from behind, letting the water run down our connected bodies. I turn to face him, placing my hands behind his neck. "I don't want to talk about how I feel.. instead I want to do this" I don't let him speak before I gently place my lips on his. Feeling his arms pull me tighter against his body while his nails grip into my back.

He hoists me up so my legs are able to wrap around his waist.. He grabs my hips causing me to let out a soft moan. His hand places over my mouth "be quiet, we're not alone" he smirks at me, trailing kisses down my neck.

Muffled moans come from my mouth.. he removes his hand and places it around my neck as he starts to kiss me again. "Are you sure you want too? I don't want to hurt you" he says, looking up into my eyes. "You won't hurt me.. I promise" I reassure him and he lines himself up with my entrance. Slowly pushing my hips back down and letting me adjust. His pace slow at first before he starts to bounce me up and down against the wall.

"T-Tommy" I moan softly, he places a finger to my lips, signalling for me to shush. I bite my bottom lip in an attempt to keep quiet.. he moves his head closer to my ear "I know you like this.. but you need to be quiet" he tells me, wrapping his hand back around my neck.

My nails dig into his back, leaving a few marks for sure. His mouth kisses mine so he could feel my moans as we kissed.. "fuckk" he groans under his breath. His breathing getting heavier, letting me know he's about to finish.

"Tommy I'm about to-" he cuts me off by kissing me.

He pulls apart for a moment "me too" he grunts.. giving a few more thrusts before finishing completely. I finish seconds after him, both of us panting out of breath.

"I love you" he says to me, kissing me once again.

"I love you too Tommy" I smile.

"Right, now let's get cleaned properly, want me too wash your hair" he asks. I nod and slowly turn around, allowing him full access to my hair.
After showers we were taken too what they call 'medical room' sort of like our medjacks back home but slightly different. They placed needles in our arms, telling us it's vitamin a and everything else we've been deprived off out there. I nod my head, allowing them to continue before getting up and brushing off my clothes.

"Y/n is it? We need to keep you and Charlie here for some extra tests, you don't mind to you?" A female doctor asks me. I look at Tommy who just grabs my hand, pulling me towards him. "She's not going without me" he says, his voice stern. "Janson, do you mind taking them in the canteen for food? The other two will join shortly" she says, janson coming over at her demands. "It'll be ok Tommy, I'll be in soon" I smile, giving his hand a squeeze.

I follow the doctor over to a little room, she points at two chairs, wanting me and Charlie to sit down. I didn't know Charlie too well, I thought he was a little bit of a weirdo to be honest.

"You two are special" she begins. "The lucky two who get their memories back" she jots down a few things on her notepad, a smile remaining on her face.

"I'm sorry what?" I say, a concerned look on my face. "Do you not want your memories back?" She asks me, I feel guilty for the fact that I hadn't been with the others for two long, neither had Charlie but we were the ones getting our memory back.

"Well-" Charlie cuts me off.

"We do" he assumingly speaks for both of us, giving a sheepish smile for the woman as she got up "I'll be 5 minutes" she tells us, leaving the room.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I growl at him. "My problem? How about yours! A chance to get your memories back and you don't want too? Why? Because of him? Because of Tommy" his eyes narrow towards me.

"You know nothing about me, or him, or any of us, you're new and you don't understand" I spit, watching as he seems offended by my words. He begins to speak but is interrupted by the woman coming back into the room, "right,if you'll both come with me and we can get started" she smiles, leading us out the room.

A sudden rush of guilt flows through my body. I couldn't help but feel bad about having my memories back.. but at the same time, they could do us more good than harm..


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