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I wake up alone, I must've fallen asleep with unwanted thoughts as I don't remember closing my eyes. I gently sit up, running my hands through my hair and swinging my feet off the bed. Noticing that Thomas wasn't here, but in his place lay a small piece of paper, I pick it up and unfold it, starting to read.

I had to leave early this morning, but I left you some new clothes on the dresser along with a few other things you'll need, after breakfast find alby- Thomas xx

A smile tugs at my lips as I finish reading, refolding the note and placing it back where I found it. I walk over to the dresser seeing a pair of black shorts and a grey vest sitting neatly in a pile. Next to them laid a toothbrush, a small tube of paste and a handmade hairbrush. Happiness fills me as I pick up the brush and run it through my hair, detangling the knots.

After putting on the clothes and rolling up the shorts so they don't fall down, I make my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth. "Hey y/n, Howre you feeling this morning" newt stood over the sink, washing his mouth out with water. I go over to him, rinsing my brush under the tap, "yeah everything's good" I smile and proceed to put the paste on the brush, sliding it in my mouth. "Good tha, I'll see you at breakfast" he says and his footsteps depart out the door.

After brushing my teeth for 3 minutes, I quickly jog back to my room, placing my brush and paste back on the dresser and making my way down to breakfast.

The homestead was filled with chatter, the gladers eating their breakfast hungrily. I'm greeted by  frypan at the hut, "morning sleepyhead, feeling hungry" a smile flickering on his face as he spoke. "A little" I reply, taking the plate of his hands, thanking him and making my way over to newt.

I sit down beside Chuck, even at the earliest of hours, his smile seemed to be glowing. "Did you sleep well?" He asks me, munching on his food quite quickly. "Apart from Thomas' constant snoring, I slept fine" I laugh, nibbling on a few pieces of bacon before deciding I wasn't hungry anymore. Newt seems to notice and furrows an eyebrow at me "you've got to eat more y/n, how do you expect to get through the day on an empty stomach" he seemed serious. I roll my eyes at him, eating one of my eggs and the rest of my bacon, pushing my plate in front of me gently.

A sarcastic smile forms on my face "better" I ask. "Much" he replies, finishing his food and taking mine, chucks, and his plate back to the kitchen for frypan to wash up. He joins us back at the table, "alby wants to see you, follow me" he gestures for me to walk with him and I do just that, walking out of the homestead and towards a different building.

The walk was quiet, newt seemed to have nothing to talk about so I didn't bother making conversation, instead I walked quietly towards where alby stood.

"Morning y/n, ready for the tour" alby beams.
I nod my head slowly, watching newt disappear into what looked like a garden. Alby started to walk in front of me, picking up my feet I followed after him. We started at the box, where I had came up in less than 24hours ago. "Obviously you know the box, this is where a new greenie comes every month, along with supplies, clothes, anything we need really" his words loud and clear. It made much more sense to me now, the crates I had seen in there with me were supplies.

He continues walking and we make it too another spot in the glade. "This is the slicers, it's where we keep the animals.. and where we-" he stops himself "well you know what" he smiles. My jaw drops in horror, this is where they killed the animals, shivers run down my spine and I try to furiously shake off the feeling. "By Seeing your face I can tell that being a slicer isn't for you" he laughs and drags me forwards to the next place.

"The slammer" he begins "it's like our version of jail, you do something out of line, or break the rules, this is where you end up". I stare profusely at the wooden bars on the window, stone cold floors.. I can tell that it's somewhere I would not like to be.. ever.

"That's the deadheads, it's where we bury our fallen" alby points towards a small spot hidden at the edge of the woods. Sadness fills my body, knowing that people die in this place doesn't make me feel any better. "The baggers" he points to another spot, not needing to explain as I catch on rather quickly.

"The medjack hut, along with our medjacks Clint and Jeff." A give a small wave at the boys over into the distance, although they seemed fairly busy.

"And lastly, the map room" he shows me a small reinforced hut, steel doors at the entrance. The map room.. I wonder what it's for? And why do they call it the map room.

"And that concludes our tour, now if you'd like to follow me back into the homestead, me, newt and a few other council members would like to discuss what jobs you like" he flashes a smile, extending his arm out in front of me so I could go first.
As I step into one of the rooms upstairs in the homestead, I'm greeted by a few of the boys. I sit down near the table, crossing my legs and waiting for them to start.

"So as I've showed you some of the jobs, the others you could choose from have been mentioned to you briefly, am I correct?" Alby asks me, everyone's head turns to me waiting for an answer. "Correct" I reply.

"Have you decided which one you would be interested in doing?".

I take a minute to think, I remember how Thomas and Minho weren't here today, briefly speaking to a few people I heard they were in the maze, they're runners I'm told and they help to try and find a way out of here. Knowing that what I was about to ask would do more harm than good, I rise to my feet.

"What would it take for me to become a runner"

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