August 29, 2014

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Team bonding, that's what Tony had decided to call this small party with only the team in attendance. We were all together longer than usual. Nobody had been called on a mission or to another planet, so we were relishing in the time together.

Tony was vigorously shaking drinks for Natasha and I. We sat at the bar, watching in amusement as he tried his best to show off for us. We humored him, of course, like teenage girls indulging a grandfather.

Behind us, Steve, Clint, and Bucky were playing pool, yelling every so often as one of them would get close to scoring points. They were truthfully horrible at the game, not something I thought was possible for them.

"I think they just like us staring at them," Natasha's face was close to my ear as we both had turned to look at the boys leaning over the table. They did look good. Steve and Bucky were wearing leather jackets, jeans, and tight t-shirts. Clint was in a black long-sleeve shirt with black pants.

I laughed, "They do look over here a lot, don't they?"

Natasha winked as Clint's eyes glanced up to her, his arm faltered when she caught him, sending his target nowhere near the hole he had lined up. He stood up quickly, Steve clapping his shoulder and laughing.

Bucky was staring at me, leaning against his pool cue, being very obvious.

"Do you and Barnes have something?" Natasha was looking directly at me now.

I opened my mouth to talk, but stuttered out a no. Very obvious.

She laughed, "I was just wondering, babe. I've seen you two together a lot."

"We're just friends," I muttered, turning back to watch Tony pouring drinks.

"Just friends," She chuckled, "been there. Done that." Her eyes watched me, "We'll see how long that lasts." There was a gleam in her eyes that unsettled me.

Tony sat down drinks in front of us, saving me from the conversation. He slapped a towel over his shoulder, "Enjoy, ladies."

I smiled, rolling my eyes at him and swiveled in the stool. Bruce and Thor were out on the balcony, staring up to the stars together. They were good friends, kind and gentle men.

The boys around the pool table yelled again, Steve had finally sunk a ball into a hole. They looked like a frat house. Bucky in a frat, short hair, varsity jacket, smug face. I pushed the thought away.

I felt Tony slide into the stool next to me, "So, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, how's your throat?"

My chest heaved a sigh. Tony and his damn nicknames. "I'm fine, Tony," I scowled at him, "Bruce has been giving me medicine which is speeding up the healing process."

He nodded, "Good."

Natasha leaned close, "Lucky that Barnes was there, huh?"

I saw Tony's smile flash, "The Winter Soldier and The Nor-"

My hand slapped over his mouth which earned a loud laugh from the two of them, "I hate both of you."

I stood, bringing my drink with me and moved outside where Bruce and Thor were talking. It was quiet on the balcony, only the singing of bugs filled the air. The two outside were pointing up to constellations, discussing them at great lengths.

Bruce turned to me when he heard the door click shut. He smiled gently at me, offering me his hand, "Hey, Stel."

Thor furrowed his eyebrows at me, glancing inside, "Are you alright, love?"

I nodded, taking Bruce's hand and being pulled to stand between them, "I'm fine. Tony and Natasha are bullying me."

Bruce smiled, "That's what they do best."

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