December 16, 2014

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My toes were surely frostbitten as the team trekked between rows and rows of Christmas pines. The smell of their needles was dulled by the sharpness of the frozen air that billowed in puffs of white snow.

Bucky walked next to me, huffing clouds every now and then. His hands were shoved into the pockets of his coat, and a scowl creased his face.

Tony had dragged us all out to tree farms in search of the perfect Christmas tree worthy of the Avengers' annual holiday party. We had made this trip every year, but it was particularly freezing that day.

I shivered again and walked closer to Bucky. He turned and blew his warm breath over my face, dusting me with a plume of freezing air. He grinned at my disapproval.

Snowflakes caught in his hair and dusted his locks in glittering ice. I smiled, watching the light catch on the frozen crystals. He smiled back at me, winking when he noticed the pink blush appear on my cheeks.

"Now that's a beaut," Clint whistled. The boys excitedly gathered around him and the tree he was admiring.

My eyes rolled. Sometimes they were such men, clamoring to see their next project they'll leave half-finished in the garage. I knew all they wanted was to carry the tree to the car and strap it over the roof. The moment it was settled inside the compound, they would cease to care about it.

The tree was pretty. It was tall and perfectly conical with thick branches and pine needles. The compound would surely be flooded with its fresh scent for weeks to come.

I smiled, tonight we would drink warm cider and place sparkling ornaments all along the evergreen pines. Tony would light the fire outside, and for tonight at least, we could act like a family with no other problems.

Carolers sang in the distance. Their song drifted through the rows of trees, and the boys began bobbing their heads from side to side as they debated the best way to carry it to the car.

Natasha came to stand next to me. Her arms were crossed in amusement, "Sometimes, it's nice to let the boys do all the hard work."

We watched as Bucky, Steve, and Thor hoisted the tree over their shoulders and carried it off while Tony went to pay. Bruce trailed behind them, muttering something about maybe being able to help them strap the tree to the roof of Tony's escalade.

My face flushed watching Bucky's strength as they threw the tree onto the roof. He huffed, blowing a puff of white air out. He caught me staring, sauntering over to me with a smirk, "Hey, doll."

He hovered around me, this was too public for affection. I saw the way his hands stopped from reaching for me, and I felt a pain in my chest.

I gave him a smile, "Hey, Sarge."

"Got any plans tonight?" His voice was flirty, and it sent butterflies ricocheting through my lungs.

I hummed, "I might grab a drink with this boy I've been talking to, decorate a tree, watch a movie; who knows?"

He seemed intrigued by this game. His eyes narrowed, "This boy of your's, you like him?"

"What does it matter to you, Sarge?" I laughed.

Steve was calling Bucky's name, wanting help with the tree. He smirked and started walking backwards, his eyes never leaving mine, "Just wanted to know who I'm up against, doll." He winked and turned away, leaving me shaking my head and sliding into the car.

The ride back to the compound was loud. The tree jostled and hit the roof of the car as we sped down New York highways. Tony blared music over the radio and sang along loudly.

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