November 3, 2014

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France was cold. The air was wet with rain billowing above in the dark clouds. A storm promised to be in attendance at the party that evening.

Bucky and I were strolling through Parc de la Tête d'Or. Hundreds of flowers surrounded us in a dizzying array of colors and scents. It was stunning and glittering even in the abysmal atmosphere.

I drew my coat closer around me and wrapped my arms around Bucky's. "We should get ready soon," he breathed against my forehead. He placed a kiss atop my head. His lips were warm and soft compared to the freezing air.

My stomach filled with butterflies. The party was in a few hours. We had to get ready and review the mission intel. Attend the party, steal some intel, fly home. It had sounded easy enough, but with the impending gala, my heart was racing.

"You alright, doll?" Bucky's voice held concern. He looked at me with furrowed brows, searching my face for answers.

I swallowed my nerves, "Yeah, just thinking about tonight."

"It'll be easy, angel. I'll handle everything." He looked confident. I trusted him. I knew he would take care of us.

My shoulders relaxed, "We should come back here in the spring." I looked up at him. He looked back at me, a smile on his face. He nodded, turning to look out at the lawn dotted with trees and fountains. One day, this will be every day.

He pulled me closer to his side, hugging me inside his coat that blew open in the wind. We lingered for a while longer. Neither of us wanted to leave and start working. I wished we could revel in the fantasy for a while longer.

Bucky slid his hand into mine, twirling me and guiding me back the way we had come. He gave me a smile; it didn't look sad, perhaps nostalgic or hopeful better described it. But there was something fogging his features. I pushed it aside, not wanting to press. He was probably distracted by the mission just as I was.

The hotel was fanciful. SHIELD had booked an expensive room. You're going to a gala with the richest people in Europe. You have to play the part.

Fine by me.

I turned to Bucky, "I'm going to get ready alone. Rose gave me a manual of instructions. Is that okay?"

He smiled, "Of course, doll. Take your time. I'll look over the intel after I'm done." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and gently pushed me to a second bedroom in the suite.

I unzipped the garment bag that held the dress, admiring the tulle fabric between my fingers. I let out a shaky breath; my nerves were growing more and more restless as the gala neared. Rose had given me detailed instructions on how to do my hair, wear the dress, paint my makeup, and a laundry list of other tasks.

Clouds still loomed overhead. Bucky knocked on the door and poked his head inside. His gaze was averted, not wanting to look at me without permission. I laughed, "Hey, Buck." I walked over to him and stuck my head in front of his.

His eyes met mine, "I got you this earlier when you weren't looking." He grinned and pulled a bowl of strawberries from behind his back. We had passed through a market that afternoon. It was romantic and quaint. I dreamed of this being our life someday. A quiet French town in the countryside, markets, flower gardens, and castles. One day, this will be every day.

I grinned at him and took the bowl of bleeding red fruit. They looked delicious and juicy, "Merci, mon chéri."

He smiled and shut the door with a wink.

I set the bowl down on the desk in the corner of the room. It faced the window and overlooked the streets below. There weren't many people outside. The weather was miserable, so I didn't have much to distract myself with while dreading getting ready.

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