May 18, 2015

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My hands trembled as I kneeled before Odin's throne.

I felt his eyes on me, harsh and dissatisfied. Thor had told me this would not be an easy conversation. I had hoped he would be wrong.

"Stand," he said suddenly.

Deftly, I moved to my feet and looked up at him. He was watching me carefully, as if studying my every movement. I wondered if he could read minds like Loki and I.

"What do you have to say about my son's claims of innocence?"

My body burned. "I believe him," I said softly. I cleared my throat, hoping to sound a bit more imposing. "I have seen his memories, relived them with him, and I do not see how he could be lying.

"Your son meant to kill himself when he fell from the bridge. He was saved by an unknown entity which in turn controlled his mind by using the scepter which I and my friends seek on earth.

"He did not wish to destroy earth. He was made to do it by that force named The Other. He is old but powerful with a seemingly vast knowledge of the universe's magic. He has access to armies across our galaxy. It was he who controlled Loki's mind."

Odin stared at me for a while, unmoving and silent. I stood before him with my hammering heart, fearful he could hear my anxieties as they without a doubt poured from me.

Finally, he sighed. "Very well. I will bring this information to the council. We will reconvene on the Midgardian day of June 12. You will be expected to attend in the event there are questions from the council."

He waved his hand in dismissal, and guards ushered me from the chamber.

The boys were waiting outside. Thor stood eagerly and extended a hand to me. I took it in hopes to reassure him.

His bright eyes looked at me expectantly. "Well," he sighed. "What did he say?"

"The trial is June 12. He didn't say whether or not he believed me, but he said he would speak about it with the council. We have to come back for the trial in case they have questions for me."

I watched Thor's face carefully as grief struck his brow. He hoped his father would be a bit more forthcoming with his opinions on Loki's innocence, but Odin was not so giving.

Bucky's hand wandered up my back. "Are you alright?"

I nodded. "Of course." My eyes grazed over the men in front of me. Bruce looked tired. "Is he alright?" I whispered to Thor.

He looked back at Bruce, alarmed, but smiled back at me when he saw him. "Oh, yes, we just," he paused, "had a long night."

"Ah," I hummed. "Seems like it."

Thor grinned widely at me, but his face faltered for a moment as he dipped his head close to mine. "Have you been reading our thoughts?" He asked with concern.

I smiled at him sweetly. "I would never," I lied, but he seemed to not notice for he grinned again and turned back to Bruce.

Steve shook his head, "As smart as he can be, he's just as dense." He rested his hand on the small of my back. "Are we leaving soon?" He asked.

Bucky shrugged. "I think so," he pointed to guards that carried our belongings for us. They were walking to horses near the base of the castle's staircase.

"Anyone know how to ride a horse?" Steve asked.

I laughed, "Nope."

We followed as Bruce and Thor walked closely behind the soldiers. From the balcony above, the Warriors Three and Lady Sif waved their farewells. We smiled back at them and approached the horses.

There was one for each of us. Mine was chestnut brown and sweet. She lifted her head when I approached and huffed gently.

I wonder. Softly, I pressed our thoughts together, hoping to ease the both of us as I lifted myself to the saddle.

She let me up, and I looked over at the boys who were struggling to get their horses to relax.

Thor lifted Bruce up to his saddle, and I did Bruce a favor, calming his horse's mind as I did my own.

I let my boys struggle. Their egos were already too big.

"Be gentle," I advised them.

They scoffed at me, but eventually they got on, and we started across the long bridge.

We would be back June 12. Three days before our elopement. I sighed. Our lives could never be easy.

Heimdall met us at the gate as always. He was a kind man, wise and steady as the tides. I smiled up at him as we stood before the portal.

With a blink, we were blinded by rainbow lights and the rushing of wind.

When my eyes opened again, we were standing on the lawn of the compound.

Tony, Sam, Clint, and Nat were outside on the patio grilling hamburgers and hotdogs.

I laughed at their shocked faces as we walked towards them, embracing after our three days apart from each other.

We all caught up, exchanging stories and asking millions of questions.

I told the team about Loki's innocence. They didn't seem too concerned with him, but their eyes grew wide at my mentioning of The Other.

Tony winced, "So there's a wicked alien army looking to enslave planets. Great." He sighed and flipped a hamburger on the grill. His apron read Kiss The Chef.

"We don't know who they really are yet," Thor said with a whole hotdog in his mouth.

Bruce laughed at him. "All we can do for now is wait for Loki to be released and hope he offers to help us." He passed Thor a stack of napkins and smiled.

Natasha hummed, sipping on a glass of lemonade. "Another murderer on the team. That'll be great for public image." She winked at Bucky.

He narrowed his eyes at her, "Watch it."

"Listen," I sighed. "Whether or not Loki offers his help, he owes me for getting him out. We need the scepter, and he's our best chance at finding it. Murderer or not, we need him."

The team was silent at that, but finally Clint huffed and reached for another cheeseburger. "As long as he stays ten feet away from me, whatever."

And just like that, it was settled. They didn't care whether or not he was innocent. What mattered was finding the scepter. We get that, we can protect the world from whatever came next.

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