September 14, 2015

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"You look hot, professor Rogers-Barnes," Bucky teased as he fixed some hair behind my ears. "Are you excited?"

Raspberries blew from my lips as I huffed a laugh and looked up at his cute blue eyes. "I don't know. I feel so out of place. Do I look okay? Do I look like a professor?"

He grinned and held my face between his hands. His face was gentle. Soft as the glow of the silver moon in a dark sky. "You look beautiful, my stunning and gorgeous wife," he mumbled as he pressed kisses to my cheeks. "You're going to do great, and those kids are going to love you. You are literally the most qualified person to teach a class like this. Now, go kill it, doll."

I laughed and fell against his chest, hugging him tightly and breathing in his cologne. "Thanks, my love. What are you going to do today?"

"Roche's invited me for brunch," he mused. "Afterwards, you'll probably be done at the college, right? Was thinkin' I could pick my girl up and take a walk through the markets. Find something for a romantic dinner. Steve said he'd come by too."

"Really?" I asked, excitement tingling through me. He'd been so busy lately; it had been a while since we were all together. But first, I had to teach. First I had to prove to myself that I wasn't an imposter.

Easier said than done.

The chalk trembled between my fingertips as I wrote my name and information upon the board. Stella Rogers-Barnes. Goddess of magic and the stars. Office hours are Tuesday and Thursday 1-2pm.

I cleared my throat, turning at the sound of the amphitheater's double doors open. My heart hammered in my ear drums as a few students filed in. They seemed young. Wanda and Pietro's age. Baby-faced and innocent eyes. Books in hand and bags slung over their shoulders as they murmured amongst themselves. My jaw clenched, and I tasted acid in my throat.

"Stella?" A light and airy voice asked.

Amelia. Daughter of Athena. Demigod.

I stared at her for a moment before clearing my throat. If I thought I was worried, now, I was in the midst of a full-blown anxiety attack. I forced the tremble from my voice, using my magic to persuade my mind into relaxation.

All magic is simply telling a lie so utterly believable, that for a moment, the universe believes a man can fly.

If I could tell the heavens piles of dirt and blood are wolves and ravens, I could tell myself that I am calm. I can handle a group of college students. Even if one of them is my overly-ambitious neighbor.

"Hello, Amelia," my voice said coolly. I hardly recognized myself. Probably for the best. "As for the rest of you, my name is Stella. I am an Avenger, daughter of Hades and Persephone, and I am your professor for this course."

They stared at me in awe as I continued to speak, allowing our first meeting to be a question and answer round table. They were more than eager to ask any and every question that came to their minds.

Is Tony Stark single? Is the Underworld scary? Are you and the Winter Soldier still together? How did you get your memories back? So, is Loki a good guy now? Is Thor single? What is Olympus like? Have you been to Asgard? Can you bring your wolves to class?

I humored them, answering whatever I could and skirting around more awkward questions. At least they were engaged. My worries that they would be uninterested dissipated quickly. They were more than interested. It was as if their thirst for knowledge was unquenchable, but I was the oasis in this desert of a university.

Their eyes were bright as I spoke about the rolling fields of Asphodel. Zeus and his mighty throne. The unimaginable lushness of Demeter's gardens. Artemis and Apollo and their racing chariots. My mother and her sweet flowers. My father and his gloomy castle. Hecate and her infinite knowledge. Magic. Witchcraft. Poisons and potions. To heal and to hurt. Reality and its limitations to mortals. Reality and its infinite possibilities to those like me.

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