May 30, 2015

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I woke in my bed, snuggled between my two boys. Their arms wrapped around me, holding me tight to their chests and sandwiching me between them.

It was early. The sun had not even begun to rise, but I was awake. The bedside clock said it was three a.m.

Lazily, my head rose, and I climbed over Bucky's sleeping form. My body felt strange and groggy. Drink some water, go back to sleep.

My feet tiptoed down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing a cup from the cabinet and walking to the fridge. Ice clinked against the glass, loud in the silent room. I winced, hoping the loud sounds wouldn't wake anyone up. The ice machine roared with effort as it churned more ice into my cup.

Sighing, I turned back around, bringing my softly clinking glass of water back to my room. But my body froze. A figure stood in the passageway of the staircase. We stared at each other for a while. I did not feel afraid of it, but there was a strange feeling in my chest. Like a tightness and unexplained familiarity.

My voice rasped out of me, "Who are you?" My heart was beating quickly, but I was determined to not let this thing sense anything but contempt from me. The figure was tall and lanky with boney limbs and a dark aura that ghosted around it like smoke. Its eyes glowed in the darkness, yellow like a hawk and just as piercing.

It grinned at me with sharp, misshapen teeth. "Who I am is of no concern to you, Princess. Your father sends his regards and a gift. We have heard your memories awaken. Though you cannot see them yet, they stir inside your mind. They are no longer dormant. As your powers grow, so will your recollection." The figure stepped towards me and produced a box from seemingly thin air.

The box was dropped at my feet. The figure stared at me still. "The House of Hades hopes this will jog your memories, Princess." And in a blink, he was gone.

I let go of a breath I had been holding, swelling down the acid that threatened to cough up my throat. With shaking hands, I leaned down and lifted the box. It was heavy and clanged in my arms. I carried it to the couch and set it on the cushions.

"JARVIS," I whispered. "Lights to twenty percent."

Dimly, yellow lights above me flickered on, allowing me to see the soft outline of the box and its velvet ribbons. It looked expensive. This is from Hades. The thought alone shook me to my core and terrified me. But this was a gift not a threat. I had no reason to fear my father. Right?

I didn't know. It seemed as if he and Loki were friends. And Loki and I were friendly. Whatever.

Gently, I undid the ribbons of the box. It was large and awkwardly long. A million predictions swam through my mind as to what could be inside of it. I lifted the lid and pushed aside the protective cloth. There were two velvet bags inside. I lifted the top one.

It was the longest object in the box, heavy in my hands. I undid the string around the top of the bag. It was a sword. The blade was shadowy and highly reflective. The hilt was matte black with dazzling details. The sword shined like moonlight despite its lack of color.

I knew it was more than just a sword. I knew it. I wasn't sure how. But I knew it. I also did not know how to make it more than a sword or what I even meant by that, but I smiled at my recollection.

The weight of it was familiar in my hands. This is mine. The thought was strong in my head. A fact. This belonged to me before I fell. Starlight. I recalled its name easily.

The House of Hades hopes this will jog your memories, Princess.

Seemed to be working so far. I set down the blade and moved to the other bag. It was heavier than the sword was and much bulkier. There were clothes inside. A black bodysuit, a cape the shade of rich purple wine, well-fitting gloves, knee-high boots, and metallic shin and forearm guards the same shadowy color as my sword's blade.

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