April 11, 2015

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Steve, Bucky, and I sat outside around the fire pit. We were alone at the compound. Sam, Clint, and Nat had gone out for drinks, and Tony, Bruce, and Thor were in Silicon Valley.

These few hours alone were treasured. We could do as we pleased in the open air, away from the confines of our bedroom.

I lounged between the boys with my head in Bucky's lap and my legs across Steve's. They were leaned against each other's shoulders, and their fingers wandered over my body.

Steve's free hand absentmindedly ran through Bucky's beard. I watched, mesmerized by the simple action.

Dusk was settling around us, and a chorus of nightlife began erupting from the tree line. I turned my head, watching the flames dance against the deep sky.

It was so peaceful. I felt at home in their arms, warm and cared for.

Bucky's hand cupped my jaw and tilted my head back in their direction. "You alright, angel?" His voice was soft yet deeply raspy.

I smiled and nodded. "It's quiet tonight." There were no loud Avengers causing havoc. Just two super soldiers and their girl.

Steve hummed, enjoying the peace. His fingers slipped underneath the hem of my shirt and traced figures over my tummy. His hands were cold from the April air, and it left goosebumps running along my skin.

A sigh tumbled out of my lips, and my eyes closed. Bucky's fingers ran through my hair. My whole body hummed with static. I could have fallen asleep right there.

But Bucky pulled me from my almost dreams. "We should order food soon," he mumbled.

I stretched, not wanting to move anymore. I hummed in agreement with him and cuddled closer to them. The fire was warm against my face, flickering and lulling me back to sleep.

Steve took his phone from his pocket. "What do you want, doll?" Our pet names for each other all ran together. I couldn't tell who he was talking to.

I stayed quiet, not caring enough to give input. I was perfectly content laying on them and letting them decide.

"Sushi?" Bucky offered.

Steve hummed and tapped my hip. "Is that alright with you, sweets?"

I smiled and nodded. Sweets. My boys are so cute.

Food was ordered. A ton of sushi, dumplings, rice, soup, and wontons. I stretched and turned back to look at the boys.

Bucky's head was resting on Steve's shoulder. He smiled at me when our eyes met. I love you, wife, Bucky said to me.

I grinned, I love you too, husband.

His eyes lit up as he blinked past the sleep that was overcoming us. He yawned, "Can we watch a movie while we eat?" He sounded so cute and tired.

"Of course we can, doll," Steve said. His thumb massaged over my thigh, "Do you have a movie idea, darling?"

I tapped my finger to my lips. "Can we watch a scary movie?" I asked.

"No," they both said in unison.

I laughed, "Are my boys scared?" I narrowed my eyes at them, inspecting their pouting faces. "I promise I'll protect you," I said with a tease in my voice.

Bucky huffed a laugh. "I'm not scared," he said adamantly.

"What movie?" Steve asked. His tone was confident, but I heard the wave of uncertainty hidden in his vocal chords.

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