September 14, 2014

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Sam Wilson.

His sense of humor and self-absorption rivaled that of Tony Stark. But he was a kind man, fiercely loyal and trustworthy. The Falcon.

He had been away on a surveillance mission since early June, returning to the compound earlier in the day. He stood in the kitchen, clinking a beer bottle with Steve, smiling and laughing, happy to be home.

"So, what have I missed?"

His smile was charming. He turned to look at me, white teeth shining in the late afternoon sun that fell through the large glass windows.

Steve hummed, "Buck is home, bet you're glad to hear that."

Sam's eyes rolled. I had heard they don't get along, but they're friends at the same time. I was interested to see it for myself.

Steve said their bickering was constant, almost a competition. For what, I didn't know. They were both hard-headed, dominating personalities. I supposed that's why they clashed.

Tired already of speaking about Bucky, Sam turned to me as I sat in a barstool, "What about you, starlight? What's up with you?"


I sighed, "Nothing really, just the usual."

He grinned, "We should all go out tonight. Celebrate the return of the king." His smile widened at Steve's exasperation.

"Yeah, fine, but only because it's your first night back." Steve didn't like going on, usually staying home and away from prying eyes and paparazzi.

It would just be Steve, Sam, Bucky, and I. Tony and Bruce were on a plane to California for a technological convention. Thor was somewhere in space, and Clint and Nat were in Washington DC, SHIELD business I had not been enlightened with.

Footsteps bounded down the stairs behind me. Bucky emerges with damp hair, freshly washed.

Sam grinned, "Did you shower just for me? I'm touched." He held his hand to his heart, mock admiration on his face.

Bucky sighed, "So happy to see you again." His voice was monotone, clearly not happy.

Sam waltzed around the bar, slapping Bucky's shoulder and gently placing his hand on my back. I saw Bucky wince, eyeing Sam's hand as it massaged between my shoulder blades.

Steve cleared his throat, "When and where are we going?"

"Wherever the night takes us," Sam turned to me, winking and a charming smile on his face.

I shook my head, turning away from him, "Well, I'm going to get dressed. You boys try not to get too blasted before we even leave."

Sam laughed loudly behind me, "Put on something nice for me."

My face burned. Sam loved to flirt arguably more than Bucky did, but while Bucky's words and gestures were quiet and intimate, Sam's were loud, booming for everyone else to hear.

I wondered if Bucky minded. He was possessive, hovering and protective of me. His eyes followed me, hands touching my body, standing close nearly every moment we were around each other.

Bucky had told me I meant everything to him. I knew it to be true, but we're just friends with no emotions, no feelings. We were having fun. That was all.

I stared at the dresses hanging in my closet. I should have asked Natasha how long she thought she'd be gone. I wanted to go shopping with her, get lunch and gossip about the boys. I enjoyed our time together. She was like my cool big sister, someone I always wanted to impress. I wished I could be like her.

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