July 11, 2015

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The world exploded around me in bright blue waves of energy and snow. Loki and I were creating force fields and barriers to protect ourselves and the team as we advanced towards the Hydra facility in Sokovia.

"Go," I screamed at the two men as I saw an opening in the wave of soldiers. Bucky desperately tried to pull me along with them, but Clint was screaming in my comms device, and Natasha was requesting back up.

I shoved them along and turned back towards the rest of the team. My boots bounded through the snow until I reached Clint in a small clearing.

A sniper was aimed in his direction, so I shot a wave of my deeply wine-colored magic in its direction. The soldier fell, and I turned back to Clint.

He was badly injured. My hands clamped down on his wound. "I need someone to take Clint back to the jet," I said into my comms device.

Thor landed near me in a great crash. "I've got him," he said. "Stark is destroying the shield around the outpost. You should join the others."

I nodded and left Clint with Thor, turning back and running to the facility. The snow was thick around my ankles, not exactly the best terrain to be fighting in.

Suddenly, goosebumps rocketed over my skin, and a shiver ran up my spine. I stopped, listening for I didn't know what. Trees rustled behind me, and I twirled to face them.

A moment later, I was being flown back against a tree. My back hit the trunk, and the wind was knocked from my lungs. I struggled to catch my breath as I caught a glimpse of a bright blue flash speeding through the forest.

"Hey," I wheezed through the comms device. "I think we have company. Something or someone, faster than I could see, just threw me into a tree." I managed to stand, "Do not engage. Whatever it is, it's fast."

"Are you alright?" Bucky and Steve were both panicked as they nearly shouted over the comms.

I breathed a laugh and started walking towards the facility. "I'm okay. I'm about to walk up the steps. Tony, where are you?"

"About to go into a secret tunnel. You're more than welcome to join," he replied.

"Be there in a minute," I said as my strength returned. My feet jogged up the stairs and into the main door of the building.

I heard Steve just above me. He was cornering Baron Strucker down a flight of steps. I met them there, and placed my hand on Strucker's back.

He flinched but tried to play it off with a laugh. "Stel," Steve said, "bind him and take him to the quinjet."

I opened my mouth to say alright, but suddenly, Steve was being thrown into the wall next to us by a wave of red magic. My eyes followed the figure as she turned to flee.

Strucker laughed, loud and irritating like nails on a chalkboard. I pushed him down the steps and stalked towards him. "Who was that?" I nearly screamed at him.

He only laughed harder, clutching his sides. I used my magic to bind him tightly before I turned to Steve.

My hands helped him up, and he sighed. "Looks like we have two unexpected guests. Stella's mystery light and a female. Do not engage with either. We have Strucker."

"And I have the scepter," Tony interrupted. His voice sounded faraway, as if he had just seen the universe opened and laid before him. His throat cleared over the comms. "We have what we came for. Let's go."

"Goddess," Loki sneered. We were back on the quinjet now, recovering from the trip to Sokovia and back on the jet home.

Wearily, I turned to him. My head was resting on Bucky's shoulder as he cleaned his metal hand. "What?" I asked Loki.

He frowned at me, "Your idiot husband nearly shot me."

Bucky chuckled, "You were in my way, idiot. I was trying to save you from being killed." His eyes rolled, and he turned back to his hand.

"I don't need saving from a mortal," Loki snapped.

"Enough," Thor declared as he placed a hand on Loki's shoulder. He turned and crouched beside Bruce who was cowering under a pile of blankets on the floor. Thor whispered something to him, and the two exchanged soft smiles.

Tony sighed and joined Steve at the center console. "Taking the scepter back to Asgard?" He asked Thor.

"Yes," he answered with a sigh. "It must be taken off Midgar. It is not safe here."

"Well, you'll be at the party tonight before you leave, right?" Tony asked.

Thor stood and nodded. "Of course. Such a victory should be celebrated." He turned back to Bruce for a moment. "And I will not be gone long. A few days at most."

"Good," I said with a smile. "I know Loki would be devastated to be without his brother for too long."

Loki's eyes glared at me, "You are incredibly irritating."

I smiled sweetly at him. "I know," I said simply. He rolled his eyes and looked away from me, pouting with his head resting on his fist.

"In my absence," Thor said, "I am leaving you under the care of Lady Stella. I expect you to not bother her."

Bucky laughed, "Oh, that'll be so fun."

Loki grumbled something I couldn't hear and continued to pout.

We were nearing the compound now. The scepter was glowing softly blue and filling the cabin of the quinjet with its foggy aura.

I sighed, trying not to think about my vision of the future and the scepter that made my skin crawl.

We had it. Thor was taking it to Asgard. This chapter of our lives was over. All I had to worry about was the party in a few hours.

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