August 20, 2015

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"Oh, sainte!" A voice screamed behind me as the boucher handed me a pack of wrapped saucisson.

I didn't recognize the voice, but I heard it getting closer. I turned around, expecting to see a commotion or reunited friends. Instead, there was a group of people approaching me. Their eyes were wide and unfamiliar smiles greeted me.

Shyly, one of them waved at me as they crowded around me. "You are the North Star, non?" They asked.

My heart dropped to the depths of the Underworld. I'd really hoped nobody would recognize us. I don't know why I thought they wouldn't. At one point, all the world talked about was Bucky and I dating, our engagement, and winterstar.

Politely, I smiled at them and nodded, going through the motions I had practiced at SHIELD. Always smile, sign a few autographs, take a few pictures, make an excuse to leave, and don't look back.

My hands trembled as I made my way out of the boucherie and towards a back alley. My hands found the wall, feeling for the blackest shadows that would grant me passage back to the apartment.

I found them and slipped my fingers through the pitch blackness that swallowed my whole body. Where did she go? I heard that group asking. Their voices sounded garbled. As if I were underwater.

Weary, I began making my way through the shadow realm. It was a cold dimension. The In between of reality and the other. Few gods dared traverse it. The House of Hades held the domain here, so I knew I would be safe. I would not be bothered by whatever lies within these dark depths.

I would not be bothered by monsters, gods on the other hand, they could still find me.

"Fancy seeing you here," that familiarly irritating voice rang in my ears, accompanied by a gust of wind and the smell of sandalwood.

My stomach did a backflip. Of all the people I could see here, he would have been my last choice to run into. I walked a bit faster, hoping to find the apartment quickly.

He followed me, uncaring that I clearly did not wish to talk. "What is the dearest princess of the Underworld doing here?"

"Hiding from mortals," I replied simply. "And what of you? What is the great god Hermes doing here? I thought you knew of better ways to travel."

"Hiding from mortals," he echoed, ignoring my question. He hummed and tapped his fingers to his lips. "I thought you said you preferred the company of mortals."

My eyes rolled. "I'm not in the mood for games, Hermes."

He frowned and stepped in front of me, blocking my path. We were in the shadows of the flower market up the street from my apartment. It wasn't far now.

"Smells like your mother here," he noted. "Sweet and fresh like the wind that arrives with the spring equinox."

"I'm not just going to stand here and make small talk with you."

"Why not? I thought you were hiding."

My hand grabbed his arm, and I pushed him to the side. He laughed, turning to walk behind me and trying again. "You no longer crave the company of mortals?"

I sighed, "I just want to go home."

"Fame is a burden," he mused dramatically, twirling and smirking at me. "You can't have both, princess. You can't live amongst them and expect them to not become enamored with you. It is your nature. To be admired just as your namesake is by those very same mortals."

"I can have whatever I please," I sneered, stopping in my tracks. A flicker of amusement passed through him which only angered me more. "If the stars are my domain, then I will write the future in them as I see fit."

Hermes chuckled, following me again as I turned on my heels and headed again towards the apartment. "I'm sure you will try," he said. "However, I must warn you, you have defied the Fates once, another challenge to their authority will not end well for you."

"If the Fates see all, then they should see the path before me and know what I will do. If they are unhappy with it, then that seems like their problem," I replied darkly.

His eyebrows raised briefly. "So bold," he remarked. "No wonder Loki adores you so."

I flinched at his words and opened my mouth to say something, but I stopped when I saw his attention turn to the black void behind him.

"I must be going, princess. Your father is calling for me. Farewell, and try your best to not kill any Fates," he said absentmindedly. His eyes glanced back at me, and he winked before disappearing in a gust of wind.

My jaw clenched as I stared into the abyss. I can have whatever I please. If the heavens could bend to my will, so could three sisters and their stupid strings.

I turned back towards the cottage, plotting and muttering to myself various herbs I needed to gather. Harshly, I pushed through a thin space in the shadows, emerging in the living room of the apartment and scaring Bucky who was lounging on the sofa.

He frowned and followed me into the kitchen as I continued mumbling ingredients.

"Everything okay, doll?" His voice sounded small in my ears. Like a mouse squeaking in the distance.

Wordlessly, I nodded and walked towards the front door, placing my hand on the dark oak and bringing us to the island. I flew out of the door and towards the garden.

Bucky trailed behind, concerned but trusting me as I worked diligently to gather herbs for a draught. He watched carefully. I felt his lingering presence as he ghosted around me.

I walked back to the kitchen and got to work. Chopping and crushing various leaves and stems, muddling berries, and steeping flower petals.

The end result was a pale pink syrup. A draught that would cast the drinker unrecognizable to anyone they did not wish to be perceived by. A means to have whatever I wanted.

I turned to show Bucky. His eyes narrowed, and his fingers took the small phial. "Is this what had you so worked up?" He asked, half-laughing.

"People recognized me at the market earlier," I said simply. "This draught will make it so they can't."

He looked up at me. His eyes wavered, and he nodded, looking away from me. "I didn't want to tell you, but a few people in the neighborhood have recognized me while I've been out walking. I should have told you," he said as his voice trailed off. "Should have known you could fix it."

I laughed a bit. "I'd do anything to protect us," I said solemnly.

Anything at all to ensure the sun and the move could shine for the rest of eternity.

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