November 9, 2014

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Tony's lab beeped with equipment I couldn't even try to begin to understand. He was scribbling on a screen, humming to himself.

Bruce was inspecting data at a desk on the other side of the room. I sat awkwardly between them, waiting for either of them to turn back to me with something to say.

My feet were dangling off the examination table I was sitting on. I looked around the room. It wasn't often Tony let people into the lab.

It was sterile white and stainless steel. Clean, orderly, and it smelled of disinfectants. My nose burned a bit at the chemicals.

Tony sighed and turned to me, "Alright, Salem, here's what I've got." He turned the screen to face me.

A digitized model of myself glowed back at me. Tony was redesigning my mission outfit. I was in need of upgrades, and Tony had developed new fabrics and improved nanotechnology.

The screen showed a similar design to my current mission outfit: skin tight black long-sleeve shirt, pants, boots and a black cape. The cape was shorter now, and Tony said the material was not as hot and heavy.

Bruce stood and walked over to me, showing me a digitized redesign of my helmet. It was sleeker, matte black and with a glossy visor for my eyes. The interface of the screen inside included more features that I had now.

I nodded, pleased with the new equipment. It was pretty, less bulky and more free flowing.

They smiled at each other. "Maybe you'll get to show it off soon, doll," there was a sarcastic edge to Tony's voice as he mocked the name Bucky always called me.

My eyes narrowed at him, "You'd kill to see it." He smirked and looked away from me. I hopped off the table and turned to Bruce, "Thank you."

He smiled, genuine and shy, "No problem, starlight."

I pressed the button for the door, and Tony called out to me again, "Oh, hey, I'm planning the next team bonding thing, much to Cap's dismay. I'm thinking paintball. Yeah?"



"Here at the compound, duh. Every man for himself. Winner gets," he paused, "I don't know, haven't gotten that far."

Bruce laughed, "You want to play paintball with a god, two super soldiers, two world-class spies, a witch, and me?"

"Sounds like a great time to me," Tony was grinning, unphased by Bruce's logic.

I shook my head, "Sure, Tony. But don't be surprised when this place goes up in flames."

"We've got insurance."

Not my problem.

I clicked the button again and walked through the cold hallways of the compound.

Bucky stalking the halls with a paintball gun. A shiver ran up my spine. I wondered if he'd hunt me down first or try to protect me. Either scenario was attractive.

I slammed into someone as I rounded a corner, knocking me from my fantasies.

She screamed, high-pitched and ringing in my ears like nails on a chalkboard. Sharon Carter.

Instinctively, she shoved my shoulders backwards, and I stumbled against the wall. She stared at me, growing more angry. Her teeth bared at me, "Watch it, witch."

I stepped towards her, "What are you doing here?"

A smirk marred her features, twisting them into an ugly menace, "Stevie asked to talk to me." Triumph was clear in her eyes, "SHIELD would like to proceed with my promotion and make me liason for the Avengers Initiative."

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