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Camila's Pov
It's been about 3-4 months since Theo's been gone. Since he made his decision. Since he made his choice of power over me. Look where that got him. Stuck in the ground. To be honest I should've seen it coming, I put myself in that situation and I should've known I wouldn't like the outcome. He betrayed everyone multiple times and he hurt the pack.

This summer has been, what you could call, eventful. I had 3 summer jobs. One working as a temporary replacement officer at the Sheriff's Station, one as a lifeguard at the pool and I taught self defence to kids with Parrish, who had to take that week long course to become a full deputy officer.

Since I had been making money from the three jobs I decided that it was time to buy a car for my birthday. Stiles and Scott already knew I was wanting one but I never had the time to look for one. When my birthday rolled around the two of them surprised me with a baby blue Jeep, identical to Stiles's. Mine has a grey interior and Stiles's has a black interior.

I fell in love with it ever since I got it. I spent most of the last month of summer driving around in it with Brett and Liam. After everything that's happened it's actually nice to spend time with the two of them, without the supernatural getting in the way of everything.

For my birthday I also got lots of gifts which I was surprised about. I've never really liked my birthday so when the pack surprised me it made me feel better about my birthday.

Sheriff gave me an envelope which had forms to legally change my last name inside. It took a lot of consideration until I decided to sign the forms. I now go by Camila Stilinski but I will always be an Argent in heart.

As you already know Stiles and Scott got me the Jeep but they didn't have to spend a penny on it either. Derek knew somebody in Mexico who was simply giving it away so the two of them went to Mexico to get it and then they surprised me with it.

Liam, Brett and Mason got me a coffee machine together. It's in my room now and I practically use it all the time.

Lydia on the other hand went for a different approach. She literally came around the house and practically dragged me out of my room. She drove us to the mall and bought me so many new clothes. I felt bad that she was spending money on me but she just waved it off and allowed it. Now the clothes are all being delivered tomorrow so that means, cleaning my room.

Since Theo has been gone my room has been...let's say slightly messy.

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