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Camila's Pov
That's how I ended up here. In Eichen House. The mental house for nut jobs, psychos and sociopaths. The loony bin as Coach calls it. Everyday is a chore for me. Let me tell you about the past 2 months for me, here at Eichen.

Day 1
It was my first day at Eichen House and it was horrible. When I arrived the main orderly took everything away from me and gave me these grey manky old slippers to wear instead of my usual shoes. Apparently I was not allowed to change out of the same clothes I was wearing, meaning I'd have to wash them in the bathroom on my own. I came to Eichen House wearing a cropped shirt and some grey sweatpants that covered my bandages wounds.

 I came to Eichen House wearing a cropped shirt and some grey sweatpants that covered my bandages wounds

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Unfortunately this is all I can wear until I'm allowed out. When it was dinner time I was taken out of my room and into the canteen. The food tasted like utter puke so I decided to not eat the rest of my food and to just drink the water whilst I was here. An orderly came in and she gave me these containers filled with pills. One for morning. One before lunch. One after lunch. One before dinner. One before bed. I just had to take them and they made me feel drowsy and weak all day. When I had to go to bed and lights went out I knew I was screwed. Because I can never sleep I always go out on walks at like 3am but because I was locked in a cold room alone I couldn't. I just had to stay awake all night and listen to the screams of other mental patients.

Day 2
I had to go to my first therapy session today and it was as horrible as I expected it to be. The woman started asking me questions, all about Stiles and I had to answer them, even though I didn't want to. Still nobody believes me for any of it.

Day 3

Today was visiting day and nobody came to visit me. I never realise how lonely I was feeling until I was locked up in my room, waiting for someone to come and let me out. I wonder how lonely Stiles feels, wherever he is. It's a full moon today and I managed to keep myself in control, even though I'm seething with rage and anger right now, I'm surprised at my control over it all.

Day 4
A newbie came in today, so I am no longer the new girl anymore. This time it's a guy and I can practically smell the psychotic aura around him. He kept giving me dirty, sociopathic looks throughout the day, when I passed him in the halls and the courtyard.

Day 5
Today was terrible. I just found out that the new guys name is Mitch and he is here for murder attempts towards this guy Jason Fisher. I recognised that name from Brett. Jason is a part of Satomi's pack, so I'm now guessing that Mitch is a supernatural hunter.

Day 6
Today at lunch I spotted Mitch secretly slipping his knife away from the canteen, whilst I was busy hiding my food in the bin. I was walking in the corridors when Mitch came at me and attacked me. "Your one of them, your a werewolf." he smirked before he lightly sliced the side of my neck before an orderly caught him. It didn't hurt and it wasn't that deep but I knew it couldn't heal.

Day 13
It's been a week since I've seen Mitch. After he attacked me an orderly came and put him in an isolation cell, alone. He's getting out in 2 weeks time if he's good and does what he's told.

Day 28
Today Mitch was allowed out. He straight up attacked me in the middle of the courtyard, in front of everybody. He started to choke me to the ground and I knew that even though I could have fought back and defended myself, I couldn't. I couldn't risk shifting in front of everyone. So I didn't fight back and I let him continue to beat me half to death until the orderlies came.

Day 29
Mitch was put back in an isolation cell again, for another two weeks. I had to go to the nurse because I had bruises and cuts all over me. All over my neck, my body, my arms, my torso and my legs. I had a black eye but she said that it would go away in a couple of days.

1 Month Day 12
My black eye has finally gone away but I still have slight bruising on my neck. So far my wounds have only bled slightly since I've been here. Nothing too serious just a little bit of blood, nothing much. The gunshot wounds, Sebastein's claw wounds and Theo's claw wounds still haven't healed but what do I know, anything could happen.

1 Month Day 13
Yet again Mitch attacked me today. What a surprise. Only this time he came at me in the courtyard with his bedsheets tied together like a rope. He came up behind me and he started to choke me with it, by wrapping it around my neck and pulling hard, tightening it. The orderlies saved the day again by taking him to the isolation cell and locking him there for two weeks. I was also sent back to the office, now having even more bruising around my neck and a long red line all the way around it.

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