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Camila's Pov
"Syd, wait up." I call to her and she turns around and I catch up with her.

"Hi Cami." she says smiling at me.

"How've you been doing? You seem so much less..." I drift off.

"Stressed. I am less stressed. I got into Brentford thanks to you helping me over the summer. I was sure I wouldn't be able to get into college but your notes and flash cards really helped me. Thanks to you I passed all my classes with a high grade and I got a scholarship for Brentford. That's my dream college." she smiles brightly at me.

"That's amazing, I'm so proud of you." I say and she gives me a small hug.

"I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for you. Thank you." she thanks me.

"You deserve it. I'm happy for you." I say and she smiles at me.

"I've got to go take photos but if your free next week, do you want to go get coffee? I promise there won't be any assignments I need help with." she offers, causing me to laugh.

"Yeah for sure." I smile and she starts to walk backwards towards the photo booth.

"I'll see you round." she says as she goes back to taking photos.

"See you too." I say and I walk back to the pack in a better mood then I already was in.

As I walk back to the pack I pass lots of random people who all say 'hi' as I walk past them. It's nice to just have people you don't know be nice to you for no reason. I reach the table we were at but this time Stiles isn't there.

"Hey I'm back." I say as I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder.

"Here's your photos." Lydia says handing me two photos.

One was of the whole pack smiling at the camera and the other one was focused on Stiles and I. Stiles kissing my cheek and me smiling at him at the same time. I love it. I'm glad I have a Stiles in my life.

"I've got lunch now with Brett and Liam but I'll see you tomorrow, since I have 2 free periods, so basically no more school." I say.

"Bye Cami." they say giving me a hug before I walk off to the parking lot.

I enter the parking lot and I see Brett and Liam by Brett's car.

"Hey Handsome." I say as Brett pulls me in for a hug.

"Hey Gorgeous." he says hugging me tightly.

"Hi Babe." Liam smirks remembering the nickname.

"Hi Babe." I mock him as we get in the car.

We drive off and play Chase Atlantic all the way to the cafe, thank god these boys have good music taste. When we get there we get out of the car and walk inside the cage and get in a booth. A waitress comes over to our booth after a few minutes and I can see her eyeing them both up.

"Watch this." I say to both of them as she comes over to us.

"What would you like today handsome?" the waitress asks Liam.

I grab his hand and intertwine our hands on the counter.

"Yes, what would my handsome boyfriend like?" I ask Liam and the waitress looks shocked and stops flirting with Liam.

"Uhm an ice cream sundae." he says and she writes it down on her notepad.

"And what about you handsome?" she starts flirting with Brett and I grab Brett's hand and intertwine our hands together.

"What would my other boyfriend like?" I ask Brett and he answers.

"I'll have the same thing." he says.

The waitress looks gobsmacked and then she turns to me.

"What would you like?" she asks.

"Our girlfriend would like the same as us." Liam and Brett answer for me.

The waitress nods and walks away and when she's out of sight we burst out laughing.

"She probably thinks we're crazy." Brett laughs.

"Isn't everyone a little crazy though?" I ask in between laughs.

"Your not wrong." Liam says also laughing.

10 minutes later the waitress comes back and gives us our ice cream sundaes. We spend the next hour and a half talking about random things, mostly lacrosse since Liam told Brett I am now on the lacrosse team. After a while my phone pings and I see it's my Dad messaging.

"Uh guys I've got to go I need to see my Dad." I say and they both nod.

"Do you need a ride?" Brett asks.

"No it's fine. The house is like 15 minutes away from here anyways." I say giving them both a kiss on the cheek before leaving them two alone in the cafe.

When I say I'm seeing my Dad it's not the Dad they're all thinking about. I'm talking about my blood Dad.

Chris Argent.

At the Argent's House
I go and I knock on the door and wait for my Dad to open it, which he does.

"Camila? Y-you came?" he says in a surprised tone.

"I did. Now can you tell me what you want to give me and then I can get out of here." I say and he nods.

He walks into his office and I hear him moving some papers and documents around until he comes back out with an envelope in his hands and hands it to me.

"What is this?" I ask holding the envelope in my hands.

"Allison gave this to me, that night we were making sliver arrow heads. She said to give this to you if anything happened to her." he explains.

"Wait, why didn't you give this to me 2 years ago?" I ask suddenly getting angry.

"I didn't want to." he answers.

I roll my eyes.

"You've got to be shitting me."I groan in annoyance.

"Excuse me?"he seems offended.

"You didn't give it to me because you never got one. Am I right or am I right?" I accuse him.

He looks down guiltily.

"Your right." he says.

"Okay then." I say and I turn and walk towards the door to leave.

"Camila about that night in the tunnels..." he starts but I cut him off.

"The night you threatened to shoot me." I say looking at the door, contemplating whether on leaving or arguing with him.

"Camila, it wasn't like that..."

"Then what was it like, huh?" I ask turning around and facing him.

"You put a gun to my head. Your own daughters head! Do you not have any idea how that feels? You chose Gerard over me. The man who practically tries to kill everyone and everything that is in his way. I guarantee he'll turn his back on you. Just like you did to me!" I snap at him.

He looks down at the floor before facing me again.

"Do you know how much that hurt me? Knowing that even my own Dad saw me as a killer. As a monster." I ask him sadly.

He shakes his head disappointedly.

"That's what I thought. You'd never know what that feels like." I say, walking out of the door and leaving him there alone.

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