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Camila's Pov
At the Sheriffs Station
"You're going to bite Stiles?" Lydia asks Scott.

"To get him through the rift." Scott says.

"It's the only way." Scott says.

"Just to clarify, are you planning on biting everyone in the train station?" Peter asks.

"With Stiles back him and Camila can make up a plan like they usually do." Scott says.

"They're good at that." Malia smiles at me and I smile back.

"So the plan is to get Stiles back so he can make a plan with Camila?" Peter asks sarcastically.

"Thanks for making us seem stupid," I sneer at him.

"You can shut up now." Malia adds.

"I mean look around us, we're the only ones left in Beacon Hills. They take us and Lydia will be r only one left and possibly Camila." Peter says.

"And why's that?" Liam asks.

"She's a seer. Think of it as a stronger version of a banshee." he says and I roll my eyes.

"That's why Scott's the only one going in, dumbass." I say to Peter.

"As long as someone is here in Beacon Hills then the Wild Hunt can't go on." Scott says.

"I like your plan. I really do. Especially the part about turning Stiles, but I'm afraid that won't work." Peter says matter of factly.

"And how do you know?" I ask, taking a step away from the pack and closer to him.

"Logic. Life Experience. What if there's no Beacon Hills to come back to?" he answers.

"You got a better idea?" Liam asks.

"Yeah it's called run like hell." Peter says.

"Sounds like a pussy move for a big bad werewolf." I cockily say, taking another step closer to him.

"Cammy..." Liam starts.

"No. I wanna hear what the 'experienced' jackass has to say that is 'very logical and important'." I mimic Peter.

By now I'm directly under his nose and staring up at him. For a moment he looks slightly intimidated before a smirk spreads across his lips.

"So, leave in five?" he asks and with that I grab him by his shirt and slam him against the wall and hold him there.

"Look, I don't care if you're a grown ass man or that you used to be an alpha. If I wanted to I could claw the werewolf out of you right now and you would be limping to the other half of your body. So I suggest you shut the hell up and help us or good luck getting away from the Ghost Riders on your own." I threaten him before dropping him back down to the floor.

"Ooh, fiesty she." Peter says to the pack.

I growl through closed lips and Liam places an arm across my chest.

"This is a situation you don't walk out of. You run." Peter says, running out of the Sheriff's Station.

I growl again and accidentally flash my eyes red.

"Calm down Camila." Liam says, pulling me aside from the group, who are talking over plans.

"I'm fine. I am calm." I say through gritted teeth, whilst staring daggers into Peter.

"No you're not, you're not in control and if you don't calm down then it won't take us any less time to find Stiles." Liam explains.

He places his hands on my shoulders and I close my eyes.

"The sun...the moon...the truth..." I whisper lowly as I try to concentrate on control.

"The sun, the moon, the truth." I repeat again, multiple times until I'm in control.

I open my eyes and Liam is still holding onto my shoulders.

"I'm guessing Brett's mantra works then." Liam smiles a little at me.

I let out a small laugh before my phone starts ringing. I see it's Melissa and I answer it.

"Hello." I say.

"Hey are you alone?" she asks.

I look at Liam and indicate I'm going outside. I walk outside before speaking again.

"I am now." I say.
"Your Dad...he's been taken."
"They came and they took him. He told me to run before they got me too and I did."
I quickly hang up and walk back inside.

"Who was it?" Liam asks.

"Melissa." I say.

"Oh is your Dad okay?" Scott asks.

I shake my head.

"They got him and they're coming for your Mom. It's now or never, we've got to go ahead with the plan." I say.

30 minutes later
Mason comes back after everyone has left and we're all sitting down on the sofa by the window.

"So we should stay in here, is that what you're thinking?" Mason asks.

"It doesn't matter where we are, we still need to figure out how to fight them." Liam says.

"No one can fight them." Mason says.

"Douglas can." Theo says from behind the barred jail cell walls.

"Does he need to stay in there?" I ask.

"He's still Theo." Liam says.

"Theo saved Scott remember." Theo calls over to us.

"He can still hear you." Mason says, making me laugh.

"I gathered that." Liam says in an annoyed tone.

"Now we need to figure it out, is with all due respect Theo, please shut up." Mason says.

"You don't need to figure it out." Theo says.

"Because Mr Douglas already did." Liam says, coming to realisation.

"If he knew how to fight them, he might know everything about them." I say.

"And guess who knows all about Mr Douglas." Theo says cockily from inside the cell.

We all turn and look at him.

5 minutes later
"That's never gonna happen. We're not making that deal." Mason says.

"I hold all the cards." Theo says.

"Your locked in a jail cell. You have no cards. Besides Camila can figure it out. She's a seer, she can make herself have a vision." Mason says.

"You want me to talk and make this quicker for you. Break the sword." Theo says.

"Does anyone else want to do the negotiating?" Mason asks.

"Break the sword." Theo repeats.

I look at Liam, who looks like he's considering it.

"You break I talk." Theo says.

"Theo..." I sigh.

"You break I talk." he repeats looking from me to Liam.

Liam and I look at each other in worry.

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