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Camila's Pov
English-Second Period
I walk into English alone and see people starting to fill up the chairs, including Scott who comes and sits next to me. I pull out my notebook and 2 pieces of paper fall out. I pick them up off of the ground and I look at them. Scott sees my hands shaking slightly and he nudges me.

"Hey what's wrong?" he asks and I show him the photos.

"What about it?" he asks.

"It's Stiles, can you not see him?" I ask pointing to Stiles in the photos.

He looks at me confused.

"What is in front of me?" I ask him.

"A large gap. Why didn't you just sit there?" he asks.

"Because Stiles is sitting right there. Can you not see Stiles?" I question.

Scott sighs.

"Camila. This Stiles person isn't real. Just let it go."he says, sounding really annoyed.

"He is real Scotty." I argue.

"Just drop it." he says, seeming more pissed off by the second.

"He is Scott. Why don't you believe me? I was there when he got taken by the Ghost Riders"I argue again.

"He's not real, so just get on with your work and we'll talk about this after class." Scott angrily says, causing Malia and Lydia to turn around in their seats and look at me.

I look at him with a disappointed look in my face when the bell rings. I quickly pick up my stuff and leave the room before the teacher dismisses us. I quickly walk down the hallways and straight into the locker room. In a moment of frustration I punch the wall, causing a dent to be made, and I drop my bag and slump down onto the floor, beginning to silently cry in frustration.

"Stiles, where are you?" I whisper into my hands as I hang my head down low.

A couple of minutes later the door opens and Liam, Scott, Lydia, Malia and Mason walk inside with Natalie Martin.

I look up from my lap and wipe away my teary eyes. Liam quickly hurried over to me and drops down in front of me, pulling me into a hug. I hug him back tightly and continue to silently cry into his shoulder as he strokes my hair.

I hear Malia, Lydia and Mason leave the room and a few minutes later Scott and Natalie kneel down besides Liam and I. Liam pulls away from the hug and he sits down besides me, plopping me on his lap like I'm a pet.

"Camila are you okay?" she asks as Liam tightens his grip around my waist and nestles his head on top of my shoulder.

"Where's Stiles?" I ask her sadly.

"Sweetheart. There's no such thing as a Stiles. I think it would be best if I called your parents and organised a meeting with them." she says picking up her phone and walking out of the locker room.

"Scott, why don't you believe me?" I ask him as soon as she's gone.

"Because Stiles isn't real okay." he says holding my hand.

"Then how did you get bitten?"I ask him.

"I was in the woods, looking for a dead body, when I stumbled across you and then we got bit together." he explains.

"But how did you know there was a dead body? I didn't know there was a dead body. It wasn't on the news and your Mom was working a late shift that night, so she couldn't know."I say.

Scott looks like he's trying to think and that he's trying to remember something.

"How did I know?" he whispers to himself.

"And you. Who treats you like his child all the time? Calls you his own walking time bomb." I ask Liam.

He lifts his head up off of my shoulder and I turn my head and look at him. I can tell he's trying to think about it.

"Who does call me that?" he questions himself.

"None of you believed me and how I'm getting shit for it." I say getting up off of Liam and picking up my bag, slinging it over my shoulder.

"Camila honey, your parents are here." Natalie says walking into the room.

"None of you believe me." I repeat as a mumble to myself, walking out of the locker room.

I walk into the guidance counsellors office, after Natalie, and I see Sheriff and Claudia sitting by a desk. Natalie goes and sits at a desk and I sit besides Sheriff.

"So Camila, I've been talking to your parents about what's been going on inside your head and we think it would best if you got some help."Natalie explains.

"Help? Your making me sound like some insane mental patient that goes to Eichen House."I say sarcastically laughing.

I look at Sheriff and see he has a serious look on his face.

"Wait your serious? Are you putting me in Eichen House?" I practically shout at the thought of it.

"We think going to Eichen House is what's best for you honey. I mean your imagining a person called Stiles and all of your friends are worried and concerned for you. So we are putting you in Eichen House for a while." Sheriff says.

"No Dad, don't do this please." I beg him.

"I'm sorry Camila but we've already signed the forms and you'll be going there tomorrow."he says.

"No Dad, don't do this to me. Please Dad, you have to believe me." I plead .

He shakes his.

"I want to. I really do." he says.

"Then believe me. Say you believe me Dad." I say.

I look at Natalie and then Sheriff, who both have disappointed looks on their faces.

"I'm sorry but this is what we've set out for you and your just going to have to make the best of it." Claudia says.

I scowl at her.

"Like that'll ever happen." I sneer.

"Come on honey, we're going home to pack. Your moving in tomorrow morning."he says taking my bag from me as we stand up.

We walk out of the guidance counsellors office and I see the pack there. Claudia already starts walking to the car but Sheriff stays with me.

"You can say goodbye now if you want." he says.

"I'm fine by not doing that." I say angrily.

He sighs and walks ahead and I walk past them, a few metres behind Sheriff.

"Camila." Scott says running up to me.

"Don't." I say to him as I continue walking away.

"Camila just liste-"

"No. You didn't listen to me and look where that's got me. I'm going to Eichen House and everyone thinks I'm fucking crazy. You did this to me Scott." I speak through gritted teeth before I follow after Sheriff.

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