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Camila's Pov
The next morning
I wake up in my bed and I rub my tired eyes. I've not been able to sleep for so long and I find myself exhausted. How did I even get into my bed?

Oh no. The Ghost Riders taking Stiles. I rush downstairs and straight into someone.

"Woah, slow down there Camila." a random woman says.

Who is this random woman in my house?

"S-sorry." I stammer.

"Do you want to join us and Scott for breakfast?" she asks and I look over at the dining table and see Scott sitting there and smiling at me.

"Umm sure thanks." I say politely before sitting next to Scott.

"Thank you Mrs Stilinski." Scott says, causing my eyes to widen in shock.

Mrs Stilinski. Claudia. Claudia Stilinski. That's Stiles's Mom who died of frontotemporal dementia. How is she alive?

She walks into the kitchen and I quickly turn and face Scott.

"Where's Stiles?" I ask him.

"What or who is a Stiles?" he asks confused.

"He's your best friend, how do you not know who he is?"I ask astonished.

"I don't know what your talking about?" he says.

I look at him and widen my eyes. My dream wasn't just a dream. It was real. It actually happened.

"Camila are you okay?" Scott asks, sounding concerned.

I look at him sadly before I leave the room and go to my room. I quickly get changed and Scott comes into my room as I grab my bag.

"Mila, are you okay? You seem stressed." he says.

I look up at him.

"Let's just get to school." I say, hoping someone remembers him there.

We get into my Jeep and we drive off to the school. We walk inside and I see Lydia and Malia straight away. I don't even wait for Scott to catch up, I just go straight to the two of them.

"Have you seem Stiles?" I ask the two of them.

They look at each other and then at me with a confused look on their faces.

"What's a Stiles?" Lydia asks and Malia looks at me dumbly.

"He's your ex-boyfriend and your best friend." I say pointing to Malia and then Lydia.

"What are you even talking about?" Lydia asks.

Just before I answer Scott comes up to us.

"Camila, are you okay?" Scott asks, for like the fifth time today, as I spot Liam and Mason standing by their lockers.

I push past Scott, Malia and Lydia and I go over to Liam and Mason.

"Have you guys seen Stiles?" I ask them and yet again they look at me confused.

"You don't remember him?" I say a little broken inside.

"Who's Stiles?" Mason asks.

"Is that even a real name?" Liam questions.

I take a step back in shock and I walk straight into Scott and Lydia.

"Camila, what's wrong with you?" Mason asks.

"You guys don't remember him. None of you remember him. Why can't you guys remember him? How come I remember him?" I question them.

"Camila, maybe it's best if you go home, or at least skip first period until you feel better." Scott says patting my shoulder.

I look at them all with teary eyes and they all look at me sympathetically. I shove past them all and leave the building. I'm about to get into my Jeep when I see an identical Jeep across the parking lot. I fumble in my pocket for my keys, eventually pulling them out, and I flick through them. Scott's house key, Liam's house key, Brett's house key, the Argent's house key, my Jeep key, the school master key, Stilinski's house key, Deaton's clinic key, Sheriff's Station key and finally. Stiles's Jeep key.

I unlock the car and I get inside. I sit down in the drivers seat and I wrap my hands around the steering wheel and look for any evidence of Stiles. I look to my right and see Stiles's Sheriff radio. I turn it on and I speak into the speaker.

"Stiles. Stiles are you there?" I whisper into the speaker, but nothing comes back.

"Stiles." I say a little louder into it.

I still don't get anything and I place my head against the steering wheel, closing my eyes in disappointment.

"Camila, is that you?" I hear Stiles's voice ask.

"Stiles."I practically scream of happiness into the speaker.

"You remember me." he says.

"I do, but everyone else has forgotten. Everyone thinks I'm crazy Stiles. Where are you? How can I find you?"I ask into the speaker.

I don't hear a response.

"Stiles." I repeat.

The speaker turns off

I lean my head against the steering wheel and start crying silently to myself. After a few minutes I hear a tap on the window and I lift my head up and look at it. I see Brett outside. I open the door and straight away he envelopes me into a hug.

"Gorgeous, why are you crying? Who's car is this?" he asks pulling away from the hug and looking at me.

"Your car is on the other side of the parking lot." he says, pointing into the distance.

"Everyone thinks I'm crazy."I sniffle back tears.

"Tell me what it is." he says, holding both of my hands in his.

"There's this guy named Stiles. Last night he was taken by these things called Ghost Riders. Once they take you then your erased from this world. No one remembers him apart from me. This Jeep. This is Stiles's. He got me a replica of this Jeep, we both have matching ones. You don't remember him do you?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I don't. I don't remember anyone called Stiles. But I do believe you Cami. You've never lied to me. We'll figure this out together." Brett says brushing my hair out of my face.

"Hwo did you know I was here?" I ask him as I wipe away the tears.

"Liam text me from class. Said he couldn't skip class and he asked me to come find you since I have a free first period." he explains.

I sigh sadly and rest my head on his shoulder as he pats my back.

"You'll need to go soon, I've got English in a couple of minutes and you have second period soon." I say as he helps me out of the Jeep.

"I know. I'll tell Liam or Scott to keep me in touch incase anything happens." he says as he hugs me again.

I hug him back tightly as he pressed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you Gorgeous. I promise everything will be fine." he says as I starts to walk back to the building.

"I love you too Handsome." I say as he walks to his car.

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