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Camila's Pov
Brett takes the paper from my hands and he puts it back in the envelope before he places that into his back pocket. I stare forwards and into water, not even realising silent tears escaping my eyes. I quickly wipe them away with the back of my hands when Brett unhooks his arm from around me.

He slowly stands up and holds both his hands out in front of me. I look at him confused before taking them and standing up alongside him. I'm just standing in front of him and he lets go of one of my hands and reaches into his back pocket.

He pulls out his phone and goes on it for a few seconds before he puts it back in his back pocket. A couple minutes later a song starts to play from the speakers of his phone. It's the song Allison and I danced to in the park.

He takes both of my hands and pulls them up to behind his neck, so my arms are wrapped around his neck. He then places both of his hands on my waist and he starts swaying us from side to side.

"How did you know it was this song?" I ask him as we slow dance.

"You wouldn't stop talking about it for a long time. When she died and we met and started to get to know each other you told me about that. You told me everything about her." Brett explains.

I smile slightly knowing he remembered that.

"I know it might sound a little corny right now but I'm grateful I met you." I say placing my head on his chest.

"I'm happy I have you in my life too." Brett says as we continue to just dance on the bridge.

I'm really happy I have Brett. To be honest I wouldn't have been able to get through most things without him. The best bisexual buddhist werewolf I've ever met.

"I love you Brett." I mumble into his shirt.

"I love you too Mila." he says as he wraps his arms tighter around my waist.

When the song ends I just stay there in Brett's grasp, hugging him tightly.

"She's proud of you, you know that right?" Brett asks me and I nod into his chest as he strokes my hair.

Later that night
Stiles Pov
I hear a knock on the front door, it must be Camila, so Scott and I go and answer it. I open the door and I see Brett with a sleeping Camila wrapped around his torso like a monkey. I open the door wider, allowing Brett to come inside with Camila in his arms. We walk upstairs and Scott opens Camila's bedroom door for Brett and he walks inside whilst we stand by the doorway.

Brett lays her down on the bed and places the duvet over her. She stirs slightly and I can see her talking with her eyes shut.

"Thanks Handsome. I love you." she mumbles to him as she yawns and pulls the duvet closer.

"Anytime Gorgeous. I love you too." he says, tucking her in and placing a kiss on her forehead.

He walks out of the room and Scott and I shut the door before turning to him.

"I thought she was having lunch with you and Liam and then going to see her Dad?" Scott asks Brett as we stand outside her room.

"She did and he gave her this." Brett says, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out an envelope.

"What's this?" Scott asks as Brett hands it to him.

"It's from Allison. Argent was meant to give it to her 2 years ago when Allison died but he didn't." he says.

"How did you know where she was?" I ask.

"Argent called me. Said Camila walked out on him and he asked if I could find her by scent." Brett explains.

"So you found her by scent?" Scott asks.

"I found her through memory. When Aiden and Allison died and I met her, we used to go to this bridge and just stay there for hours." he answers.

"Thank you for bringing her home safely." I thank him as we walk downstairs.

"Yeah, she's lucky to have you." Scott adds.

"No problem. I mean it's Camila. I'm hoping. the two do you would do the same." Brett says indicating between Scott and I.

"We would." Scott answers for the both of us.

"Thanks again Brett." I say as we reach the front door, giving him a hug and Scott does the same.

"Anytime. Stay safe." he says walking out of the house.

"You too."Scott calls after him as he walks down the road and waves goodbye.

We shut the door and sit down on the sofa and open up the envelope. We both read the letter and I look over Scott and he also has a tear down his cheek, same as me.

"You still miss her?" I ask him.

"Everyday." he admits sadly.

I look at him and give him a brotherly hug.

"We all do."I say and Scott nod his head in agreement.

Camila's Pov
The next day
I wake up in my bed and I roll over and see the time on my clock. I get up and I check my phone and see a text from Brett asking how I am. I quickly text him back before going downstairs and seeing Scott and Stiles asleep on the sofa.

"Boys wake up!" I say loudly and they both fall off the sofa in shock.

"Morning." they say as they stand up from the floor.

"As creepy as that was, you saying that at the exact same time, you both look so cute with your bed head."I say ruffling their hair with my hands.

They both waft my hands away and I giggle as they fix their hair.

"I've got to get home. My Mom wants me back. I'll see you at the Station." Scott says reading a text on his phone before putting his shoes on.

He quickly gives us both a hug before running out of the house.

"Catch up?" I ask Stiles and he nods as we both sit on the sofa.

He starts to explain how him and Scott went to the address Alex gave them and they found his room with all his stuff in. Even crazier them that, when they entered his room again all his things were gone. Disappeared.

"Wow, creepy." I joke and he agrees.

"I saw a Ghost Rider, it shot at me but when I opened my eyes I realise I was hallucinating." Stiles says.

"Could this mean something?" I ask worried.

"I'll be fine. It was just a hallucination." Stiles says but I can't tell if he's trying to convince himself or me.

I pat him arm comfortingly, trying to reassure him that he will be fine.

"Come on, we need to go see Dad and check up on Alex."Stiles says, practically dragging me out of the house.

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