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Camila's Pov
At the Sheriff's Station
"Parrish!" I shout as I burst into the Sheriff's Station.

Parrish quickly comes round the corner sees me.

"Camila hey. When did you get out?" he asks giving me a hug.

"Hey Jordan. Is there any chance we can talk about this later. We really need your help at the school, it's a supernatural crisis." I say, grabbing a pair of keys from the side of the desk.

We run out of the Station and we get into the car, me in the drivers seat and him in the passenger seat. I turn on the lights and sirens, so that we can speed without getting in trouble. On the way there I start explaining everything to him. When we get to the school we run straight into Mason.

"Why did you need me?" he asks Mason.

"The Ghost Riders are afraid of you." Mason explains.

"Your the reason he left Gwen alone. You can save her and everyone. We need you." I add on.

Just then we hear the door burst open. A puff of black smoke fogs up the hallway and a Ghost Rider appears through the mist. He's pointing a gun straight at us.

"Jordan, watch out!" I shout to him.

He turns around and sees the Ghost Rider and he shifts into the Hellhound, flaming his entire body up. The Ghost Rider shoots at Jordan but he doesn't disappear, instead what happens next is the Ghost Rider disappears himself.

10 minutes later
"Everyone from the bunker has been taken."Scott says to me as we walk into the hallway.

"Everyone?" I ask.

"Malia is going to the hospital after she's checked the whole school, Argent's hurt." Scott says and they all look at me.

"Do you wanna go see him? I can come if you want." Liam offers.

I don't say anything and I just look at Liam and then Scott, blankly.

"You don't have to see him, just go talk to my Mom." Scott says.

I walk past him and after a few seconds I turn around.

"Liam, you coming?"I ask.

He looks up and smiles brightly at me.

"Yeah." he says running to catch up with me, and grabbing my hand as we run to the car.

At the hospital
We pull up outside of the hospital and go straight inside, practically running into Melissa as we enter.

"Woah slow down Camila, your Dad's in room 219, you can go see him now if you want."Melissa says.

"I didn't come to see him, I came to see what's wrong." I explain.

"Oh okay." she says and she begins to explain what happens.

I listen to everything she's saying and I thank her before Liam and I turn to leave. We end up walking right into Scott and Malia, who have just arrived.

"Is he okay?" they ask at the same time.

"Your Mom said he's fine and that he's sleeping right now." I say.

"You haven't seen him?"

"Nope." I reply and I grab Liam's hand and we walk right out of the hospital.

We get in my car and start driving off.

"We're going to McDonalds. What do you want?" I say to Liam.

"Ooh let me think." Liam says, suddenly interested in what I'm saying.

"Can I stay at your house tonight by any chance?"I ask Liam politely as we pull up at the drive through.

"Actually I was gonna ask that, you know since you and Sheriff aren't really on the best terms right now." he says.

"Thanks." I say as we pull up to the speaker.

We both order our food and I go to the next window. I go to hand the girl my card but Liam quickly reaches over me and hands her his.

"W-what?" I ask confused as she hands him back his card and we drive to the next window.

Liam looks at me and smirks.

"Your an ass, you know that right?" I state.

"I know, but this is kind of an apology for not believing you about Stiles."he says as we pull up at the next window.

"But I already forgave you for all of that." I say as the guy hands me the food and we drive off.

"I know." he says taking the food and placing it on his lap as we drive back to his house.

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