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Camila's Pov
1 Month Day 30 - 2 Months
So that's my Eichen House experience so far.
Today is Day 30. Marking my 2 months at Eichen House. I still have a tight red line around my neck. A couple of bruises and cuts here and there but apart from that I'm okay. I've already been through 4 full moons without shifting, which is surprising seen as I'm genuinely so mad at everyone and everything. Today is visiting day and Mitch is being released again, so I have to brace myself for disappointment and another near death experience.

I'm laying in my bed, facing the wall and trying to sleep, since I haven't slept since I came here. I hear footsteps outside my room and I wait for them to move past but they don't. The lock on my door jiggles and then my door opens. An orderly walks in and I turn my head to the side to see him.

"You've got some visitors here." he says, standing in the doorway.

"Is it Stiles?" I ask.

"No Stiles." he says and I roll my eyes before turning back to face the wall and look away from him.

I hear him leave the room and some more footsteps enter the room. The door shuts and it locks behind him. I hear footsteps and then the squeaking of the empty bed on the opposite side of the room. I roll over and I see Lydia and Scott on the bed on the over side of the room, I turn back and face the wall without saying a word.

"Camila..."Scott starts.

"Unless your getting me out of this shithole I'm not talking to either of you." I say staring at the blank wall.

I sense him getting up off of the spare bed and walking over to mine, before he sits down at the foot of my bed. A small tear rolls down from my eye in sadness, he thinks he's can come here like this and expect everything to be fine. I quickly wipe it away before he can see.

"Here." he says.

I turn my head and look at him as he hands me a piece of paper.

Eichen House Release Form

First Name of Patient: Camila
Middle Name of Patient: Avery
Last Name of Patient: Stilinski/Argent
Age: 17-18
Relation: Father
Signed by: Sheriff Noah Stilinski and Chris Argent

"W-what, how?" I question.

"You were right, there is a Stiles."Scott says and I roll my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Lydia asks as she comes over to the bed.

"For starters, because of you guys I'm in here. None of you believed me and none of you even visited. I've been through hell, trying to survive these past few months. Now you choose to believe me?" I ask angrily.

Lydia reached over to hold my hand and I hesitate to pull it away. I decide not to and she holds it tightly.

"We didn't believe you but you were right." Lydia says.

"Fine, tell me one thing you remember about Stiles." I say to both of them, folding my arms crossed.

"He always figures everything out. He may have been the only human but he was one of the strongest of the pack." Lydia says and I nod before moving to Scott.

"Now you." I say to him.

He leaves the bed and goes into Lydia's bag and carefully pulls something out.

He leaves the bed and goes into Lydia's bag and carefully pulls something out

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"Forgiveness Drink." Scott says holding it out to me but I don't take it.

"Stiles and you would always by each other one every time you got in a fight. Last year you guys let me in on it because none of us three were talking." Scott adds.

I look at him, happy he remembers.

"No matter how angry or upset you might be at the person, you have to forgive them if they get you one." Scott finishes.

I stare at him and then the drink in his hand.

"Do you forgive me?" he asks, holding it out further to me.

I stare at it for a few minutes before I take it.

"Bitch." I mumble taking a sip.

"Fuckers." Scott smirks, happy I took it.

"So you remember him?" I ask them both.

They both nod and smile but I frown confused.

"How come Dad's getting me out of here?" I ask.

"He isn't." Lydia says.

"Then how is it all filled out with his signature?"

Lydia looks at Scott.

"I may have illegally traced his signature over some documents and police files." Scott mumbles.

"So basically....Forgery?"I question.

"Not Forgery...just copying." he answers.

"You spend so much time with Stiles that your excuses are the same." I snort and Lydia and Scott smile at me.

"So we leaving now?" I ask and they nod.

I leave my empty cup under the bed since they can't know Lydia snuck it in for me. The orderly comes and opens the door and we all walk out. We get the to Main Reception and Scott hands the orderly my release form. He goes into the back room and comes back with my belongings. We're about to leave when I see Mitch with two orderlies.

"Shit not again." I groan as I drop my bags to the ground, ready for the impact.

Mitch scrambles out of their grasp and lunges at me, tackling me hard to the ground. He starts to hit me and punch me until I see Scott pull him up off of me. Lydia helps me up and they both stand in front of me protectively. The orderlies get a grip on Mitch and we quickly leave the building.

"In the car." I say knowing they are both dying to know what happened.

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