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Camila's Pov
At Scott's House
As I pull up outside of Scott's house, parking my Jeep out front, I quickly straighten my hoodie before getting out of the car and letting the door shut behind me. As I stand up straight I notice Brett's hoodie going down my thighs, hiding any trace of me wearing shorts altogether.

There are times when I like having a tall best friend and times where I'm like:

'Damn Brett. Why you so tall?'

The perks of being 6 foot I guess. Lucky bastard.

I grab my phone out of the front pocket of the hoodie when I feel it vibrate against the material. Walking up Scott's driveway, I hold it in my hand as I press read on the message. I listen to the message and it's Brett checking if I got home safe.

I twirl my set of keys around my finger as I reach the front door. I flick through my set of keys before reaching the key to Scott's house. I quickly unlock the door and enter the hallway, shutting the door behind me. I walk into the kitchen and place my keys on the side as I stand in the doorway texting Brett back, telling him that I got here safe.

"Sorry Scott, lost track of time. I was with Brett and we were..." I start to say as I send the text, walking further into the room to where Scott, Malia and Liam are.

I smile at Scott as I slip my phone into the back pocket of my shorts, expecting him to smile back, which he doesn't. I look at them confused when I see something in my line of peripheral vision. I quirk my eyebrow at their quietness before turning my head to the left, looking in the one direction they're not looking.

You know the expression:
"When I saw them my heart dropped"
I think this is what it meant. Quite literally, I felt my heart drop right out of my chest when I saw him.

When I saw Theo.

As I look straight forwards at Theo, I can feel my mouth turn dry, I can feel my fingers trembling by my sides and I can feel the pack watching me as I stare at Theo. He's just watching me, his eyes staring into mine. I don't move or anything, at this point I don't think I can; it's like I'm frozen in time, like nothing around me is actually moving.

Scott's Pov
I hear Camila's Jeep pull up outside and I move over to the window, slipping my fingers between a gap in the blinds, pushing them apart slightly so I can see her. I watch as she gets out and pulls hers phone out of the pocket, and I can see she's looking at message. After a minute or so I watch as she walks up to my house, flicking through her keys, the second I hear the key in the door my dread grows.

I hear her enter the house, shutting the door behind her before walking into the kitchen and standing by the doorway as she looks at her phone, placing her keys on the side as her eyes stay glued to her phone.

"Sorry Scott, lost track of time. I was with Brett and we were..." she drifts off as she sends a text and puts her phone into her back pocket, looking up at us, flashing me a smile that I feel
too guilty to return.

After a few moments of silence she quirks her eyebrows at us before looking in the one direction I refuse to look to. She looks to the left, seeing Theo standing there. Liam decided to bring Theo back and now the part that we were dreading to happen is happening. Camila seeing Theo again.

I saw her smile and face drop so quickly that it was almost impossible to see it. I can hear her breathing become ragged, I can see her fingers trembling by her sides. She smells of sadness and confusion and I can practically feel how hard and rapid her heart is beating.

Malia, Liam and I are watching Camila looking dead straight at Theo, not saying or doing anything, just staring straight at him whilst he stares back at her.

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