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Camila's Pov
I turn my head and look at the doorway and see Mr Douglas.

"You've been here the whole time?" Theo asks him.

"How could I stay away?" Mr Douglas answers.

He then walks up to the cage and look at the Ghost Rider. The Ghost Rider shifts from foot to foot as he stares at Mr Douglas.

"Maybe you should tell him who you really are." Theo says pausing, causing me to look at him confused.

"Hauptmann." he finishes.

I look at him in shock.

"Wait he's the..." I start but drift off as Mr Douglas stares at me with a devilish smirk on his lips.

"Yes. I'm the alpha werewolf, I'm the Nazi. I'm the one the Dread Doctors kept for years. I've gotta say, I've watched you make mistake after mistake over the years Theo. Especially when you were a little 9 year old who had no idea what was going on." Mr Douglas taunts Theo.

Theo looks down at the floor, ignoring eye contact with me completely, making me become interested in Mr Douglas' version of Theo's childhood.

"I came for what's rightfully mine." Mr Douglas says, confusing me.

He flashes his eyes red and he shifts into an alpha werewolf. He looks back at Theo and I, Theo looks at me as Mr Douglas takes a step towards us.

"Camila get behind me." Theo says, standing in front of me protectively, pushing me behind him as we start to back away from him.

"You really think you can protect her Theo. You can't protect anyone, take Tara for example." Mr Douglas says, walking towards us.

Theo grits his teeth together as he turns round to me quickly.

"Camila go. Run." he says, just as Mr Douglas sticks his claws into Theo back and throws him down to the floor.

He then comes up and grabs me by my neck, digging his claws into my throat as he pulls me over to the cage. He then turns to Theo and squeezes my neck.

"Break the barrier or I'll break her in two." Mr Douglas sneers.

"Theo don't." I gasp out in between breaths.

Theo looks at me sadly and I look at him and shake my head, Mr Douglas clearly catching on.

"Oh I get it." he laughs evilly before pointing between Theo and I.

"You two were once lovers that turned to enemies over some mistake." Mr Douglas taunts.

I avoid eye contact with Theo when he says this.

"I wonder who messed things up? Was it Camila?" he asks, squeezing my throat tighter.

I clench my eyes shut for a moment before opening then again, trying to breathe in air.

"Or was it you Theo?" he asks Theo, who doesn't say anything.

Mr Douglas let's put a low chuckle.

"It was you wasn't it." he says before squeezing my throat even tighter.

Theo doesn't even look at me when Mr Douglas talks.

"I suggest that if you don't want to mess this up." he indicates to me.

"Then you'll break the barrier. Before I break her." he says.

Theo looks at me and I shake my head, as if telling him not to break it, yet he breaks it anyways. Mr Douglas pulls his claws out of my neck and throws me onto the ground, thankfully Theo catches me before I hit the floor. He crawls backwards and pulls me with him as he props us both up against the wall. My back to his chest and his back to the wall, as we both breathe heavily, clinging onto each other's arms.

We sit there in shock as Mr Douglas breaks into the cage and begins to choke the Ghost Rider. He twists his neck and kills him. The Ghost Rider falls limply to the floor and lays there lifelessly.

Mr Douglas walks over to him and digs his hand into the side of his head. Before I can see anything else happen, Theo presses my head against his chest, not allowing me to see what's happening. I can just hear the sound of chewing and squelching.

I can then hear footsteps getting quieter and more distant and Theo pulls my head out of his chest and he starts coughing. I look back at the Ghost Rider and it's head is sunken in and blood is spilled out all over the floor. I practically wanna puke at the sight but I can't. I feel my throat aching in pain and I cough into my hand and blood appears.

My back is still against Theo's chest and I feel him reach down as he grabs ahold of my hand. He holds it carefully in his as he tightens his grip. Slowly, I feel the pain leave my body and I see black veins travelling up his arms. Once it's gone I turn my head backwards and look at Theo's face, observing him completely.

"Y-you took my pain." I stammer, in confusion.

"Yeah." he says simply.

"You care?" I state, but it comes out more like a question.

"I do. I really do."he says and holds me close to him.

I look at him confused when a gasp leaves my lips; an agonising pain erupts in my stomach. I look down and see blood seeping through my bandages. I carefully use my spare hand and I peel the one off of the gunshot wound, seeing it bleeding terribly. I tilt my head backwards onto Theo's shoulder and grunt out in pain as my
breathing turns ragged. Theo looks over my shoulder and at the wound before he looks back at me worriedly.

I look back down at the gunshot wound and I see Theo carefully place his hand on top of it. I grunt out in pain as my face twists and I bite onto my lower lip. Theo's not taking any pain, just resting his hand there. Soon the pain doesn't feel as intense anymore but it's still there. I turn my head and look back at Theo in confusion; I look back at my right side.

"What is it?" Theo asks concerned.

"It doesn't hurt." I mumble and Theo slowly lifts his hand up off of my stomach.

I look down and see it's had completely healed. No blood. No marks. No evidence it was ever there. Theo looks over my shoulder and at where his hand was.

"You healed me... how did you do that?" I stammer out.

"I-I don't know." he stutters.

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