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Camila's Pov
Usually I would have English at this time but today is yearbook photos so we don't have to go to third period. But right now I'm in the music room just singing my songs. It's empty and I'm alone so I'm fine with that.

"Hey those are good. What are they?" Mrs Brown, the music teacher, asks walking into the room.

"Oh uhm just some songs I wrote...I guess." I say awkwardly as I stumble through my words.

She walks up to me and looks at my notebook in my hands.

"Can I look?" she asks and I hesitate before handing her the book.

She flicks through the pages and seems intrigued by them.

"These are really good. What are you planning on doing with them?" she asks as she hands the book back to me.

"I don't know. I guess one day I'll record them or something." I say.

"How about now? I mean I have a free period and I used to be a music producer before I came to teach music here. What do you say? I do have all the equipment here." she offers.

"Wait for real?" I ask her gobsmacked.

"Yes for real. So is that a yes?" she asks and I nod my head.

I spend the next 30 minutes recording some songs, actually a whole ass album, and we create backing tracks by using some instruments in the room.

"Do you want me to send you the songs through email?" she asks and I nod.

I give her my email and she sends them to me. I thank her and begin to walk out of the music room when she stops me. She runs up to me and hands me a CD.

"I also developed them to a CD whilst you were writing down your email." she says.

"Thank you." I say and I leave to go outside and meet the pack.

I see Scott and Lydia sitting at a table and I walk over to them and sit on the table top.

"Hey guys." I say.

"Hey Mila."Scott and Lydia say as I sit down.

I look over in the direction of yearbook photos being taken and I see Stiles repeatedly interrupting Malia from having her photo being taken.

"Ugh you ruined it." Malia groans in annoyance as she walks over to our table with Stiels trailing behind her.

"Why would I want to ruin your yearbook photo?" he asks.

"Maybe because you haven't signed up for your own photo yet." Malia suggests.

"Neither has Cami."Stiles says.

"Actually I have." I say pulling my form out of my bag but the CD falls out onto my lap.

"Never mind I haven't." I say looking at the blank form.

"What's that?" Stiles asks, pointing to the CD.

"Oh yeah this is for you to listen to." I say handing him the CD.

He looks at it confused before he grabs it and turns it over, reading the titles on the back.

The Night We Met

Lose you to Love me

Remember That Night

Deep End



Another Love

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