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Camila's Pov
At the Hospital
We pull up outside of the hospital and run to the emergency entrance. Theo goes straight to the doors, but Liam and I go for the ambulance.

"Come on we don't have that much of a lead on them." Theo says, looking back at us.

I open the ambulance door and Liam reaches in and presses the siren, then shuts the door.

"The hell are you doing!" Theo shouts and reaches forwards to turn it off, but Liam stops him.

"No, don't turn it off!" I shout to him.

"You wanna bring them all here. Every single one of them!" Theo shouts at Liam, reaching for the ambulance again but Liam pushes him away.

"That's exactly what I wanna do. Cause if the Ghost Riders are here, that means they're not tryna get to Scott." Liam argues at him.

"So you don't care if they get to you. Or Camila?" Theo shouts at Liam.

"They're gonna get to all of us eventually!" I say defensively.

Theo looks at me for a second before looking back at Liam.

"You. Your going first. That's the only reason I'm with you. Because whilst they're busy wrapping a whip around your neck or shooting a hole in your head, I'll be running the other direction. I'm on your side as long as it helps me." Theo shouts at Liam.

I can't believe him right now. I can't believe that I seriously thought he could change and help us. Guess he'll forever be a selfish, entitled asshole.

"Trust me. I know." Liam says, pushing Theo.

"Classic Theo. Always looking out for himself." I sneer, pushing past the both of them and walking inside alone.

"Camila, come on!" Theo shouts, running after me as Liam stays back to turn the ambulance siren back on.

"Are you serious right now? You claim that your trying to help us. That you do want to help us. That you regret making everything about you and that you do care for the pack, yet you're  making it all about you, again. All everything is to you, is about you. It's never about anyone else is it? Because if it's not about you then you're not interested." I argue in a low tone at him as I walk back round the corner but he pulls me back by my hand.

"Look I'm sorry okay, all I'm trying to do is survive." Theo explains.

"And what do you think everyone else around you is trying to do?"

Theo doesn't say anything but he looks at me sadly and I scoff at him.

"Like you said, whilst they're shooting a hole in Liam's head, you'll be running away. But what will I be doing? I'll be staying with him. I wouldn't even like to think of what you'd do if I was the one they were after." I roll my eyes at his selfishness.

"I'd save you. I'd stay with you." he says, which surprises me to say the least.

"Why me and not Liam then?" I ask him sadly.

"Because I-" Theo starts but gets cut off by Liam running around the corner.

"You guys ready?" he asks.

I turn and look at him and I nod, when I notice Theo looking in the other direction.

"Theo?" I ask him.

He doesn't say anything but he keep looking straight ahead.

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