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Camila's Pov
At the High School
We arrive at the school and straight away I see train tracks everywhere.

"How the hell do you merge worlds? Nowhere in the manual does it say werewolves can do that. Camila and I pretty much wrote the manual." Stiles says, sounding extremely annoyed.

"We can't even move between them. Look what it took to get you out." Scott explains.

I stop walking and I stand still. I close my eyes and try my hardest to concentrate, thinking that now is the perfect time to try and control my visions. And with that... it comes to me.

Horses running frantically. Every single one of our friends have been taken. We break into it. Liam finds his way inside. Corey. Corey is the way to stop it all.

I open my eyes and look at all of them, who are just watching me.

"We can't move between worlds, but Corey can. He can exist in both worlds." I say.

"And he can take people with him." Liam says, coming to realisation of it all.

"At Scott's house. Mason said that at the party Corey pulled a Ghost Rider into our world." I say.

"At the lacrosse game, he brought us in into there's." Scott adds.

"What if that's what Douglas is doing? What if Corey's the key?" I say.

"Interesting theory. Solid logic, it is. But he's in there and we're out here." Stiles speaks up.

"Then someone needs to go into their world." I say.

"We have to find him. I'll go, Camila can help me get in there." Liam says.

"What?" Stiles asks.

"I'm going into the Hunt." Liam repeats.

"No no no. Liam your confused. We're trying to get people out of the Hunt." Stiles says sarcastically.

"He'll have to get taken though." Scott says.

"No he doesn't. If he can find a horse as a way to get in, he can ride it into their world." I explain.

Liam looks at me and nods before bolting off.

"Where are you going?" Stiles shouts after Liam, who's i running up the stairs of the quads.

"I'll be back!" Liam shouts back, as he disappears up onto the balcony.

"No he won't." I joke and run after him.

I run after Liam and I reach the balcony of the top of the school. When I get there I see Liam choking on air and holding his throat.

"Hey, you made it out." Liam shouts.

I look to who he's shouting at and I see the dim reflection of a person, who's holding onto a Ghost Rider, in front of Liam.

"Yeah, barely." the guy says, struggling with the Ghost Rider.

"What's the plan?" he asks.

"Steal a horse to get into the Hunt." Liam calls over to him.

"Your kidding right? I went through all this to keep you from being taken." the guy yells, struggling worse with the Ghost Rider.

"Do you need a hand?" Liam asks.

"I'm good. Go already." the guy yells back to Liam.

With that, Liam takes a step back and runs to the end of the balcony. He takes a step on the railing before leaping down and I hear him land on something, later hearing a horse neighing.

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