Bonus chapter: fear pong 5

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Cameron's pov

I walked into the c4 house, carrying like half of Crawford's things because he couldn't carry them all.

"Boys!! Help!" I yelled as I slipped off my shoes, letting them fall off the landing of the stairs.

Oscar, will, and Dylan all walked up and I handed them the grocery bags before Crawford showed up behind me and I handed him his bags.

"Here ya go babe!" I said before walking away to the kitchen to put away groceries. "Cam did you get the disposable pans and stuff?" JC asked as he walked into the kitchen. "Fuck! I knew I was forgetting something! I think I forgot that and a couple more things you'll have to look!" I said as I put away the groceries.

"Can y'all finish? I gotta go work on something!" I said as I snapped my fingers, turning towards the boys.

They all nodded before I walked upstairs, going into Crawford and I's room, smiling down at the giant flag I was currently painting.

I'm just painting a picture of Corey, the boys, and I on it, but in the corner it's gonna have what if crossed out on top of oh well and then in the opposite corner it's gonna have Corey's signature. Then I'm gonna hang it up at the top of my car, like staple it in or something.

This is the picture I'm going off of.

But yea, that wasn't too long after Corey and I met

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But yea, that wasn't too long after Corey and I met. I was going through a really rough patch, I was homeless, barely getting paid enough to eat, all these things, but then I met Corey and he introduced me to these boys and I immediately just felt so safe and happy with them.

I sat down on the floor before pushing my glasses more up my nose, setting up my paints and everything as why don't we played on shuffle in the background.

-time skip-

I walked downstairs, finding JC cooking, Kian and Danny playing ping pong, and everyone else just practically scattered everywhere.

"Hey Cameron!" Kian yelled from the ping pong room as I opened the fridge. "What?" I yelled back as I pulled out a white claw.

"You down for fear pong?"

"Yea, honestly!" I said as I cracked opened my drink, taking a swig of it. I walked into the living room, laying down on the couch as I watched Kian and Danny play.

As I was laying on the couch, Crawford walked over and literally laid on top of me. "Hi baby." I said softly as I played with his hair. "Your flag is fucking dope!" He said making me chuckle before kissing his head softly.

-another time skip-

"Danny- fucking ew!" I said before gagging, watching as Danny licked peanut butter out of Thomas's toes.

I kept gagging as I walked away, trying to get that awful image out of my head.

We're finally playing now and Sebastian had to get spanked with a spatula and he just got a pass but now he's shooting.

"Cameron!" He said before tossing the ball, it landing in one of the cups. "Fuck!" I said to myself as I walked over, taking out the paper and reading it.

"Three liquor shots." I shrugged before going to the kitchen, grabbing the liquor and a shot glass.

I filled the first one up, sighing as I realized what the hell is about to happen. I held my white claw in one hand while the other was holding the shot.

I quickly downed the shot, pouring another one before downing that one too. As I poured the last one Oscar walked over and tried to get all big with me.

"Oscar do you have a fucking death wish??" I asked as I held my last shot in my hand. "Here, take this!" I said, handing him the shot glass. "Hell nah dude! Fuck that!" Oscar replied, pushing the shot towards me.

I quickly downed it before tossing the glass onto the table and walking towards everyone.

I grabbed the ball, smirking a little bit as I didn't hesitate on who I was gonna pick.

"Kian!" I said before shooting it, flipping him off as it went in. "Yea fuck you bitch!" I said before backing away, groaning as he read off lime juice.

JC got fish taped to his face, Danny got some really spicy shit, and now Kian is doing the dust bunny which sounds nasty as fuck.

I stood in front of Kian as he put the dust and shit into his mouth, sticking his tongue out to show everyone.

"*gags* fucking- *gags*" I gagged as I ran away, going back to Corey's corner where I'd be safe from the gross shit.

Sebastian got a wedgie, Danny tried to pick a fight with me, that was not good.

"Danny shut the fuck up you 16 year old pussy!" I said as I took the ball from someone. "Ok if I'm a 16 year old you're a fucking midget!" Danny fired back.

"Crawford!" I said as I shot the ball, missing the cup sadly. "Danny I will beat the shit outta you if you don't shut the fuck up!" I said as I moved out of the way for Crawford to do his shot.

"Do it then." Danny said making me smirk. I looked up to see Will shaking his head at Danny, trying to warn him.

"Beat the shit outta me Cameron!"

I didn't hesitate to literally tackle his ass to the ground, getting him into a chokehold, telling him to tap out cause I had his arms pinned with my legs.

He tapped so that's good.

Brian shot a shot for Oscar and made it so now he gets to throw an egg at Oscar.

As Brian and them were getting ready to throw the egg I went and snatched one myself, knowing damn well I was boutta chuck that shit at his ass.

I stood next to Crawford as Brian told him to turn around. Finally Brian threw the egg before like a second after him I threw mine.

"Who threw the other one?" Oscar asked as I leaned up against Crawford.

Oscar kept asking who threw the second one and I was just standing next to Crawford laughing with everyone else.

"It's bleeding bruh!" JC said in a voice that put me on my ass. That shit was fucking funny.

"Will, you're my friend right? Who threw the second one?" Oscar asked as will, Crawford, and I were all standing by the back door.

Oscar walked towards us, standing on the step and turning to me, looking down at me. "Will you bitch!" I yelled before I stepped away sighing sadly because Will ratted me out.

"How do you feel?" Jake asked as he pointed the camera at me. "If I saw him in the streets I wouldn't even know his name." I said before trudging away.

"She's so sad!" JC laughed. "They call me 6ix9ine." Will said before I whipped around and flipped him off before turning back around and walking to the couch, face planting onto it.

My name didn't get called at all the rest of the game so I just stayed face first on the couch until everyone was done.

"Baby what the fuck are you doing?" Crawford asked making me sit up and look at him. "Vibing!" I said making him laugh before he legit picked me up and carried me upstairs.

He set me down on the bed before hanging my flag on the wall to dry before I sat in the bed and Crawford went to stream.

I ended up streaming with him for a little bit but then I just ended up going to bed. It was a pretty fun night.

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