Chapter 28

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Cameron's pov

I was chilling on JC's couch in his room, just watching Criminal Minds with Chelsey when JC and Crawford walked in with Oscar and Will.

"What's up?" I asked as I paused the show.

"Oscar and Will are moving in, and we wanted to know, if you would like to move in with us too. We know Zach moved out and you don't like being by yourself especially with what's going on right now, but we just wanted to put that offer on the table for ya!" JC said.

I smiled at the boys in front of me, thinking a little bit.

"Wait are you serious??" I asked, sitting up more making the boys laugh and nod. "Oh my god yea! I would love too!" I said with a smile before the boys and Chelsey started cheering making me laugh.

We all stood up and group hugged.

"I gotta put my apartment up, give back the keys, move everything out, all that good stuff you know?" I said making the boys chuckle.

"We know! You can put your apartment up today, and we can get you moved out tomorrow or something." Crawford said.

"Ok!" I shrugged before standing up.

-a week later-

Well, I'm officially moved in, I've got a split of the rent and Crawford and I share Corey's old room, Oscar got Crawford's room, and Will has JC's old streaming room.

I was sitting at Crawford and I's desk, sketching in my notebook. I finished what I was doing after working on it since 4 this morning when I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. I've made two art pieces of Corey, the one I was working on and then another one.

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The canvas is hanging on the wall in Corey's corner and now I'm gonna tape this one up there too

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The canvas is hanging on the wall in Corey's corner and now I'm gonna tape this one up there too.

I carefully ripped the page out of the notebook and headed downstairs.

"Hey Cam!" Dyl said as I walked into the ping pong room. "Hey Dyl! What's up?" I asked as I taped the sketch onto the wall.

"Not much, did you draw that?" He asked, pointing at my sketch I just drew. "Yea! Took me since four this morning but yea, I made that one." I said with a smile as I stood back and admired Corey's corner.

My savior//a Corey La Barrie/Crawford Collins fanfic Where stories live. Discover now