Cameron's pov
I woke up feeling like total shit. I crawled outta bed and changed into a pair of American Eagle boxers and a blue virginity rocks hoodie.
I pulled my hair into a messy bun and put my hood up, my bun sticking out of the top. I then walked downstairs and to the kitchen.
"Hey Cam! You good?" Oscar asked. I didn't say anything, I just nodded as I opened the fridge. "You sure? You don't look too good." He said.
"I'm fine." I said, my voice hoarse as shit. "Damn, you got carona?" He asked making me laugh and shake my head. "I think it's just a cold." I said as I grabbed an iced coffee that I put in there from yesterday.
I took a drink and went upstairs, laying in bed and turning on the tv, turning on Criminal Minds.
As I was watching the tv I felt my stomach start to turn before my mouth started watering. I quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom, emptying my entire stomach into the toilet.
I coughed at the burning sensation, my eyes watering as it just fucking hurt.
Once I was done I flushed the toilet and stood up, going to the sink to rinse out my mouth but right as I stood up everything felt woozy before I went down.
Crawford's pov
We were filming a video for the Corey and Crawford channel. We were doing c4 house trivia.
"Also guys, yes we know Cameron isn't here, she's not feeling good so she's upstairs laying down probably watching Criminal Minds or something." I laughed before we went on with the video.
In like the middle of filming we all heard Cameron upstairs throwing up. We all went quiet making sure she's ok before we heard the toilet flush.
We all sighed before we heard a loud noise, like she fell or something. I jumped up, jumping over the coffee table and sprinting upstairs with everybody else.
I ran into my room and found her in the bathroom, laying in the floor.
"Bub!? Wake up!!" I said, tapping her cheek. She stirred before her eyes fluttered open and I sighed, tears in my eyes. "Oh thank god. Baby, are you ok?" I asked as she looked up at everyone, nodding as she sat up slowly.
Cameron's pov
"I just got lightheaded I guess, I should probably lay down." I said softly as Crawford helped me up. "I'm good guys I promise." I said before Crawford basically tucked me into the bed while everyone else left.
"I'll come back after filming and cuddle, ok?" Crawford said making me nod as I was already falling back asleep.
He quickly kissed my temple before leaving the room just as I feel back asleep.
-time skip-
I woke up to the bed sinking next to me. I slowly turned and opened my eyes, seeing Crawford's pretty face smiling at me. I smiled softly before cuddling into his chest, wrapping my arms tightly around him.
"You feeling any better bub?" Crawford asked asked he kissed my head. "Eh, my throat hurt a little this morning but it doesn't anymore, but I keep feeling like I'm gonna throw up and when I go to the bathroom I sometimes just dry heave or throw up nasty ass stomach acid cause I haven't ate today." I said, my eyes closed as I listened to Crawford's heartbeat.
"I'm sorry babes, do you want me to order you something?" He asked. I shook my head before Crawford nodded and pulled me close.
We both ended up just falling asleep.
-that night-
I sat in the bed before smiling as Crawford walked into the room with our sushi, shutting the door behind him before sitting next to me.
I grabbed mine and opened it up. The smell of the fish hit me and I gagged, quickly closing it and running to the bathroom, holding my hand over my mouth before I fell to the floor and threw up again.
"I thought you were doing fine?" Crawford asked as he walked over to me, rubbing my back.
"I thought I was too and then the smell of fish just like got me," I said, kinda sad because I wanted sushi.
"You want me to make you something? I'm sure we have like ramen, or I could go to the store." Crawford said as I flushed the toilet and walked to the sink.
"No baby it's fine." I said before rinsing out my mouth and walking back to the bed.
I crawled in and laid down before Crawford laid down next to me. I turned on the ranch and we both just watched in quiet.
-that night; 4:25am-
I woke up to sharp pains in my stomach. I thought they were just cramps because sometimes I get nausea and cramps before I started my period, but to be honest, this hurts way too much to be cramps.
I moved my legs and something didn't feel right. I moved the blankets and saw blood between my legs. I quickly grabbed my phone and went onto my period tracker, seeing that I should've started it two weeks ago.
I turned to Crawford and shook him awake. "Crawford!!" I said before I doubled over in pain, groaning lowly. Crawford quickly stood up and pulled on some socks and a hoodie before he stood in front of me. "What's happening??" He asked, panicking.
"I don't know, this isn't my period Crawf! I think I need to go to the hospital!" I groaned, still holding my stomach in pain.
Crawford nodded and grabbed a towel that was folded up before he grabbed his keys and phone and my phone before he picked me up bridal style and carried me downstairs, out the door and to my car. He put the towel on the seat before placing me onto it.
At this point I was sobbing, I didn't know what was going on, I've never felt like this and it was scaring the shit out of me, especially because I was bleeding at the same time.
I got my phone out and decided to call my aunt.
I put the phone to my ear as Crawford sped to the hospital.
"Why're you calling me at almost 5 in the morning?" She asked. "Jen somethings wrong. My period was supposed to start two weeks ago and I've been throwing up and getting lightheaded all day and I woke up like 20 minutes ago and I'm bleeding and my stomach hurts! I don't know what's happening so Crawford's driving me to the hospital right now." I sobbed.
"Hunny. You said your period was supposed to start two weeks ago, you were throwing up and getting lightheaded all day, could've been morning sickness, now you're waking up in the middle of the night, bleeding and in pain. The only thing I can think of is I think you might be having a miscarriage Cameron."
My breath hitched in my throat as I realized she could be right. "A m-miscarriage?" I asked making Crawford whip his head around.
"A what!?" He asked but I tuned him out, putting a hand on my stomach and looking down at it. "A what baby!? Please c'mon Cam answer me! I gotta know!" He said, clearly distraught as we parked at the emergency room.
"She s-said my symptoms show signs of a miscarriage." I said softly. His face turned sad before we both got out and he helped me inside.
"Hi, um, I think I might be having a miscarriage," I said with tears in my eyes. "Ok ma'am, if you would follow me, we'll get you going." She said.
God please don't let this be true.

My savior//a Corey La Barrie/Crawford Collins fanfic
FanfictionCameron Blakely was a normal girl growing up. She moved to la with her older brother Jared when one night, Jared died in a drunk driving accident. Ever since then, Cameron was barely able to fight for herself. She house hopped, partied, and even liv...