Chapter 48

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Cameron's pov

I held our baby girl against my chest, bouncing her softly as Crawford sat down at the end of the bed, setting up the camera.

Today we're doing our name reveal, everyone's already met the baby and we've posted her on Instagram but we wanted the name to be a surprise because it's really unique and some may say weird.

But these are our Instagram posts.


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Cam.Blakely- please welcome our beautiful baby girl to the world. We're not sharing her name yet because we're gonna be making a video about it, so yea. 🤍

7lbs 8oz

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Crawfordcollins- 08-14-21 best day of my entire life 🤍

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Crawfordcollins- 08-14-21 best day of my entire life 🤍

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"You ready babe?" Crawford asked making me nod before I pushed my glasses more up my nose.

I carefully placed the baby into her crib before walking over and sitting next to Crawford.

I didn't notice he pressed record as I placed my head on his shoulder, smiling softly as he kissed my head a couple times.

"Oh shit is it recording??" I laughed as I looked at the camera. Crawford laughed and said yea which made me laugh a little harder.

"Ok! Well what's up guys it's Crawford Collins here and I'm with my fiancé Cameron!" Crawford said making me smile and wave.

"So basically, today we're here to announce our baby girls name because we both decided this name because it tributes to two of the people in our lives that we've lost." I said before the baby started to get fussy.

I stood up and walked over to the crib, picking the baby up and holding her against my chest, bouncing her slightly as I softly shushed her.

I then held her in my arms, sitting back down next to Crawford before we continued the video.

"So Cameron and I, like, her whole pregnancy were thinking about names. I wanted a bit of a tribute to Corey and she wanted a bit of a tribute to her brother, so we decided, why not do both." Crawford explained.

"Do you wanna say the name on three?" Crawford asked, turning to me which made me look up with a soft smile.

I nodded before holding the baby out to the camera.

"Ok, everybody meet our baby girl..." Crawford trailed off, looking at me.

"Barrie Cerise Collins." We said at the same time.

I smiled before kissing Barrie's cheek, both Crawford and I smiling at our baby girl.

Crawford took Barrie from me, holding her in his arms as I started to talk.

"So, first, you guys probably know the name Barrie tributes to our best friend Corey La Barrie who died about a year or so ago and the name cerise is a tribute to my brother who passed away when I was 19. The name cerise is French for cherry and that was my brothers favorite fruit, we'd always have a bag or two of cherries in our fridge when he was alive."

"Also, yes I know you guys are probably like, "why the hell would you name your kid Barrie?" But we just really like the name and I know that this will probably be on tiktok of the weirdest celebrity kids names, but to be honest, we don't care. Her name is beautiful." I said, ending with a smile.

Out of nowhere the door bursts open revealing JC Caylen himself. "Alright gimme Barrie, I need a serotonin boost!" He demanded making Crawford and I laugh before I took Barrie from Crawford and stood up, passing her off to JC.

"If she gets fussy there's milk in the freezer just ask Brian to help you because I taught him how to do it already." I said before also handing him her pacifier and blankie.

He nodded before taking Barrie and leaving the room, shutting the door behind him as I sat back down, this time on Crawford's lap.

"So everybody, that was our name reveal, we really hope you guys like it, also like comment and subscribe, I'm not sure if I will be posting that often due to having the baby now, but I will try. Go subscribe to Cameron and follow both of us on all our social media's they will be linked in the description. But anyways, we will see you guys next time. Peace!" Crawford said before I waved goodbye and he shut the camera off.

"Ok, while the boys have Barrie, let's take a nap!" I said quickly making Crawford laugh before putting his camera away and crawling into the bed with me, both of us quickly falling asleep.

-later that day-

I held Barrie against my chest as I grabbed my plate of pizza, taking it to the living room where everyone was at.

I sat down crisscrossed on the love sac, placing Barrie on my legs as I talked to everyone, eating my pizza at the same time.

"Dude everybody on Twitter and stuff keeps asking me if you and Crawford are moving out!" JC said with a laugh.

"Bruh everybody keeps asking me the same fucking thing!" I said, taking the last bite of my pizza.

Barrie started to cry so I handed my empty plate to Crawford before picking her up and carrying her upstairs.

I shut the door behind me before sitting down on the bed, pulling up my baggy t shirt, letting her latch on before I started to sing softly, rocking her slightly.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." I sang softly, looking down at the beautiful baby Crawford and I created.

3rd person pov

A couple minutes later Cameron was laying on her back with Barrie on her chest, both sleeping soundly. Crawford walked in, softly shutting the door behind him before smiling at his two girls.

He carefully picked Barrie up before placing her into her crib. He then quickly and quietly changed into some shorts, leaving his shirt off before he crawled into bed next to his fiancé.

He then pulled her into his arms, kissing her softly before he himself fell asleep.

My savior//a Corey La Barrie/Crawford Collins fanfic Where stories live. Discover now