Chapter 13

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Cameron's pov

I walked into Corey's house, going to his room to find Crawford, Daniel, and Oscar.

I sat down on Crawford's lap, draping an arm over his shoulders as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

I got my phone out and texted Corey.

Baddest bitch🤪-
Hey dude, can you bring me a water? I got hella cotton mouth.

Koyrie🇦🇺💙👼- Yea sure

I texted back a thank you before laying back in Corey's bed. I sat on my phone, scrolling through Instagram before Corey walked in.

He tossed me a water bottle and I thanked him before sitting up and talking a drink. "We're just waiting on bari to get here, he said he's on his way." Corey said.

We all nodded before starting to just talk about random things. "So are you guys dating yet?" Oscar asked making Corey, Crawford, and I all laugh.

"Oscar, on the 11th, they would now be dating for a month, like how the fuck did you not know that??" Corey laughed.

Oscars jaw dropped as he turned towards us before we all started laughing again.

"Yo what'd I miss?" Bari asked as he walked into the room. "Oscar didn't know Crawford and Cameron are dating." Daniel said.

"Really?" Bari asked making us all laugh before we all got up and got situated for Corey's video.

Corey got his camera set up before I ducked behind him next to Daniel. Cory pressed record and started talking.

"What's up guys, welcome back to my channel, I am doing something a little different today. I'm gonna rerenovate my room."

Right as he was saying that he was gonna renovate his room Daniel and I popped up on either side of his head and then went back down.

Everyone laughed before Corey gave up and told them he has quests.

Corey then talked to his camera, showing them what we're gonna do when I noticed Bari was holding a Corbyn doll.

"Oh my god it's Corbyn." I said as I took it from him for a second. "Daniel, if you think this is you, you clearly don't know who you are because this one has green eyes, it's Corbyn." I said making Daniel laugh.

"Oh my god it is." He said.

I swear to god we can not all be in the same room with each other and be serious. Fucking Daniels playing with a toy, Oscar's being captain America in the window, Crawford is messing with the Corbyn doll and I guess Bari isn't really doing anything.

We finally got the camera back on the tripod and we were getting the shelf things out of the boxes. I sat down on the floor so I wouldn't get trampled by the five beefy guys.

As I was sitting there, patiently waiting to get started on one someone smacked me in the head with something. "Ow cocksucker!" I said to Crawford, holding my head.

I grabbed his hand and yanked him down, basically tackling him before we started wrestling on Corey's clothes.

"Hey hey!! Not on my clothes!" Corey yelled making Crawford and I laugh before dabbing each other up and getting back to work.

My savior//a Corey La Barrie/Crawford Collins fanfic Where stories live. Discover now