Cameron's pov
"Get out Cameron!! Go!!" Crawford screamed. "No!! I'm not just gonna leave and not fucking talk about this!! You're getting pissed off at me for no reason and we need to talk it out!!" I yelled back.
"I don't wanna fucking talk to you Cameron!! I don't even wanna fucking see you right now!!"
"I did nothing wrong Crawford!!"
"Just get out!! Please Cameron!!" Crawford yelled once again. I groaned in frustration before grabbing my things, slipping on my shoes before storming out of the room, slamming the door behind me before leaving out the front door, getting in my car and speeding away from the house.
I didn't know where to go so I just drove to a park, parking in the parking lot before sitting there, thinking about everything that just went down.
I walked into the house, saying hi to Barrie as I shut the front door. "Oh hi Barrie! How are you today? Have you had fun today?" I asked as I pet him, squatting down to his level.
"Cameron?" Crawford asked from the railing. "Hi baby!" I said with a smile before kissing Barrie's head and walking upstairs.
I went to hug Crawford before he turned away, walking into our room. I followed him into the room, shutting the door behind us.
"Bub what's wrong?" I asked. "Where'd you go last night?" He asked, crossing his arms.
"I went to the traphouse and I ended up drinking too much so I just crashed on one of the love sacs." I said truthfully.
"That's not what I heard." He said. "Well what did you hear? Did you hear I was naughty or something?" I asked as I crawled across the bed to him, sitting on my knees in front of him.
"Cause if that's what you heard, maybe you should punish me." I whispered seductively as I went for his belt.
"Cameron stop!" Crawford said, pushing my hand away before moving to the front of the bed.
"Ok now I'm confused, baby what'd you hear?" I asked, moving to sit in front of him, my legs off the bed. (Don't come for me for this part!! I love Nezza and everything about her!! #CREZZA)
"Nezza told me you went out with some guy last night." He said. "Ok well that's false, you can ask Sam, Colby, Corey, Jake, Tara, Kat, Reggie, and Kevin. Ask them all, I was at the trap house last night." I said.
"Why would Nezza lie to me!?" Crawford was starting to grow even angrier. "I don't know maybe because she's fucking obsessed with you!? She's in love with you Crawford!! She does everything she can to sit next to you, to hang out with you, she wants you Crawford." I said, holding back the tears.
Everything basically just excelled from then.
Back to reality
I sat in my car, sobbing as when I look at you by Miley Cyrus blared.
I paused my song before picking up my phone and calling Colby.
"Hey Cam!" He said. "Can you please tell Crawford I was at your house? Fucking Nezza told him I went out with a guy last night and he just kicked me out and I don't have anything to prove I was there last night other than all the videos you guys took because I lost my phone after like five minutes of being at your house!!" I sobbed.
"Look, I'll talk to him, ok? Calm down, ok? Do you need somewhere to go? Where are you?" He said.
"I'm literally sitting at a park, rolling a blunt because I just need something!" I sobbed as I rolled up a blunt.
"Cameron, go home and talk to him. I'll send you the videos from last night so you can prove you were here last night but don't let this stupid argument fuck everything up, ok?" Colby said.
I choked out an ok before putting the blunt I just rolled into a baggy before calming myself down and going back home.
I pulled up to the house and parked before getting out and going inside, walking upstairs to our room.
I walked in to see Nezza holding Crawford as he sobbed. "Get the fuck out!!" I yelled making both of them jump.
"You wanna come in here and try to ruin my relationship!? No!! Get the fuck out!!" I yelled. "No, she's the one comforting me!!" Crawford yelled.
I grabbed Nezza by the hair, yanking her off the bed and pushing her out of the room.
"Ow!! Get off me bitch!" She screamed.
I let her go before backing away, knowing that if I fight her it's not gonna fix anything.
"I've trusted you Nezza!! And now you're trying to take away the only thing that matters to me anymore!? Without Crawford I wouldn't be here!! Crawford found me after I overdosed, Crawford held me while I cried myself to sleep after Corey, Crawford has been there through everything and he's the only thing keeping me going!! I get that you're in love with him, but I can't go on without him!!" I yelled, tears falling from my eyes.
"You treat him like shit Cameron!!" She yelled back.
The audacity of this bitch!!
"How!? Please fucking inform me cause I love that boy with every little thing I have left of me!!"
She didn't know what to say, she stood there speechless. "Exactly!! Now please," I said, calming down and getting quieter. "Stop trying to take away the only thing that matters to me."
She backed away before running out of the house. I turned towards Crawford who was standing there astonished.
"Please Crawford-" I said, walking over, only to get a door in my face. I stopped, standing there like an idiot as I felt my heart shatter.
I slowly turned and slid down the door like a cheesy high school movie before shoving my head into my hands, sobbing quietly to myself.
I don't know what to do at this point. I probably just fucked everything between Crawford and I up and I just don't know what to do.
I slowly curled up into a ball and somehow cried myself to sleep.
-an hour later-
Crawford's pov
I sat on the bed, not knowing what to do. I don't want to lose Cameron, she means everything to me.
I finally came to my senses before getting up and opening the door, seeing Cameron asleep on the floor.
I sighed and carefully picked her up, carrying her into the room, shutting the door with my foot before laying her on the bed.
I then changed her into a t shirt and some underwear, taking her bra off cause I know she doesn't like to sleep in bras before covering her with the blankets.
I then crawled in next to her and pulled her into me, kissing her forehead before slowly falling asleep.

My savior//a Corey La Barrie/Crawford Collins fanfic
FanfictionCameron Blakely was a normal girl growing up. She moved to la with her older brother Jared when one night, Jared died in a drunk driving accident. Ever since then, Cameron was barely able to fight for herself. She house hopped, partied, and even liv...